三年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 Let's colour it(第1课时)︱教科版(广州)

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1、Unit 2 Lets colour it,义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 三年级下册 Module 1 Colours,Period 1,指导:市教研室 赵淑红 制作:海中小学 曾丽娜 审核:沙面小学 杨颖珊,U2 Lets colour it,唱书本第6页歌曲,hair,nose,hands,legs,eyes,ears,mouth,feet,eyes,玩一个TPR的游戏,如Simon says,目的是复习身体部位单词。也可以做一个将身体部位单词贴到人偶相应部位的活动(如图)。,呈现一只蜡笔,问学生:Whats this? 从而呈现crayon这个单词,学生适当操练。,复习与呈现:逐一呈现不

2、同颜色的蜡笔,询问学生What colour is the crayon?学生答:Its .,从而复习已学颜色单词,同时巩 固crayon这个单词。已学颜色都呈现完后,逐一呈现本 单元新的颜色单词相应的蜡笔,从而呈现新颜色单词。,green,blue,根据指针所指位置大声读出颜色单词,操练新单词:1)转盘游戏操练新颜色单词; 2)或大小声游戏或藏物游戏等操练新学单词。,转盘游戏玩法之一:学生分组,各选一种新学颜色,老师让转盘转动,最后指针停在哪里个颜色上,相应小组就得分。为使自己组得分,转盘转动过程中该小组同学要大声反复喊出自己组的颜色。,呈现一张彩色的小丑的图片,说Look at this

3、picture. This is a face, a funny face. 从而呈现look at 及funny.根据学生程度判断是否需要用book和bus来帮助学习生词look, funny。适当解释funny的意思。(学生应该可以直接上口学会这两个比较简单册单词的),Look at the face. What a funny face!,Look at the nose. What a funny nose!,Look at the mouth. What funny mouth!,Look at the hair. . What funny hair!,Look at the hat

4、. What a funny hat!,Lets chant.,小诗歌巩固look at与funny。,Look at the face. What a funny face!,再呈现一张无色的小丑图片(如左)贴在黑板上,说Look at this picture. This is a funny face, too. But it has no colour(伴随摇头). 然后边取蜡笔,边说:Lets colour it.,老师一边拿蜡笔涂色,一边缓慢而清晰地说Lets colour the nose red / the eyes green.,打印这张无色小丑图,学生两人小组合作涂色,一个

5、说指令,一个涂色。完成后老师可以选一两幅展示并问:Look at the face. Is it a funny face?,Jiamin and Xiaoling have a funny face too. What colour is the face? Lets look and listen.,1)课文对话,学生看完后答问:What colour is the hat? What colour is the nose? 2)让学生自己拼读hat. 并贴出相应帽子图片,结合颜色操练,如 a green hat, a yellow hat, a brown hat, a black ha

6、t等。 3)学生跟读和分角色练读课文。,Look _this _ . Oh, its a _ face. I_ _. Lets _ _. O_! Lets _ the _ _. OK. A_ lets _ the _ _. Thats _.,at,picture,colour,crayons,it,have,red,K,nose,colour,green,hat,colour,nd,funny,good,帮学生记忆课文对话。,学生能流利朗读课文后, 说:Look at this funny face. Now the nose is red, the hat is green. What ab

7、out the hair, mouth and eyes? Lets help Jiamin and Xiaoling colour the face. 让后让学生用Lets colour . .来帮小丑上完颜色。 邀请部分同学上讲台展示自己的小丑,并介绍:Look at this funny face. Look at nose, it is red. Look at the hair, it is green.,在学生理解和流利朗读课文基础上,从这里开始发展性练习。,呈现一串无色的蜡笔图片,用真的蜡笔给画中的蜡笔逐一上色(主要是新学的颜色),边涂边说:Lets colour the cra

8、yon . 让学生逐一描述上了颜色的蜡笔: This is a green crayon. This is a purple crayon.,green,blue,green,blue,Look at the cat, lets colour the nose _. Look at the dog. Lets colour the eye _. Look at the bear. Lets colour the legs _. Look at the rabbit, Lets colour the tail _. Look at the dog. Lets colour the ear _. .,老师在黑板上张贴一张无色动物卡片,叫一位同学上台, 出示某种颜色卡纸(如黑色)给全班同学看(台上同学看不到老师的卡纸),同时指动物的某部位,全班根据卡纸颜色和老师所指的部位说指令Look at the cat. Lets colour the nose black. 讲台上面的学生执行指令。轮换同学上台,多次进行上述过程。最后学生描述上了颜色的动物。 .,Homework,1、听、读本课生词课文,签名 2、听写课本单词。,



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