机电技术专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 徐起贺 张庆良pata alesson Sixteen

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1、,机电技术专业英语,2,Lesson Sixteen,Text,The milling machine is a machine that removes metal from the work with a revolving milling cutter as the work is fed against it1. The milling cutter is mounted on an arbor where it is held in place by spacers or bushings. The arbor is fixed in the spindle with one end

2、, while the other end of the arbor rotates in the bearing mounted on the arbor yoke2. The milling cutters are generally made from high speed steel and are available in different sizes and shapes. There are such kinds of milling cutters as cylindrical cutters, end milling cutters, side and face cutte

3、rs, slitting saw, etc (Figure.A.9). These cutters may differ in the direction of their operation, i.e. they may cut revolving either clockwise or counterclockwise.,Milling Machines,Lesson Sixteen,Regular or irregular shaped work may be produced on a milling machine, designs varying according to the

4、particular class of work wanted. According to the position of the spindle, the milling machines may be divided into two groups of vertical spindle milling machines and horizontal spindle milling machines (Figure.A.10). Milling machines may be grouped into various classes according the variation in g

5、eneral design as the column and knee type, the manufacturing types, and the planner type of milling machine3. According to table design, the milling machines may be classified as universal and plain milling machines. The most important parts of the milling machine are:starting levers; spindle; colum

6、n; knee; elevating screw; table; index head; speed levers; feed levers; table movement levers; foot stock; arbor yoke.,Lesson Sixteen,Lesson Sixteen,The spindle of the milling machine is driven by an electric motor through a train of gears mounted in the column. The table of the plain milling machin

7、e may travel only at right angles to the spindle while the universal milling is provided with a table that may be swiveled on the transverse slide for milling gear teeth, threads, etc. Various attachments are used for increasing the range of work that can be performed on a milling machine. The divid

8、ing head (also called index head) is a device used to divide the periphery of a piece of work into any number of equal parts, and to hold the work in the required position while the cuts are being made4. Various kinds of vises may be used for holding the work in a milling machine, the most common be

9、ing the plain vise, and the swivel vise.,Lesson Sixteen,Lesson Sixteen,Figure A.9 Types of milling cutter,Lesson Sixteen,Figure A.10 Horizontal knee and column type milling machine,Lesson Sixteen,New Words and Expressions,Lesson Sixteen,Lesson Sixteen,Notes,1. The milling machine is a machine that r

10、emoves metal from the work with a revolving milling cutter as the work is fed against it. 铣床是工件对着刀具进给,用旋转的铣刀切割金属使其成形的机床。 句中that引导限制性定语从句,修饰machine。 2. The arbor is fixed in the spindle with one end, while the other end of the arbor rotates in the bearing mounted on the arbor yoke. 刀杆一端固定在主轴中,而另外一端则在

11、安装有刀座的轴承中旋转。 句中while意为“然而,而”, mounted on the arbor yoke是过去分词作后置定语,修饰bearing。 3. Milling machines may be grouped into various classes according the variation in general design as the column and knee type, the manufacturing types, and the planner type of milling machine. 根据设计方法的不同,如按照升降台方式、制造方式、平台方式,铣

12、床可分成许多不同的类型。,Lesson Sixteen,4. The dividing head(also called index head) is a device used to divide the periphery of a piece of work into any number of equal parts, and to hold the work in the required position while the cutters are being made. 分度头是将工件圆周等分成若干份,并且将工件固定在所要求的位置以便进行切削的装置。 句中and连接两个并列短句,

13、为避免重复,and后省去了used。句中used为过去分词做后置定语,修饰device。,Lesson Sixteen,Lesson Sixteen,参考译文,铣床是工件对着刀具进给,用旋转的铣刀切割金属使其成形的机床。铣刀安装在刀杆上并由垫片或轴套夹紧在刀杆某处。刀杆一端固定在主轴中,而另外一端则在安装有刀座的轴承中旋转。 铣刀一般由高速钢制成,有不同的尺寸和形状。铣刀的类型有圆柱形铣刀、端铣刀(用于平面铣削)、成形铣刀、角度铣刀、多面铣刀、锯片铣刀等。这些铣刀在旋转方向上有所区别,它们可以顺时针也可以逆时针旋转切削。 规则和不规则形状的工件都可以在铣床上加工,只不过根据所需加工工件的类型的

14、不同,设计有不同类型的铣床。根据主轴位置的不同,铣床分为立式铣床和卧式铣床两大类。根据设计方法的不同,如按照升降台方式、制造方式、平台方式,铣床可分成不同的类型。例如,根据工作台的设计不同,铣床可以分成万能铣床和普通铣床。,铣 床,Lesson Sixteen,铣床上的重要零件有:起动手柄;主轴;立柱;升降台;升降丝杆;工作台;分度头;变速手柄;进给手柄;工作台移动手柄;底座;刀杆座。 铣床主轴由电机通过安装在立柱上的齿轮组驱动。普通铣床的工作台只能在与主轴垂直方向上移动,而万能铣床则可使工作台在横向滑座上旋转以铣削轮齿、螺纹等。 使用不同附件能扩展在铣床上加工的工件的范围。 分度头是将工件圆周等分成若干份,并且将工件固定在所要求的位置以便进行切削的装置。铣床上为夹紧工件可使用各种各样的虎钳,最常用的虎钳有平口钳和旋转平口钳。,谢谢观赏,,Thank You !,



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