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1、6 簡介,6 SIGMA 起源及主要概念 6 SIGMA 組織及人員認證 基本統計應用 執行主要步驟 D-M-A-I-C Case Study,QRA : 2001/8/27,The Origins of SixSigma It originated in the 1980s as Motorola responded to the threat of Japanese competition which had far lower defective rates. The approach spread to AlliedSignal and to General Electric, who

2、se Chief Executive Officer, Jack Welch, has been the most passionate advocate of SixSigma. Since introducing it worldwide in 1996, GE has made over $1 billion of cost savings.,1979 年 ,當時 Motorola一位資深業務主管 Arthur Sundry 在高階主管會議上說:“Our quality levels really stink !“ Six Sigma Quality Program 此名稱乃為 Moto

3、rola工程師 Bill Smith所建議,為Robert Galvin所採納。,何謂 6-Sigma ?,Motorola :,衡量指標 標竿研究 願景 Philosophy 方法 工具 符號 目標 價值,s,3.4,.,s,DPMO,可用以計算與衡量任何流程,Sigma 之另一稱呼為標準差,2000年達成 6-Sigma水準 4, 1996 - Jack Welch,變成我們文化的一部份 - 成為我們生活的一部份.,59,Where Does “Six Sigma” Come From?,Mikel J. Harry one of the Original Architects Previ

4、ously Headed Quality Function at ABB and Motorola Now President/CEO of Six Sigma Academy in Phoenix, Arizona Has Consulted for Texas Instruments, Allied Signal (and others) Currently Retained by GE to Teach the Implementation, Deployment and Application of Six Sigma Concepts & Tools,Learning from Th

5、ose Who Have had Success With 6Will Accelerate its Implementation at GE,What Does “Sigma” Mean?,Sigma is a Measure of the Consistency of a Process,It (is Also the 18th Letter in the Greek Alphabet!,Motorola公司認為數據是滿足顧客的關鍵,他 們常說: 1.如無法用數據表示我們所知的,那麼我們對它 所知不多 (If we cannot express what we know in number

6、s, we dont know much about it) 2.如果對它所知不多,就無法控制它 (If we dont know much about it, we cannot control it) 3.如果我們不能控制它,那只有靠運氣了 (If we cannot control it, we are at the mercy of chance),Why “Six Sigma”?,Proven Successful in “Quality-Demanding” Industries e.g., Motorola, Texas Instruments (many process ste

7、ps in series) Proven Method to Reduce Costs Highly Quantitative Method Science and Logic Instead of Gut Feel Includes Manufacturing & Service (close to customer) and Provides Bridge to Design for Quality Concepts Has Support and Commitment of Top Management,It Works!,6有多小?,Sigma,PPM,0.002,0.5742,63.

8、37,2,700,45,500,317,310,面積,一般教室2倍,約6甲地,約30個天安門廣場,略大於台北市,東莞市,台灣省的面積,時間,1 秒鐘,4.8 分鐘,9 小時,半個月,約 9 個月,5 年,6-Sigma 狹隘解釋 - DPPM,6 Overview,6 is Several Orders of Magnitude Better Than 3!,Sigma: A Measure of Quality,6的品質水準,0.002 DPPM , Cp=2,中心值1.5的偏移,3.4 DPPM, Cpk=1.5,或用 DPMO (Defects Per Million Opportuni

9、ties)表示,偏移1.5,在動態的真實世界中,每一件事都在不停的變化著 溫度 溼度 工具的磨耗 原料的差異 1.5乃由機率、估計、經驗而來,參考資料:Evans, D.H. (1975) : Statistical Tolerancing : The State of the Art, Part III. Shifts and Drifts.,6的四個假設,常態分配 1.5偏移 和已知 缺點乃隨意分佈,且不同零件製程相互獨立,品質改善的流程,1. 定義產品或服務 2. 鑑定顧客及其需求 3. 列出滿足顧客需求所需之條件 4. 定義(規劃)流程 5. 防範流程錯誤並消除浪費 6. 確保持續改善

10、,廣義解釋 - 流程改善(改造)/設計,Six-Sigma 如何創造不一樣局面 ?,願景 (Vision) 哲學 (Philosophy) 積極目標 (Aggressive goal) 量化指標 (Metric, standard of measurement) 方法 (Method) 工具用於: 顧客焦點 (Customer focus) 突破性改善 (Breakthrough improvement) 持續改善 (Continuous improvement) 人員參與 (People Involvement),Six-Sigma 願景,Six-Sigma 的願景是將我們所做的每一件事,

11、透過達成Six-Sigma水準的表現, 交付世界級品質產品或服務以取悅客戶.,Six-Sigma 哲學,Six-Sigma 哲學是應用結構化、系統化觀點於我們事業各嶺域達成突破性改善,推行 6-Sigma 之必要條件 重點攻擊 與變格管理相聯接 依核心流程(非功能) 組織 黑帶或碩士級黑帶 儘量聯接與事業相關重點, 共同與言 追求即早勝利 (大且易見) 支持基礎結構/追溯系統 改變衡量系統以更有效推動專案行動 選擇與工作直接相關專案 高層參與- 克服障礙,品質改善的流程,1. 定義產品或服務 2. 鑑定顧客及其需求 3. 列出滿足顧客需求所需之條件 4. 定義(規劃)流程 5. 防範流程錯誤並

12、消除浪費 6. 確保持續改善,Six-Sigma 整合改善、設計與績效管理方法論,Six-Sigma 所使用的三個主要方法論: 流程改善(DMAIC)、流程設計與再設計(DFSS)與績效管理,DMAIC用以改善現有流程、產品、服務、設計等等 DFSS用以產生新的流程、產品、服務、設計等等 績效管理是一個系統用以將策略連接戰術、設定優先順序、資源整合持續達成DMAIC與DFSS目標,流程改善 方法論,流程設計與再設計方法論,績效管理 方法論,產品變異的來源,設計 製程 材料元件,6 品質方案的架構,5 階段問題分析解決流程 (DMAIC),提高目標,另一 主題,第一階段 第二階段 第三階段 第四

13、階段 第五階段,管 制 (Control),改 善 (Improve),分 析 (Analyze),衡 量 (Measure),定 義 (Define),選擇專案 成立專案小組 確認 CTQs Y,定義衡量指標 ($ ?) 衡量系統驗證,定義不良 基準線 設定目標 確認 X,重點少數 xs 效果測試 (Pilot Soln) Y = f(x),確認效果 持續性,So.What is Six Sigma?,“THE SIX SIGMA BREAKTHROUGH STRATEGY”,DMAIC,Key Customer Opportunity to grow or threat of loss,I

14、s the customer telling us when the issue is?,Six Sigma Project Identified,Define-Scope it,Measure-How are we doing,Improve-Implement,Control-Make sure it sticks,Problem has quick fix?,Fix it!,Analyze-Root Cause,Preliminary look at how we think we are doing,Set up customer meeting,Define/Refine CTQs

15、Whats important to them?,How are we doing on these CTQs,How can we improve?,Six Sigma Is A Growth Tool,YES,YES,NO,NO,D,M,A,I,C,Customer Improvement Continuous Growth,Six-Sigma 架構,MOA (Market Opportunity Analysis),事業策略展開 Business Strategy Deployment,推行組織 (Implementing Organization),跨功能團對合作 Cross-func

16、tional Teaming,(Gaining Commitment),(Culture Change),(Information Tech),(Training Systems),確認關鑑業務流程 Identifying Critical Business Processes,專案選擇與審查 (Project Selection & Charting),專案管理 (Project Management),DFSS Flow (Design for Six-Sigma),DMAIC Flow,意識(Awareness),統計工具(Statistical Tools),管理工具(Management Tools),推廣(Promo


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