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1、中国电子商务中国电子商务期刊简介期刊简介 一、期刊名称一、期刊名称 中国电子商务 二、刊号二、刊号 国内标准刊号:CN11-4440/F 国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN1009-4067 三、主管单位三、主管单位 国家工业与信息化部 四、主办单位四、主办单位 中国电子企业协会 五、五、办刊宗旨办刊宗旨 中国电子商务以传播信息化理念、报道经济前沿、倡导信息创新、促进经济发展 为办刊宗旨,大力普及电子商务知识,弘扬科学精神,传播科学思想,倡导科学方法。 六、刊登内容六、刊登内容 中国电子商务是广大经济和信息化领域的管理人员、科教工作者、高校师生、信 息化技术人员发布学术文章的重要理论阵地,是获取精

2、神陶冶、知识滋养和科技经济信息 的重要渠道。本刊主要刊登我国当前信息化有关的科技、经济、教育、管理等方面具有一 定学术和应用价值的学术文献和反映各学科、各领域的新成果、新技术、新工艺、新产品 等方面的论述文章。 七、主要栏目七、主要栏目 1. 经济管理研究:国际经贸、物流论坛、商业研究、物流平台、供应链管理、资本 运营、区域经济、投资分析、产业经济、网络营销、企业管理、经营管理、营销策略、品 牌战略、市场调研、人力资源、企业文化、财务审计、财经论坛、学术研究、管理科学。 2. 信息化研究:信息技术与安全、通讯技术、网络技术、自动识别技术与应用、电 子商务、支付与结算、供应链管理、数据库与数据库

3、管理、案例分析。 3. 科技研究:科技项目、科技政策 、科技成果、科学普及、技术市场、科技新品、 实用科技、科学实践等、机电一体化、电气自动化。 4. 教育教学研究:教学研究、教育生活、课程与教学、教育信息化、职教时空、教 学园地、信息化教学等。 5. 工程技术研究:建筑工程、生物工程、医学工程、环境科学、矿业工程、市政建 设、水利工程、交通工程等。 八、读者对象八、读者对象 经济领域和信息化领域的管理人员、科技企业科研开发人员、高等院校师生、 信息化技术科研人员,社会各界关注经济发展和信息化发展的各界人士。 联系方式 TEL:010- Email: Some of the material

4、 presented in this article was excerpted with permission from The Data Model Resource Book: A Library of Logical Data Models and Data Warehouse Designs published by John Wiley and Sons and authored by Len Silverston, W. H. Inmon and Kent Graziano. The Concept The age of the data modeler as artisan i

5、s passing. Organizations can no longer afford the labor or time required for handcrafting data models from scratch. In response to these constraints, the age of the data modeler as engineer is dawning. Engineers build new products using proven components and materials. In data modeling, the analogue

6、 to a component is a “universal data model.“ A universal data model is a generic or template data model that can be used as a building block to jump-start development of the corporate data model, logical data model or data warehouse data model. Resistance to the use of universal data models is usual

7、ly based on the belief that a particular organization has unique needs or the dreaded “not invented here“ syndrome. This article describes the application of universal data models to several disparate organizations. It demonstrates that the same basic models, with minor customization, can be success

8、fully applied in each example. One Size Fits All? The belief that a particular organization is unique because of its missions, goals, policies, values, functions, processes and rules can be very strong. After all, some businesses sell to people and others sell to other organizations. Some deal with

9、products and others deal with services. Each industry has its own set of business issues, and each organization within an industry varies as much as the differences between the personalities of various individuals. People and Organizations A subject data area that is common to most enterprises invol

10、ves the people and organizations that are part of conducting business. There is an important need to track the names, addresses, contact numbers and various relationships and interactions between the parties conducting business. Enterprises need to track information about customers, distributors, ag

11、ents and suppliers as well as the internal organizations and people within the enterprise. This type of information is critical throughout all aspects of business including sales, marketing, customer service, purchasing, shipping, invoicing, budgeting, accounting and human resources. Enterprises spe

12、nd significant effort and time defining the most effective ways to model this type of information. The data model may lead to sub-optimal solutions if careful analysis is not conducted. For example, many data models depict separate entities for each type of party that exists in an enterprise. There

13、may be entities for CUSTOMER, SUPPLIER, INTERNAL ORGANIZATION, BROKER, EMPLOYEE, INVESTOR and any other role that a person or organization may play in the enterprise. There are problems with modeling the information this way. What if a person or organization plays more than one role in the organizat

14、ion? For instance, what if an organization supplies products and/or services to our organization and also buys products from us? Does this mean that we maintain their name, addresses, contact numbers and other organizational information in both the CUSTOMER and SUPPLIER entities? Under this scenario

15、, if a name or address changes, the information needs to be changed in two places. Furthermore, does the organization play other roles such as an agent of the company or a distributor of products? Each time an organizations role is modeled as a separate entity, there is a potential for redundant and

16、 inconsistent information. The same argument applies to people. Should we have a separate EMPLOYEE entity as well as a CONTRACTOR entity? What if a contractor becomes an employee of the enterprise or vice versa? The persons name, demographics and contact information may still be the same. The only thing that has changed is the nature of the relationship between the parties. It only makes sense to refer to pre-defined templates or universal data models when



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