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1、新概念英语口语宝典第一册(15)英语辅导网:www.dd-1 Courtesy 礼貌对话 1A: Excuse me,but have you got the same design of the handbag in yellow?A:对不起,你们有同一款式颜色是黄色的这种手提包吗?B: Yes, we do. Just a moment, please. What about this one?B:是的,有的。请您稍候,这件怎么样?A: Oh, it is very nice,but the colour is a little darker. Do you have any white

2、ones in the same design?A:哦,这个挺好的,可是颜色有点深。有没有同款白颜色的?B: Yes,here you are.B:有的,给您。A: This colour fits me well. OK,Ill take it. Thank you.A:这个颜色很适合我。好了,我就买这件了。谢谢。对话 2A: Hurry up, or youll be late again.A:快点儿,不然你又要迟到了。B: Im coming.B:我来了。A: You cant keep them cooling their heels each time.A:你不能每次都让人久等。B:

3、 Dont worry,I wont this time.B:放心,这次不会了。王牌句型1.Excuse me.对不起。2.Sorry for the inconvenience.抱歉给您带来了不便。3.Youre welcome.别客气。4.My pleasure.不用谢。5.Hi, !,你好!(较随便)6.Hello, 你好!(较随便)7.Long time no see!好久不见啦!(较随便)8.It was good to see you.见到你很高兴。(通用)9.How do you do?(初次见面)你好!(较正式)10.Be my guest.客人先请。2-1 Thanks &

4、Responses 感谢与回答(1)对话 1A:Heres a present for your birthday.A:这是给你的生日礼物。B:Cheers!B:谢谢。A:Open it and see if you like it.A:打开看看喜不喜欢。B:Oh,dear! CD. Im much of a microphone hog.B:噢,哎呀! CD.我可是个麦霸呀。对话 2A:Miss Smith,heres a letter from your parents.A:史密斯小姐,你父母来信了。B:Ive been looking forward to it. Its here at

5、 last. Thanks a million.B:我一直在盼着,终于来了。多谢A: Thats OK.A:没什么。对话 3A: Its very good of you to show me the way.A:您给我带路真是太感谢了。B: Please dont mention it.B:请不用客气。A:Hope to see you again.A:希望能再见到您。B:See you!B:再见!王牌句型1.Thank you very much.非常感谢。2.Forget it!不客气。3.So many thanks!多谢。4.Not at all.不用谢。5.Thanks a lot

6、.十分感谢。6.Not a big deal for that.没什么大不了的。7.Thank you again/ever so much.再次感谢。8.You are welcome.愿意效劳。9.Thanks a million!感激不尽。10.Dont worry about it.别放在心上。2-2 Thanks & Responses 感谢及回答(2)对话 1A: Has David passed the entrance examination?A:戴维通过入学考试了吗?B:Yes. I really dont know how I can thank you enough.B:

7、通过了,真不知怎么感谢您才好。A: Im glad to be of some service.A:能为您帮点忙我很高兴。对话 2A:Thank you for informing me of the bad credit of the company.A:谢谢你告诉我那家公司信誉不好的情况。B:My pleasure.B:请不用客气。A:That saved me a large amount of money.A:这省了我一大笔钱。对话 3A:What else can I do for you?A:还有什么需要我帮忙的吗?B:Nothing more. I do appreciate y

8、our timely helpB:没什么了。非常感谢您的及时帮助。A: Its my pleasure.A:能帮你我很高兴。王牌句型1.Thank you so much.非常感谢你。(较随便)2.Great!好极了(较随便)3.Thank you for谢谢(通用)4.Thank you very much for非常感谢(通用)5.It is very good of you to您太感谢了(通用)6.Its so sweet of you to真太感谢你(通用)7.I really appreciate非常感谢(较正式)8.Its most thoughtful of you.你想得真周

9、到。(较正式)9.Youre most understanding.你真体谅人。(较正式)10.I do appreciate your timely help.感谢您的及时帮助。(较正式)11.Im glad to be of some service.很高兴能为您效劳。(较正式)12.Im much obliged to you.我非常感谢你。(较正式)3 Apologies & Replies 道歉及回答A:Oh, sorry!A:对不起。B:Its OK.A:Sorry about that!A:真抱歉。B:No problem.B:没事儿。A: Oh,no! Did I do tha

10、t? Im sorry.A:哦,不!我做过那种事吗?请原谅。B:Forget it.B:算了,别放在心上。A: Im sorry,I didnt mean it.A:对不起,我不是故意的。B: Dont worry about it.B:别在意。A: I beg your pardon.A:对不起,请再说遍。B:OK!B:好吧。A:Please excuse me for stepping on your foot.A:踩了您的脚,不好意思。B:Sure, no problem.B:没关系。A: Im terribly sorry,but Im afraid it is too late.A:

11、非常抱歉,我想太迟了。B: Thats all right. / Never mind.B:没关系。/别放在心上。A:Sorry. I didnt mean to annoy/hurt you.A:对不起,我原本没打算让你生气/没打算伤害你。B:It doesnt matter.B:没什么。A:Im awfully sorry to have broken your cup.A:真对不起打破了您的杯子。B:Oh, it cant be helped.B:算了,谁都在所难免。A:A thousand pardons for that, I promise itll never happen ag

12、ain.A:万分抱歉,我保证此类事不会再发生了。B:How did you do that, you should be more careful.B:你是怎么回事,你应该当心点。A:Im apologizing for my fault.A:为此我表示抱歉。B: Dont worry about it, its not your fault.B:没关系,那不是你的错。A:I do apologize to you for all the inconvenience I caused you.A:我很遗憾给您带来了不便。B:Oh,thats all right. It can happen t

13、o anyone.B:没事,任何人都会碰上麻烦的。A:I hope youll forgive me for hurting you like that.A:希望您能原谅我伤害了您。B: You dont need to apologize.B:别介意。A:I just dont know how to apologize for my delay.A:我迟了,我都不知如何表达我的歉意才好。B:There is no need to apologize for that.B:不必道歉,没关系。A:May I offer my heartiest apologies for that?A:我向您

14、表达最衷心的歉意。B:You really dont have anything to apologize for.B:你根本不必感到抱歉。A:Please accept my apologies for my wrong-doings.A:请接受我的道歉。B:Apology accepted./I understand it completely.B:我接受你的道歉。/我完全理解。王牌句型1.Sorry about that.这事真对不起。(较随便)2.A thousand pardons for.抱歉,抱歉。(较随便)3.I really feel bad about为我特别难受。(较随便)4.Sorry to.对不起.。(较随便)5.Im. sorry. 对不起了。(通用)6.I beg your pardon.对不起,重复一下好吗?(通用)7.Please excuse me for.对不起,请.。(通用)4-1 Getting or Expressing Opinions 征求表达意见对话1A:This is a beautiful dress. Dont you agree?A:这件连衣裙好漂



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