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1、Computer English,Chapter 9 The World Wide Web,理解万维网(World Wide Web)的工作原理; 能够描述Internet和万维网的特征及其服务; 了解学术论文写作的有关知识。,Requirements:,The invention of the Web brought an extraordinary expansion of digital services to millions of amateur computer users, including color text and pages, formatted text, pictu

2、res, animations, video, and sound. In short, the Web makes nearly all the rich elements of human expression needed to establish a commercial marketplace available to nontechnical computer users worldwide.,万维网的发明带来了为数以百万计的业余计算机使用者提供的数字化服务的非常扩展,包括彩色文本和网页、格式化文本、图片、动画、视频和声音。简而言之,万维网使建立商业化市场必需的人类表达方式的几乎所

3、有丰富要素对非技术计算机使用者成为可能。,New Words & Expressions animation n. 动画 browse v.n.浏览 Hypertext n. 超文本 protocol n. 草案, 协议,9.1 HYPERTEXT,9.1 HYPERTEXT,Web pages can be accessed through the Internet because the Web browser software operating your PC can request Web pages stored on an Internet host server using t

4、he HTTP protocol. Hypertext is a way of formatting pages with embedded links that connect documents to one another, and that also link pages to other objects such as sound, video, or animation files.,因为操作个人计算机的网络浏览器软件能使用HTTP协议对储存在因特网主机服务器上的一个网页发出请求,所以能通过因特网访问万维网网页。超文本是使用嵌入式链接形成格式化网页的一种方法,这些链接将文档彼此联结

5、,而且将网页链接到其他对象如声音、视频或动画文件。,9.1 HYPERTEXT,When you click on a graphic and a video clip plays, you have clicked on a hyperlink. For example, when you type a Web address in your browser such as http:/www.sec.gov, your browser sends an HTTP request to the sec.gov server requesting the home page of sec.go

6、v.,当你点击一个图形和一个视频剪辑播放按钮的时候,你在点击一个超链接。例如,当你在浏览器中键入一个网址,如 http:/www.sec.gov 的的时候,你的浏览器对sec.gov 服务器发出一个HTTP请求,请求 sec.gov的首页。,HTTP is the first set of letters at the start of every Web address, followed by the domain name. The domain name specifies the organizations server computer that is housing the do

7、cument. Most companies have a domain name that is the same as or closely related to their official corporate name. The directory path and document name are two more pieces of information within the Web address that help the browser track down the requested page. Together, the address is called a Uni

8、form Resource Locator, or URL. When typed into a browser, a URL tells it exactly where to look for the information.,HTTP是每个网址的第一个字母组合,位于网址的起始位置,紧跟着它的是域名。域名指定组织的服务器计算机,而文件收藏于服务器计算机之上。大多数公司有一个与其官方公司名字相同或接近的域名。目录路径和文件名在网址中是出现较多的两个信息,它帮助浏览器捕捉被请求的网页。同时,网址叫做统一资源定位符,或URL。当把网址键入一个浏览器内时,URL准确分辨到哪里找寻数据。,9.1 H

9、YPERTEXT,9.1 HYPERTEXT,The most common domain extensions currently available and officially sanctioned by ICANN are shown in the list below. Countries also have domain names such as .uk, .au, and .fr (United Kingdom, Australia, and France). Also shown in the list below are recently approved top-leve

10、l domains .biz and .info, as well as new domains under consideration. In the near future, this list will expand to include many more types of organizations and industries. 当前可以使用的最通用的、并被因特网域名与地址管理委员会正式认可的域扩展名见下面列表。国家也有域名如 .uk、.au和.fr(英国、澳洲和法国)。在下面列表中还有最近被核准的顶级域名.biz和.info和正在考虑的域。在不久的将来,这个列表还将扩大到包括更多

11、类型的组织和行业。,9.1 HYPERTEXT,.com Commercial organizations/businesses .edu Educational institutions .gov U.S. government agencies .mil U.S. military .net Network computers .org Nonprofit organizations and foundations New Top-Level Domains approved May 15, 2001: .biz business firms .info information provi

12、ders New Top-Level Domains proposed: .aero Air transport industry . .coop Cooperatives .museum Museums .name Individuals .pro Professionals,.com 商业的组织/企业 .edu 教育机构 .gov 美国政府机关 .mil 美国军队 .net 网络计算机 .org 非营利性组织和基础 2001年5月15日核准的新顶级域: .biz 商业公司 .info 信息供给者 计划中的新顶级域: .aero 航空运输工业。 .coop 合作团体 .museum 博物馆

13、.name 个人 .pro 专业人士,Although the most common Web page formatting language is HTML, the concept behind document formatting actually had its roots in the 1960s with the development of Generalized Markup Language (GML).,虽然最常见的网页格式化语言是HTML,实际上文档格式的概念早在20世纪60年代随着通用置标语言(GML)的发展就形成了。,9.2 Markup Languages,SG

14、ML. In 1986, the International Standards Organization adopted a variation of GML called Standard Generalized Markup Language, or SGML. The purpose of SGML was to help very large organizations format and categorize large collections of documents. The advantage of SGML is that it can run independent o

15、f any software program but, unfortunately, it is extremely complicated and difficult to learn. Probably for this reason, it has not been widely adopted.,SGML(标准通用置标语言)。在1986年,国际标准组织正式通过了GML的一种变体叫做标准通用置标语言,或SGML。SGML的目标是帮助特大型组织对大量文档格式化并归类。SGML的优点是它能独立于任何软件程序运行,但不幸的是,它极端复杂和难学。或许因为这个理由,它没有被广泛地采用。,HTML.

16、 HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a GML that is relatively easy to use. HTML provides Web page designers with a fixed set of markup “tags” that are used to format a Web page. When these tags are inserted into a Web page, they are read by the browser and interpreted into a page display. You can see the source HTML code for any Web page by simply clicking on the “Page Source” command found in all browsers.,HTML(超文本链接标示语言)。HTML是相对容易使用的一种GML。HTML为网页设计者提供一组固定的标示“标签”用于格式化网页。当这些



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