计算机专业英语 第2版 教学课件 ppt 王凤岭 02

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1、Chapter Section Key Wordsenvironment in5vaiErEnmEnt n. 周围,环境imply im5plaivt. 意指,暗指 mixture 5mikstFEn. 混合,结合体 hardware 5hB:dwZEn. 硬件 software 5sCftwZEn. 软件 component kEm5pEunEntn. 元件,器件processor 5prEusesEn. 处理器memory 5memErin. 存储器input device输入设备output device输出设备 program 5prEurAmn. 程序 data 5deitEn. 数

2、据electronic pulse 电子脉冲in contrast相反,大不相同 instruction in5strQkFEnn. 指令system software系统软件application software应用软件be familiar with熟悉的,精通的 aspect 5Aspektn. 样子,外表,(问题等的)方面be concerned with和有关,涉及到architecture 5B:kitektFEn. 结构,构造 illustrate 5ilEstreitvt. 举例说明,图解;vi. 举例typical 5tipikEla. 典型的,象征性的invoice 5i

3、nvCisn. 发票,货物;v. 开发票,记清单statistical stE5tistikEla. 统计的,统计学的chart tFB:tn. 图表;vt. 制图sense sensn. 感觉,判断力,理性;vt. 感到,理解movement 5mu:vmEntn. 运动,运转joystick 5dVCi7stikn. 操纵杆imaginary i5mAdVinEria. 假想的,想象的,虚构的spaceship 5speisFipn. 太空船display screen显示器logical 5lCdVikEla. 合乎逻辑的,合理的originality 7EridVi5nAlitin.

4、创意,新奇judgment 5dVQdVmEntn. 判断mechanical mi5kAnikla. 机械的,机械制的,呆板的appropriate E5prEupriEta. 适当的arithmetic E5riWmEtikn. 算术,算法instantaneously 7instEn5teinjEslia. 瞬间的,即刻的,即时的Syntax1The latter may be provided along with the hardware by a systems supplier as part of a computer product designed to answer a

5、specific need in certain areas.【分析】此句为被动语态,along with后跟名词或动名词,表示“连同一起”;此句中as作为“当作”;answer在此句中为“满足,符合”。【句意】后者可能由系统厂商在供应硬件时一起提供,作为计算机产品的一个部分来满足某些领域的特殊需要。2. Application programs also allow you to perform such tasks as solving statistical problems, keeping your companys books or playing a computer game.

6、【分析】application program意为应用程序,它是为完成最终用户的任务而编写的程序。工资程序和游戏程序都是应用程序,而操作系统则不是应用程序。suchas意为“例如,像这种的”,此句中as后跟3个动名词短语。 【句意】使用应用软件可以完成诸如数据统计、公司记账等工作,还可以玩电子游戏。3. It is possible to be familiar with various aspects of computer software without being concerned with the details of how the computers hardware oper

7、ates.【分析】be familiar with意为“熟悉”,此句中是熟悉计算机的软件知识;without在该句中作为介词“没有,不”讲,without后接名词或动名词;be concerned with意为“参与,和有关,涉及到”。【句意】一个不懂计算机硬件的人,也可以熟悉计算机的软件。4. However, if you are concerned with computer architecture you should have knowledge of both hardware and software, because the two branches influence ea

8、ch other.【分析】however可以作副词“无论如何,可是,仍然”讲,也可以作为连词“然而,可是”讲;if引导条件状语从句,意为“如果”;because引导原因状语从句,意为“因为,原因是”。 【句意】但是,一旦你做的工作涉及到计算机的系统结构,就必须具有软硬件两方面的知识,因为这两者关系紧密。5. A computer can solve a series of problems and make hundreds, even thousands, of logical decisions without becoming tired or bored.【分析】a series of

9、意为“一连串的”;and连接两个谓语动词。【句意】计算机能够解决一系列问题,处理成百上千个逻辑运算而不感到疲劳和厌烦。6. A computer cannot do anything unless a person tells it what to do and gives it the appropriate information; but because electric pulses can move at the speed of light, a computer can carry out vast numbers of arithmetic logical operations

10、 almost instantaneously.【分析】anything意为“任何事”,用于否定句或疑问句中;something用于肯定句中;unless是连词“如果不,除非”的意思;but连接两个并列的句子,后面的句子是由because引导的原因状语从句。【句意】如果没有人告诉计算机做什么,并给出适当的信息,计算机就不能做任何事情。但是由于电脉冲能以光的速度移动,计算机瞬间就可以处理大量的算术逻辑运算。Section Key Wordscalculate 5kAlkjuleitv. 计算,考虑finger 5fiNEn. 手指,指状物;v. 用手指拨弄abacus 5AbEkEsn. 算盘i

11、nvent in5ventv. 发明bead bi:dn. 珠子,水珠frame freimn. 结构,框架;vt. 构成,设计efficient i5fiFEnta. 有效率的,能干的digital 5didVitla. 数字的,数位的;n. 数字,数字式stage steidVn. 舞台,发展的进程,阶段或时期occur E5kE:vi. 发生,出现ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator电子数字积分计算机and Calculator)mark mB:kn. 标志;vt. 做标记于,标志;vi. 做记号mainframe 5meinfreimn. 主机re

12、spectively ri5spektivlia. 分别的,各自的vacuum tube真空管 unreliable 5Qnri5laiEbla. 不可靠的 air-conditioning n. 空调 install in5stC:lvt. 安装 random access随机存取contribution 7kCntri5bju:FEnn. 贡献model 5mCdln. 模型; vt. 模仿electronic computer电子计算机perform pE5fC:mvt. 执行transistor trAn5zistEn. 晶体管in addition 另外auxiliary stora

13、ge辅助存储器secondary storage辅助存储器 magnetic tape磁带integrated circuit集成电路consequently 5kRnsikwEntliadv. 从而,因此LSI大规模集成电路feature 5fi:tFEn. 特征;vt. 以特色;vi. 起重要作用electronic component电子元件 silicon chip硅片 biological computer生物计算机quantum computer量子计算机emerge i5mE:dVv. 出现,显露Syntax1. People went on using some form of

14、 abacus well into the 16th century, and it is still being used in some parts of the world because it can be understood without knowing how to read.【分析】go on意为“持续,继续前进”,后面跟的是动名词形式;and连接两个并列的句子,后面的句子是一个because引导的一个从句。【句意】人们继续使用一些其他形式的算盘,直到16世纪。迄今世界有些地区仍然在使用算盘,因为人们不需要识字也能明白其算法。2. In fact, mainframes ha

15、ve had four generations of products, which are characterized by vacuum tubes, transistors, small and medium scale IC and super LSI circuits respectively.【分析】in fact意为“事实上”;mainframe意为“主机”。【句意】事实上,大型计算机经历了四代产品,分别以真空管、晶体管、中小规模集成电路以及超大规模集成电路为特征。3. The vacuum tubes were fairly large, and they generated so much heat that special air-conditioning had to be i


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