三年级英语下册 unit 2 lesson8 tigers and bears教案 冀教版(三起)

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《三年级英语下册 unit 2 lesson8 tigers and bears教案 冀教版(三起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级英语下册 unit 2 lesson8 tigers and bears教案 冀教版(三起)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson8 Tigers and Bears一、教学目标: 1. 知识目标: (1)学习动物词汇wolf ,tiger ,bear, snake;描述动物特征的词汇long , short. (2)会唱英语歌:Big and Small 2. 能力目标: (1)能够听、说、读、写wolf ,tiger ,bear, snake;认识并能听、说long , short. (2) 会唱英语歌:Big and Small (3)能够在真实情境中运用本课所学知识与人交流。 3. 情感目标: (1)保持学生持久的英语学习兴趣。 (2)教育学生热爱大自然,保护动物。 二、教学重点: wolf ,tig

2、er ,bear, snake, long, short 三、教学难点: 能够用所学单词描述动物特征,初步认识is, are的用法。. 四、教学准备: 动物卡片,自制幻灯片。 五、教学过程: Step1.Warming-up and Revision 1.Greetings and Free Talk 1) T: Hello! Boys and girls. S: Hello! Teacher.2) Revision Show some animal cards to revise some animals. Step2. Presentation and Practice 1. T: Tod

3、ay lets learn some more animals at the zoo.Look, this is a zoo. Listen carefully, who is coming? (大屏幕上呈现动物园的图片,让学生认真听老虎咆哮的声音,自然引出词汇tiger,教学tiger) (电脑屏幕上呈现狼的一部分,让学生去猜测, Who lives here?引出wolf。呈现熊的图片,教师问Look carefully, who is coming?引出bear)Read and spell the new words “wolf ,tiger ,bear, snake”.Ask and

4、 answer “What is it? It is a _. ” 2. PracticeT: There are some animal cards , if you know what it is, please stand up and say the name of the animal quickly. Lets see who is fast and correct? (出现动物图片,引导学生们说出它们的名字) 3. lets sing! 听英文歌“Big and small”。4. long or short (展示两条蛇的图片) 1).T: What are they? S:

5、Two snakes. T: Look, who can tell what the difference is?. S: T: Look, this snake is long. But that snake is short.( (呈现单词long short)2) Show pictures to practice “long/short” , show the sentences: “Its tail is_./ Its ears are _.3) Ask the students to make some sentences with “long/short”.4) Lets tal

6、k! Ask the students to describe two animals in groups of four. Then ask some students to describe it.Step3 letplay Guess animals : 1) Show some animal pictures , then ask the students to guess what it is. 2) Ask one student to come to the front, then the other students to describe it for her or him.

7、T: Animals are our friends. We should love animals for ever. Lets do it together. Step 4 Group Work Talk about your favorite animal and the reason in pairs, then ask someone to talk about it.Step5. Homework: 1. Try to describe the animal you like to your parents. 2. Draw a picture about your favorite animal.2


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