机电专业英语 中级 教学课件 PPT 作者 谭雪松 杨财荣 unit 10

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1、Unit 10 Modern Manufacturing,Text 1,TEXT 1 Robots,New Words and Phrases(生词和短语) Notes(课文注释) Reading Materials(阅读材料),New Words and Phrases (生词和短语),robot 5rEubCt n. 机器人 reprogrammable ri5prEugrAmEbl adj. 可改编程序的,可重编程的 multifunctional mlti5fkFEnEl adj. 多功能的 manipulator mE5nipjuleitE n. 操纵者,操纵器 specialize

2、d 5speFElaizd adj. 专门的 task t:sk n. 任务,作业 definition defi5niFEn n. 定义,解说 characteristic kAriktE5ristik n. 特性,特征 separate 5sepEreit v. 分开,隔离 industrial in5dstriEl adj. 工业的,产业的 firm fE:m n. 公司 accommodate E5kCmEdeit v. 适应,供给 critical 5kritikEl adj. 批评的,评论的,professionals prE5feFEnEl n. 内行,专业人士 joint dV

3、Cint n. 关节,接合点 actuator 5AktjueitE n. 执行机构 electric motor 电动机 hydraulic cylinder 液压缸 orientation C:rien5teiFEn n. 方向,方位 consequently 5kCnsikwEntli adv. 因此,所以 sensor 5sensE n. 传感器 context 5kCntekst n. 上下文 displacement dis5pleismEnt n. 位移,转移 arbitrary 5:bitrEri adj. 任意的,武断的 angular 5AgjElE adj. 有角的 ra

4、dian 5reidjEn n. 弧度 servo 5sE:vEu n. 伺服 current 5krEnt adj. 当前的 current affairs:时事新闻 welding robot 焊接机器人,Notes(课文注释),1 A robot is a reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a

5、variety of tasks.,翻译:机器人是一个可以改编程序的多功能操作器,被设计用来运送材料、零件、工具或者是通过运动程序能够完成多种作业的专用设备。,reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator:改编程序的多功能操作器。,2 It is these two characteristics that separate the true industrial robot from the various single-purpose machines used in modern manufacturing firms.,翻译:正是这两个特征将真正

6、的机器人与现代制造工厂中使用的单一用途的机器区分开来。,这是一个强调句型。Separatefrom:把两者分开。,3 The term “multifunctional” means that the robot can, through reprogramming and the use of different end-effectors, perform a number of different manufacturing tasks.,翻译:多功能”这个词意味着机器人能通过编程和使用不同的末端执行机构,来完成不同的制造工作。,end-effectors:末端执行机构。,4 In pr

7、actice, many robot applications do not require this full flexibility, and consequently, robots are often built with five or fewer actuators.,翻译:在实际应用中,许多机器人并不需要具有这种完全的灵活性,因此,机器人通常只有五个或更少的执行机构。,5 Given the current position and/or velocity of an actuator, determine the appropriate drive signal to move

8、 that actuator toward its desired position.,翻译:已知执行机构当前的位置和/或速度,确定使执行机构向着它预定的位置运动的驱动信号。,given在这里表示“已知”。,Reading Materials (阅读材料),Definitions of Robot(机器人的定义) There are a variety of definitions of the term robot. Depending on the definition used, the number of robot installations worldwide varies wid

9、ely. Numerous single-purpose machines are used in manufacturing plants that might appear to be robots. These machines are hardwired to perform a single function and cannot be reprogrammed to perform a different function. Such single-purpose machines do not fit the definition for industrial robots th

10、at is becoming widely accepted. This definition was developed by the Robot Institute of America.,有许多关于机器人这个术语的定义。采用不同的定义,全世界各地机器人的数量就会发生很大的变化。在制造工厂中使用的许多单用途机器可能会看起来像机器人。这些机器是硬连线的,用来完成单一的工作,不能通过重新编程的方式去完成不同的工作。这种单用途的机器不能满足被人们日益广泛接受的关于工业机器人的定义。这个定义是由美国机器人协会提出的。,The first articulated arm came about in

11、1951 and was used by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. In 1954, the first programmable robot was designed by George Devol. 第一个带有活动关节的手臂于1951年被研制出来,由美国原子能委员会使用。在1954年,第一个可以编程的机器人由乔治狄弗设计出来。,TEXT 2 Flexible Manufacturing,New Words and Phrases(生词和短语) Notes(课文注释) Reading Materials(阅读材料),New Words and Ph

12、rases (生词和短语),flexible manufacturing 柔性制造 evolution i:vE5lu:FEn n. 演变,进化 the theory of evolution:进化论 continuum kEn5tinjuEm n. 连续统一体 state steit n. 情形,状态 transition trAn5ziFEn n. 转变,转换 eventual i5ventFu:El adj. 最后的 realization ri:Elai5zeiFEn n. 实现 integrated manufacturing 集成制造 preceding pri5si:di adj

13、. 在前的,前面的 setting 5seti n. 环境,背景 adaptable E5dAptEbEl adj. 能适应的,适合的,degree di5gri: n. 程度 opposite 5CpEzit adj. 相对的,相反的 spectrum 5spektrEm n. 系列,光谱 transfer trAns5fE: v. 转移,调转 attempt E5tempt n. 尝试,企图 achieve E5tFi:v v. 完成,达到 optimum 5CptimEm adj. 最适宜的,最佳的 balance 5bAlEns n. 平衡 automated 5C:tEmeitid

14、adj. 自动化的 distribute dis5tribju:t v. 分布,分配 reconfigure ri:kEn5figE v. 重新装配,改装 network 5netwE:k n. 网络,Notes(课文注释),1 Manufacturing processes and systems are in a state of transition from manual operation to the eventual realization of fully integrated manufacturing.,短语in a state of:处在状态。transition fro

15、mto:从过渡到。integrated manufacturing:集成制造。,翻译:制造的过程和系统处在由手工操作到最后实现全面的集成制造的过渡状态。,2 Stand-alone computer numerical control machines have a high degree of flexibility, but are capable of relatively low-volume production runs.,stand-alone和 low-volume都是合成词。stand-alone:独立的。low-volume:小批量。computer numerical c

16、ontrol machines:计算机数字控制机床。,翻译:独立的计算机数字控制(NC)机床有着高度的柔性,但是只能处理批量相对较小的制造。,3 These technologies include automated materials, handling, group technology, and computer and distributed numerical control.,翻译:这些工业技术包括自动化的材料、处理、成组技术及计算机和分布数字控制。,distributed numerical control:分布数字控制。,4 A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is an individual machine or group of machine



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