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1、Elementary Course for Translation,Course Description,Target:basic ideas, skills & translation ability Teaching Plan Demand: Be active in class Hand in your translation homework on time Evaluation: Class participation & homework 20% Research paper or translation work 30% Final examination, 50%,Chapte

2、r 1 Brief Introduction to Translation Studies,1.1 Key Concepts of Translation 1.2 Translatability & Untranslatability,1.1 Key Concepts of Translation,1. Definition & Classification of Translation 2. Process of Translation 3. Translation Criteria 4. Nature of Translation,1. Definition of Translation,

3、Columbia Encyclopedia : Translating is the art of recomposing a work in another language without losing its original flavor. Nida and Taber : Translating consists in reproducing in the receptors language the closest natural equivalent of the source language messages first in term of meaning and seco

4、ndly in term of style. (1969:12),1. Classification of Translation,广义的翻译,狭义的翻译,广义的翻译指语言与语言、语言变体与语言变体、语言与非语言等的代码转换和基本信息的传达。 它包括不同语言间的翻译、语言变体间的翻译、语言与其他交际符号的转换。,a. 按所涉及的两种代码的性质,可分为 语内翻译、语际翻译、语符翻译。,Intralingual translation, or rewording: an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the sa

5、me language Interlingual translation, or translation proper: an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language Intersemiotic translation, or transmutation: an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of non-verbal sign system.,b. 按翻译主体的性质,可分为人工翻译、机器翻译。 human translation machi

6、ne translation c. 按翻译的工具和成品形式,可分为 口译和笔译。 interpretation translation,d. 按翻译的客体,即所译资料的性质, 可分为文学翻译和实用翻译。 literary translation practical/pragmatic translation a) drama, poetry, novel, prose, etc. b) EST, Commercials, legal documents, etc.,2. Process of Translation The term translation itself has several

7、 meanings:,General subject field (a discipline/an art),The product ( the text that has been translated),The process ( the act of producing the translation, otherwise known as translating),Process of translation,Understanding, expression, checking text understanding paragraph sentence clause checking

8、 phrase word expression,3. Translation Criteria 3.1 Domestic ideas 三国时期,支谦 “循本质,不加文饰” 译经原则 (follow the original intention of the author without any embroidery) 唐代, 玄奘 “既须求真,又须喻俗” (be truthful and intelligible to the populace),Buddhist scriptures,*19世纪末近代著名翻译家严复 “信、达、雅”三原则。 faithfulness, expressivene

9、ss and elegance (刘重德先生提出“信、达、切” 。 faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness),* 朱生豪的 “神韵说” the magical charm theory * 傅雷的 “神似说”similarity in spirit * 钱钟书的 “化境说”sublimation 陈福康. 中国译学理论史稿上海外教社,鲁迅 凡是翻译,必须兼顾着两方面,一当然是易解,二则是保存着原作的丰姿。 社会符号学观点 意义相符,功能相似。 (correspondence in meaning and similarity in function

10、 ) 陈宏薇. 新实用汉译英教程 武汉:湖北教育出版社,1996.,3.2 Overseas Ideas,A.F.Tytler (18世纪英国爱丁堡大学教授泰特勒) 提出了翻译三原则: A Translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original. A translation should have all the e

11、ase of the original composition.,Criteria for us,fidelity and fluency Faithfulness and expressiveness,Faithfulness Should the translator be faithful for what & to whom? The original work or the original author? The content of the original work or the style of it? The target readers or the patrons? “

12、Did you say pig or fig?” said the Cat. “I said pig,” replied Alice. “你刚才是说猪还是鼠/ 书?”那只猫问道。 “我说的是猪。”爱丽丝说。,Expressiveness 通顺的最低要求是译文的语言形式必须符合译入语的习惯,没有语法错误,不生硬牵强,诘屈聱牙,阅读时能知其所云。 通顺的最高要求是译文语言要具有原文语言的流畅性,要以地道的译入语再现原文的内容。句子的安排,句式的选择,词语、节奏、韵律的搭配都很得当,易为译入语读者所接受。,Translation Teaching Prescribed in the Syllabus

13、,TEM-4: 1. 初步了解翻译基础理论和英、汉两种语言的异同,并掌握常用的翻译技巧,能将中等难度的英语篇章或段落译成汉语。 2. 译文忠实原文,语言通顺,速度为每小时250-300个英文单词;能将中等难度的汉语篇章或段落译成英语,速度和译文要求与英译汉相同。 3. 能担任外宾日常生活的口译。,Ex. 1 指出下列译文哪些不符合“忠实”与“通顺”原则,并予改正或改进。,1. He must have been completely immersed in what he was reading, because I had to rap on the windshield to get hi

14、s attention. 他一定是完全地沉浸在他所读的东西里了,因为我不得不在挡风玻璃上拍拍去引起他的注意。 2. When they awoke, though the sky was still grey and the clouds hung low, it was not raining. 当他们醒来的时候,虽然天空依然灰苍苍的而且云也低低地挂着,但是雨还没有落下来。,3. Your friendship over the years has meant an awful lot to me, more than I can say because Im not good at say

15、ing things like that. 流年似水,您的友情一直是我生活中不可或缺的部分。其重要性远非我的语言所能表达,我嘴笨笔拙,一向不谙此道。,4. Some of the neighbors brought eggs, some brought wine, some brought sacks of rice, some brought chickens. 当下众邻居有带鸡蛋来的,有带白酒来的,也有带了斗米来的,也有带几只鸡来的。,1. Many people sleep late at weekends. 2. Hey, your nose is running. 3. I am g

16、onna leave China for good. 4. A friend does not betray confidences. 5. Pollution is still very much a live issue. 周末许多人睡懒觉(起得晚)。 瞧,你流鼻涕了。 我要永远离开中国啦。 朋友是不会泄露秘密的。 污染仍然是目前非常让人关注的问题。,Have a try!,Trends,多元化翻译标准 针对不同的翻译实践,翻译标准趋向多元化,当代文学翻译名家:许渊冲,书销中外六十本,诗译英法唯一人,Trends,多元化翻译标准 文学翻译 许渊冲 诗歌翻译 “三美”原则 意美、音美、形美 科技翻译 准确规范、通顺易懂、简洁明晰 经贸翻译 刘法公 忠实、准确、统一 法律翻译: 施觉怀 条理清 文字明 意思全,Nature of Translation,Translation is the rep



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