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1、11 Reasons Why You Should Never Get a Full-Time Job绝不全职工作的11个理由Full-time work is the default setting in our society, but that doesnt make it your best option.虽然全职工作的模式在当今社会已得到认可,但那并非最佳选择。Surrounded by examples of successful businesses whose founders worked 80 hour weeks to make it happen, most peopl

2、e never fully explore the possibilities of being a part-timer. Whats stopping you: the money? The status? The fear of failure?有成功的商业实例,其创始人周工作80小时才取得成功,大多数人从未探索过做兼职的可能性。是什么让你怯步:收入?地位?还是害怕失败?Whatever it is, take a deep breath and keep reading. Once youve checked out these 11 reasons, you might decide

3、 its in your best interest never to get a full-time job. Ever.无论什么原因,深呼吸然后继续阅读下文。一旦你领悟了以下11个真理,可能就会恍然到绝不全职工作的好处,妥妥的!1.You Dont Need to Work Full Time你不需要全职工作Nobody truly needs to work 40+ hours per week. If you could work fewer hours without reducing your income, youd take that option, right? You do

4、nt need a specific number of hours work per week; you need a specific amount of income to live on. And there are ways to hit that target without long hours:没有人真的需要一周工作40个小时以上。如果可以在不减少收入的前提下工作更短时间,你会接受,对吧?所以你需要的不是固定的工作时间,而是固定的工作收入去生活。这里有一些方法帮你不用长时间工作就可达到目标:work fewer hours at a higher rate of pay更短时间

5、做更高薪水的工作become your own boss and set your own prices做自己的老板给自己发薪水create semi-passive income streams创造半主动收入流2.Youll Save Money你可以存钱Working a full-time job means you barely have time to enjoy the money you earn, yet somehow it still gets spent.全职工作意味着你几乎没有时间享受收入,但钱还是不经意就花销了。Remember that specific amoun

6、t of income you need? Given the choice between working full-time or cutting your discretionary spending, youll find ways to trim down your expenses! Avoiding full-time work is an effective motivator to get you budget-hacking like a boss. You might save even more money if working part-time or becomin

7、g your own boss means you spend less on transport, food, or childcare.还记得你所需要的固定收入吗?假设让你选择全职工作还是酌情减少开支,你肯定会减少开支!摒弃全职工作可以激励你像个老板一样改善预算。如果自由职业或者给自己当老板可以减少交通费,饮食费,或者小孩的开销,那这样你还可以存钱。3.Youll Be Healthier你会更健康If you reduce the stress of your job by choosing something with shorter work hours and greater fl

8、exibility, your body will thank you for it. Youll notice improvements in your immune system, digestion, circulation, and other key signs of physical health compared to an exhausted full-time worker.如果通过时间更短,灵活性更高的工作来减压,你的身体会感激不尽。对比那些精疲力尽的全职工作者,你会发现你的免疫系统,消化系统,循环系统以及其它重要身体机能都得到了改善。4.Youll Eat Better你

9、的饮食会更加健康Its easy to grab a ready-made sandwich or a sweet snack when youre working, but you often dont realise how fast all those choices add up to a big pile of junky, pre-processed crap. And if youre a high-caffeine type who guzzles cola, coffee or tea while you work, youll suffer the after-effect

10、s right through until after bedtime.当你工作的时候很容易胡乱嚼一个现成的三明治或甜食,但你通常意识不到这一堆早就做好的快餐有多垃圾。如果你是个工作时要喝大量可乐,咖啡或者茶的高咖啡因族,那你的睡眠会受到影响。5. Youll Have More Energy但作为一个自由职业者, “员工饮食”对你的影响就小多了,因为你有更多的时间去购买准备健康新鲜的食物。For a part-time worker, the “employee diet” has less of an effect because you have more time to buy and

11、 prepare healthy, fresh food.你会更有活力The better general health and diet of a part-time worker means that youll have a lot more energy than if you worked full-time. Instead of arriving home weary from a full days work, youll have more time to rest your body and mind, so that when the next day arrives y

12、oure ready to meet it head-on and get stuff done.作为自由职业者而非全职工作者,平时更多的健康和更合理的饮食意味着你会更加充满活力。比起满身疲倦地从办公室回家,你会有更多地时间去放松身心,所以当第二天来临时你能神采奕奕地处理大小事务。6. Youll Learn More你能学到更多If youre lucky, a full-time job comes with a few training opportunities. But if you want to learn something that isnt included in your

13、 employers list of training courses, then youll have to learn it on your own time. Ha! Time to yourself is a precious rarity if youre a full-time employee.如果你够幸运,一份全职工作会给你带来培训的机会。但如果你还想学点除了雇佣名下以外的课程,那你就不得不在业余时间去学习了。哈!如果你是个全职员工,那时间对你来说就如天上的星星。Stick to part-time jobs or self-employment and youll alway

14、s have time to learn new things that make life even more awesome. Plus your brain will be less frazzled and more receptive to fresh knowledge.找份自由职业或者给自己打工,那你就会有大量时间去学习新的东西,让生活更加不凡。另外你的大脑也会清晰并且更容易接受新的知识。Along with better learning performance, part-timers and entrepreneurs often report that their cre

15、ative thinking improved when they quit their full-time jobs.你会更具创造性Granted, this could simply mean that creative people are more likely to follow a part-time career path. It gives you the creative freedom you crave and lets you avoid the burnout that plagues creatives in high-pressure full-time jobs

16、, but its also likely that having more time off work gives your brain greater opportunity to make the connections that spark creative insight.除了更好的学习习惯,自由职业者和企业家认为他们独具创造性的思维通常是因为放弃了全职工作。这也可以被解释成有创造性的群体更倾向于自由职业道路。自由职业可以带来你所追求的创造性自由,让你摆脱全职高压工作带来的倦怠。更多的业余时间也可以给你的大脑带来更多地机会去迸发创造的火花。8. You Can Diversify你的工作可以多样化Theres no rule that says you have to stick to one job at a time. Instead of working full-time at one thing, why not run two or three dif



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