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1、本科毕业设计(论文)说明书 广州富力唐宁花园促销策略研究 系 别 经济管理学院 专业班级 08市场营销专业汽车营销班学生姓名 指导教师 提交日期 2012年5月 15日 V摘要自从中国改革开放以来,房地产行业飞速发展,项目开发公司、物业服务管理公司、营销外包服务公司等企业已经构成行业完整体系。而站在最前沿的广州一直是房地产开发的宝地,富力地产也应运而生。然而,正因为行业发展迅速,行业法律法规、营销服务水平未能满足市场发展的需求,发展过程中存在一些问题,不利于行业的健康发展,房价涨速过快就是问题的表现之一。为促进房地产行业和社会经济健康发展,近年来政府反复出台调控政策,2011年开始调控方向逐趋


3、客户为导向的高匹配差异化促销策略。希望本文对富力唐宁花园的促销策略的研究和结论,可以为项目正在进行的促销工作提供参考意见,完成销售目标,为富力地产发展高端物业的企业战略建立范例,也能给同行业的企业制定促销策略提供借鉴。关键词:房地产,商品住宅,市场细分,促销策略AbstractRapid development of real estate industry since China since the reform and opening up.Real estate industry system has been formed, including real estate develope

4、rs, property management company, marketing service outsourcing service company and so on.With stand in the forefront of the guangzhou has been in the real estate development of mecca,R&F also arises at the historic moment. However, industry laws and regulations can not catch up with the the real est

5、ate industry is developing rapidly and marketing service level failed to meet the needs of the development of the market. There exist some problems in the process of the development, to the detriment of the healthy development of the industry. House prices rose too fast speed is one of the symptoms

6、of problems.In order to promote the healthy development of economy and the real estate industry the government introduced repeatedly control policy in recent years especially 2011. The countrys major cities affected home sales, property prices appear certain declined. Part of the developer tightenin

7、g in the capital, the whole field started in winter and TangNing was come. We need to solve the problem for effective marketing to break through the fierce competition and policy control environment of the besieged to achieve sales target, strategic goals.In this paper, TangNing promotion as the res

8、earch object.Through the work in practice, investigation, thinking, combined with secondhand data analysis ,R&F the internal and external environment and resources downing garden strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. At last, according to downing garden promotion strategy that present si

9、tuation, this paper puts forward the special advantage of a project as the starting point, target customer oriented marketing strategy high matching differentiation.I hope that this paper to R&F downing garden promotion strategy research and the conclusion, for the project is to provide reference pr

10、omotion opinion, achieve sales target and strategic goals. For R&F real estate development enterprise strategy of high-end property establish example, also can give the same industry enterprises to make promotion strategy for reference.Key words: Real estate, Commodity residential house, Market segm

11、entation,Promotion strategy目录摘要IAbstractII目录III第一章 绪 论11.1研究背景与意义11.1.1研究背景11.1.2研究意义21.2研究目标与内容31.2.1 研究目标31.2.2 研究内容31.3文献综述41.3.1 房地产研究相关理论41.3.2 促销的相关研究91.3.3 市场营销相关理论101.4论文创新点与研究方法111.4.1论文创新点111.4.2研究方法11第二章 富力地产股份有限公司概况122.1广州富力地产股份有限公司发展历程与经营理念122.1.1 广州富力地产股份有限公司发展历程122.1.2广州富力地产股份有限公司经营理念

12、142.2广州富力地产股份有限公司业务概况162.2.1广州富力地产股份有限公司经营范围162.2.2富力地产唐宁花园项目产品概况192.2.3富力地产销售状况212.3公司人员及组织架构232.3.1公司人员及组织架构232.3.2富力唐宁花园项目人员及组织架构242.4公司财务状况252.5本章小结27第三章 营销环境分析283.1宏观环境分析283.1.1人口因素283.1.2经济因素293.1.3自然因素323.1.4政治与法律因素333.1.6社会文化环境393.2竞争环境分析393.2.1行业竞争者393.2.2项目竞争者423.3需求环境分析453.3.1需求状况分析453.3.

13、2需求行为分析463.3.3唐宁花园客户特征分析493.4 SWOT分析523.4.1项目机会523.4.2项目威胁533.4.3项目优势533.4.4项目劣势553.4.5 项目SWOT分析553.5 本章小结56第四章 营销战略与目标市场选择574.1营销战略574.1.1营销战略选择574.1.2公司使命584.1.2公司战略目标594.2市场细分与目标市场选择604.2.1市场细分604.2.2目标市场选择634.2.2 产品定位644.3 本章小结65第五章 促销组合策略665.1广告策略665.1.1告创意策略665.1.2广告传播策略675.1.3印刷媒体685.1.4 视频广告

14、765.1.5 网络广告775.2人员推销策略785.2.1 人员推销团队建设785.2.2 销售人员招聘795.2.3 销售人员培训805.2.4 人员推销计划815.2.5 人员绩效考核激励825.3 营业推广策略865.3.1 赠送促销推广865.3.2 折价券推广875.3.3 抽奖促销推广875.3.4现场演示915.3.5 联合推广945.3.6会议促销955.4 公共关系策略975.4.1媒体公共关系与社区公关关系975.4.2富力微公益985.5 本章小结101结论102参考文献103致谢104第一章 绪论第一章 绪 论1.1研究背景与意义1.1.1研究背景在改革开放的背景下,我国自从1981年开始在深圳和广州开始实施商品房开发的试点以来,房地产行业飞速发展。到目前为止,全国房地产企业已达到3万多家,房地产行业从业人员已突破1000万人,并且出现了一大批优秀楼盘和高素质的房地产开发、经营与管理人才。除房地产开发业外,十年来,还逐步形成了以评估、经纪、咨询为内容的房地产中介业,以及以经营管理楼宇、小区为主的物业管理业,从而形成了较为完整的中国房地产业的产业构架体系。据国家统计局统计显示,2010年,全国房地产开发投资48267亿元,比上年增长33.2%,其中,商品住宅投资34038亿元,增长32.9%,占房地产开发投资的比重为70.5%。12月当月,房地



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