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1、专 业 学 位 硕 士 学 位 论 文唐山市古冶区大金山矿区环境生态修复的研究Study on The Ecological Restoration of The Jinshan Mining Area in Guye District of Tangshan City作 者 姓 名: 邵 丹 工 程 领 域: 景观设计 学 号: 指 导 教 师: 王时原(教授) 完 成 日 期: 2016年11月20日 大连理工大学Dalian University of Technology大连理工大学学位论文独创性声明作者郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下进行研究工作所取得的成果。尽我所知

2、,除文中已经注明引用内容和致谢的地方外,本论文不包含其他个人或集体已经发表的研究成果,也不包含其他已申请学位或其他用途使用过的成果。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的贡献均已在论文中做了明确的说明并表示了谢意。若有不实之处,本人愿意承担相关法律责任。学位论文题目: 作 者 签 名 : 日期: 2016年 XX月 XX 日各工作组要指定一名人员承担信息报送工作,负责搜集和整理本组及相关成员单位的各类信息,经组长审核把关后及时报综合组,每周至少报送一条工程进展信息,每季度报送工作总结。大连理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文摘 要随着我国经济的快速发展,我国对矿产资源的需求量也与日俱增。经济的快速发展的同时


4、区域总体布局、植物景观规划等方面对矿区生态环境修复规划方案进行了研究分析。最后,本文提出了矿业废弃地的生态修复原则与设计方法。在尊重生态优先、资源可持续、经济协调发展的原则上,结合矿业废弃地现有特点对现有矿业废弃地进行景观设计。综上所述,打造矿业废弃地的新价值、新亮点,需要尊重生态学、环境学、景观规划学等基本理论,以生态修复为基点,以可持续为发展目标,重构矿业废弃地的生态环境。关键词:矿区环境;景观;生态修复- I -AbstractWith the rapid development of Chinas economy, Chinas demand for mineral resources

5、 is increasing day by day. The rapid development of the economy at the same time, resulting in the corresponding social and environmental issues. Since the eighteen party, the ecological environment and social sustainable development has improved the new height. The scholars in our country have carr

6、ied out more in-depth research on the related fields. This article through to the domestic mine abandoned land the research obtains the mining wasteland to repair the related experience, the design principle, the design method. Landscape ecological restoration of existing mining wasteland was carrie

7、d out by using correlation method.First of all, this paper analyzes the latest research progress in the domestic and foreign, and expounds the related concepts of mining abandoned land. Review the relevant research results of mine ecological restoration at home and abroad, the research on the ecolog

8、ical landscape, mine ecological restoration, policies and regulations.Secondly, based on the background of Guye Jinshan mining area, this paper summarizes the general situation of the mining area. At the same time, combined with the city environment theory to study the transformation plan.Again, thi

9、s paper studies the ecological environment restoration planning of mining area. From the planning concept, the overall layout of the renovation, the plant landscape planning and other aspects of the mining area ecological environment restoration planning program was studied and analyzed.Finally, thi

10、s paper puts forward the principles and design methods of ecological restoration of mining wasteland. With respect to the ecological priority, sustainable development of resources and the principle of economic coordinated development, combined with the existing characteristics of mining waste to the

11、 existing mining wasteland landscape design.To sum up, to create a new bright spot in mining wasteland, new value, need to respect the basic theory of ecology, environmental science, landscape planning, ecological restoration as the base, to the sustainable development goal of ecological environment

12、 reconstruction in mining wasteland.Key Words:Landscape; Ecological Restoration; Mining Wasteland- V -目 录摘 要IAbstractII1 绪论- 1 -1.1 研究背景- 1 -1.2 研究对象、目的及研究内容- 1 -1.2.1研究对象- 1 -1.2.2研究目的- 1 -1.2.3 研究框架- 2 -1.2.4研究内容- 2 -1.3 相关概念- 3 -1.3.1 矿业废弃地- 3 -1.3.2 矿业废弃地的生态修复- 3 -1.3.3 矿业废弃地的景观改造- 3 -1.4 研究方法-

13、4 -1.5 创新点及不足- 4 -2 国内外矿坑景观生态修复相关研究- 5 -2.1 国外相关研究- 5 -2.1.1 生态方面的研究- 5 -2.1.2矿坑景观生态修复的研究- 5 -2.2 国内的相关研究- 6 -2.2.1 生态方面的研究- 6 -2.1.3 废弃地景观生态修复的研究- 6 -2.3 小结- 7 -3古冶金山矿区的概况- 8 -3.1金山矿区对古冶环境的影响- 8 -3.2矿区环境背景分析- 9 -3.2.1 区位介绍- 9 -3.2.2 改造前土地性质- 10 -3.2.3 对周边功能区域的影响- 10 -3.2.4 生态修复的3个关键点- 11 -4城市环境理论的引

14、用- 12 -4.1 基本概念- 12 -4.2 改善城市人居环境- 12 -4.3提供室外休闲娱乐场地- 13 -5矿坑改造方案研究- 14 -5.1矿床水文地质条件- 14 -5.2解决排水技术方案- 14 -5.3植被恢复措施- 14 -5.3.1基因改良问题及解决方案- 14 -5.3.2植被建植方式- 15 -5.3.3植物品种的选择- 15 -5.3.4种植与管理- 15 -5.3.5检测、评估和后期维护- 16 -5.4分期建设步骤- 16 -5.4.1.建园前期- 16 -5.4.2.基础设施建设期- 16 -5.4.3.园内设施建设期- 16 -5.4.4.维护抚育期- 16 -5.4.5二次开发期- 17 -6矿区生态环境修复规划方案研究- 18 -6.1规划理念- 18 -6.2整治区域总体布局- 18 -6.2.1 方案设计理念与特色- 18 -6.2.2规划结构- 19 -6.2.3功能分区- 19 -6.2.4水系格局- 21 -6.2.5景观系统- 21 -6.2.6道路系统- 22 -6.3植物景观规划- 23 -6.3.1植被种植概念规划- 23 -6.3.2配置原则- 24 -6.3.3配置结构- 2


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