风景园林(景观设计)专业英语(第二版)-王欣-补充材料 1 part1 补充材料Unit One

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风景园林(景观设计)专业英语(第二版)-王欣-补充材料 1 part1 补充材料Unit One_第1页
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《风景园林(景观设计)专业英语(第二版)-王欣-补充材料 1 part1 补充材料Unit One》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《风景园林(景观设计)专业英语(第二版)-王欣-补充材料 1 part1 补充材料Unit One(51页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、SPECIALIZED ENGLISH FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 园林专业英语,Wang Xin School of Landscape Architecture Zhejiang Forestry University 3.2007,基本介绍 课堂纪律和考核办法。 学习本课需补习的知识,本课在整个园林专业知识体系中的位置。(先学知识和后续知识) 本课的重要性,开场白 Introduction,本课要达到的教学要求: 1、了解西方现代风景园林设计概况 2、掌握英文资料和信息查阅方法。 3、能借助工具阅读英文专业文献,并从中获取有关信息。,本课主要内容: 1 西方现代

2、园林设计概述 8 2 西方现代园林的产生和发展 8 3 西方园林设计主要思潮和理论 8 4 园林设计 8 5 园林规划 8 合 计 40,学习方法: 主动、恒心、实践 参考资料: 1、John O. Simonds, Landscape Architecture, McGraw-Hill, 1997 (J.O. 西蒙兹,景观设计学,中国建筑工业出版社,2000 ) 2、Norman T. Newton, Design on the Land, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1971 3、王向荣 林箐,西方现代景观设计的理论和实践,

3、中国建筑工业出版社,2001 4、查尔斯.莫尔,风景,光明日报出版社,2000 5、ASLA,Landscape Architecture, 期刊 6、相关网站,UNIT ONE,LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT,SPECIALIZED ENGLISH,WANG XIN AUG. 2006,Harmony with the Living Earth,By J. O.Simonds,BACKGROUND: John Ormsbee Simonds (19132005),John Ormsbee Simonds, an influential landscape architect who

4、passed on of natural causes May 26, 2005 at his home in Ben Avon Heights, Penn., at the age of 92. Simonds, born in Jamestown, N.D., was the son of a Presbyterian pastor. He studied landscape architecture at Michigan State University, but left at the end of his junior year to travel the world, worki

5、ng as a seaman in the Pacific and living for a time in Borneo and Tibet.,Resuming his studies stateside, he graduated from Harvards Graduate School of Design in 1939, founding the firm Simonds and Simonds with his brother, Phillip, the same year. In 1970, Simonds and Simonds became Environmental Pla

6、nning and Design. Mr. Simonds worked there until 1983. In Pittsburgh, he designed Mellon Square, Equitable Plaza, the Civic Arena, Crawford Square, and many playgrounds and small parks. He also designed the Chicago Botanical Garden, four new towns, including Miami Lakes and Pelican Bay in Florida, a

7、nd was the planner of record for more than 80 planned communities.,Mellon Square,Chicago Botanical Garden,Miami Lakes,Miami Lakes,Mr. Simonds was on the faculty of Carnegie Mellon University for 13 years. He was a past president and fellow (1964) of the American Society of Landscape Architects. He r

8、eceived the ASLA Medal (1973) and the ASLAs Presidents Centennial Medal (1999) for “unparalleled contributions to landscape architecture and service to the ASLA in the 20th century.” He was also a fellow of the Royal Academy of Design in Great Britain.,Mr. Simonds is the author of a number of landsc

9、ape architectural texts, including: Landscape architecture: the shaping of mans natural environment, 1961 Earthscape: A manual of environmental planning, 1978 Landscape architecture: A manual of site planning and design, 1983 Garden cities 21: creating a livable urban environment, 1994 Lessons, 1999

10、 (ASLA press),John Ormsbee Simonds, a pioneering modernist landscape architect and one of the most prominent and influential of his generation. -IFLA,A past president and fellow of the American society of landscape architects, Mr. Simonds was awarded the groups highest honor, the ASLA medal, in 1973

11、. In 1999, he received the ASLAs presidents centennial medal, awarded for the first time “for unparalleled contributions to landscape architecture and service to the ASLA in the 20th century.“ He also was a fellow of the royal academy of design in great Britain.,In 1963, he wrote “landscape architec

12、ture,“ a widely used college textbook that has sold more than 100,000 copies. Its fourth edition is now in production. Mr. Simonds was on the faculty of Carnegie Mellon university for 13 years and a visiting lecturer at many schools in the united states and abroad.,GARDEN CITY,1、We are the victims o

13、f our own building.,2、We are born with a love for the feel and smell of rich, warm earth, the taste and sparkle of clear water, the refreshing coolness of foliage overhead, and the spacious blue dome of the sky.,3、It has been proposed by many sages that, other things being equal, the happiest person

14、 is one who lives in closest, fullest harmony with nature.,4、This can be achieved by modulating ground and structural forms with those of nature, by bringing hills, ravines, sunlight, water, plants, and air into our areas of planning concentration, and by thoughtfully and sympathetically spacing our

15、 structures among the hills, along the rivers and valleys, and out into the landscape.,5、Masterful planning examines each project in the light of an inspired and inspiring vision, solves each problem as a part of a total and compelling concept which, upon consideration, should be self-evident. State

16、d simply, a central objective of all physical planning is to create a more salubrious living environment a more secure, effective, pleasant, rewarding way of life.,By its very definition it must be dynamic and expanding, changing as our requirements change. All planning must, by reason, meet the measure of our physical dimensions. As planners, we deal not only with areas, spaces, and materials, not only with instincts and feeling, but also with ideas, the stuff of t


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