物流英语 习题答案作者 刘晶璟 熊秀琼 课后习题答案

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《物流英语 习题答案作者 刘晶璟 熊秀琼 课后习题答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《物流英语 习题答案作者 刘晶璟 熊秀琼 课后习题答案(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课后习题答案Unit onePart I I. Match客户服务 : customer service 需求预测 : demand forecast 定单处理 : order processing 配送 : distribution 存货控制: inventory control 运输 : transportation 仓库管理 : warehouse management 工厂和仓库的选址 : factories and warehouses site selection 物料搬运 : material handling 采购 : purchase 包装 : packaging 物流信息:

2、 logistics information II. Fill in the blanks and put the sentences into Chinese.1. meeting; the availability of the right benefits for the right customer2. inventory management; packaging; demand forecasting3. Packaging 4. Purchasing 5. Demand forecasting 6. Storage7. customer service; six rights;

3、interdependence8. analyze; coordinatePart III. Match供应链: supply chain 供应链管理 : supply chain management 最终用户: ultimate customer货物流 : flow of material 信息流 : flow of information 在制品: work-in-process 制成品 : finished goods 上游供应商 : upstream supplier下游企业 : downstream enterpriseII. Fill in the blanks and put

4、the sentences into Chinese.1. finished product 2. Suppliers 3. Service providers4. wholesalers, warehouses, and retailers.5. raw material sources; reverse; customers6. increase; reducing7. within; outsidePart IIII. Phrase Training.H-G-B-F-I-D-A-J-C-E II. Sentence Training.1-5: C B D D D 6-10: C D A

5、A BIII. Passage Training.1) C-D-E-A-B2) C-A-D-B-E3) B-E-C-D-A4) C-B-D-A-EIV. Writing Practice. (open)V. Oral Practice. (open)VI. Translation Practice.我们很乐意作为贵公司在澳大利亚的产品销售代理为您提供服务。我们公司建立于1947年,并在贸易代理方面一直处于领先地位。我们已经在几个欧洲国家(包括法国、英国和丹麦)为多家公司代理。由于我们在纺织品销售方面有经验,因此我们熟悉顾客的需求也对帮助贵公司在悉尼开发市场很有信心。我们有一个宽敞的、设施齐全的

6、展厅还有一批经验丰富的销售代表为您扩展产品市场。澳大利亚对于中国纺织品(特别是高级西装、印花棉料和尼龙纤维织品)的需求量不断增加。价格合理的高质量的纤维织品在这里非常有前景,根据商会的调查中国纺织品的需求在接下来的两三年将会有大量地增长。我们希望得到您肯定的回答并想知道我们和您达成代理协议需要哪些条件。Unite TwoPart I I. Match运输方式: transportation mode 联合运输: combined transport 直达运输: through transport中转运输: transfer transport甩挂运输: drop and pull transp

7、ort 集装运输: containerized transport门到门 : door-to-door 集中托运: consolidation 包机 : charter flight II. Fill in the blanks and put the sentences into Chinese.1. lower transportation unit2. greater opportunities ; better; lower3. pallets or containers4. the carrier; the shipper; Air5. origin; destination; tr

8、affic conditions6. unconstrained ; volume ; limit7. raw materials; low-value finished 8. low; a wide variety of 9. Air transport 10. regulation ; domestic ; transportation process III. Open.Part II I. Matchintermodal transportation: 多式联运 bill of lading : 提单CFS(container freight station): 集装箱运货站FCL(f

9、ull container load): 整箱货 LCL(less than the full container load): 拼箱货loading and unloading: 装卸 tank container: 罐式集装箱 open top container : 敞口集装箱 II. Fill in the blanks and put the sentences into Chinese.1. accessing its elements 2. 20ft x 8.5ft x 8.5ft container 3. in full load 4. two or more differen

10、t Part IIII. Phrase Training.F-J-B-I-A-H-G-D-C-EII. Sentence Training.1-5: A C A C D 6-10: B B C D DIII. Passage Training.1) D-A-E-B-C2) B-D-A-C-E3) C-A-E-D-B4) C-A-E-B-DIV. Writing Practice. (open)V. Oral Practice. (open)VI. Translation Practice.在过去的十个多月我们错过了为您服务的机会。直到现在我们一直把您视作我们最稳定的顾客。我们自信我们过去一直为

11、您提供高效的服务和高质量的产品。每两三个月接到您的订单后,我们通常都是昼夜加班。当您的订单中止时,我们认为这是你订单周转的一个推迟。现在我们在想是否是我方的一些失误导致您另寻其他服务伙伴。我们认为随着我们公司运作程序的改进以及仓库的扩大,我们能够提供比六个月前更多种类的产品和更快捷的回应。我们需要您的订单。我们深知我们能很好地为您服务。请当面告知我们怎样才能再次和您建立业务往来。Unit ThreePart II. Phrases translationcirculation time zero inventorythe frequency of out of stock economic benefitstally area distribution processingthe best route the rapid processing of orderstied to labels the manner of unloadvalue-added activities transport capacityII. Fill in the blanks and put the sentences into Chinese1. link destined deliver2. reduce stock reasonable guarante



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