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1、日本食品安全行政 研究動向 The Trends of Food Safety Policy and Research in Japan, 主食品事件発生事故被害拡大/企業倒産 Examples of major food-related incidents 【日本 Japan】 96年 O157集団食中毒事件(大阪堺市学校給食) O157 food poisoning (approx. 10,000 persons affected in Osaka) 98 O157食中毒(醤油漬) O157 food poisoning caused by “cuttlefish pickled in s

2、oy sauce” from Hokkaido (Tokyo, Chiba, Kanagawa, Toyama, Osaka) 99 汚染騒動(所沢、野菜) Dioxin pollution scare in Tokorozawa (impact on sales of Saitama- produced vegetables) 99 食中毒(加工品) Salmonella food poisoning caused by “processed cuttlefish” produced by a business in Aomori Prefecture (approx. 1,500 pers

3、ons affected in 46 prefectures) 98/99夏 腸炎菌食中毒(魚介類) Frequent food-poisoning incidents caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood (nationwide) 00 黄色球菌毒素食中毒(雪印加工乳) Food poisoning caused by Staphylococcus aureus toxin in Snow Brand processed milk (approx. 15,000 persons affected in Kinki region),HACCP

4、導入強化,続 00 遺伝子組換 (安全性未審査食品混入) Consumers group detects “Starlink” genetically modified corn that has not been subjected to safety inspections in food products 01 O157食中毒(牛) O157 food poisoning caused by beef sashimi manufactured by a meat processor in Tochigi (persons affected in Chiba, Saitama, Kanag

5、awa, etc.) 01 遺伝子組換 (安全性未審査菓子混入) Large-scale recall of snack foods due to inclusion of “New Leaf Plus” genetically modified potatoes that had not been subjected to safety inspections 01 BSE(牛海綿状脳症)発生 Outbreak of BSEmeat consumption falls off by 40%,年月 食品安全基本法制定 食品安全委員会設立 省庁再編,続 表示偽装事件(食肉) Discovery

6、of deceptive meat labeling by numerous companies Discovery of false applications for purchase of pre-BSE-inspected domestic meat (Snow Brand Food Co., Nippon Ham, etc.) 02 残留農薬(中国産野菜) Discovery of successive cases of residual pesticides that exceed standards in China-produced vegetables 03 表示(物質) Di

7、scovery of successive cases in which unapproved food additives were used in processed foods 米国BSE牛肉輸入禁止 Suspension U. S. beef import by BSE 鳥鶏肉輸入禁止 Suspension poultry meat import from East Asia in which influenza has broken out in poultry 国内鳥発生 Outbreak of influenza poultry meat consumption falls of

8、f by 40%,表示制度改正 reform of labeling system,感染症対策強化 building up of the action for infection,食品安全行政転換 Change of the food safety policy,BSE対策食品安全行政抜本的転換 BSE国内発生(年月),食品安全確保 信頼回復 to secure food safety to recover reliability,年月 食品安全基本法制定 食品安全委員会設立 省庁再編 食安全安心政策大綱 農林水産省 食安全推進action plan改訂 厚生労働省,食品安全行政抜本的改善勧告

9、 ,HACCP(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Inspection)強化 学校給食O157集団食中毒(年) HACCP工場加工乳黄色球菌毒素食中毒(年),BSE問題調査検討委員会報告(年月) 国失政(OIE警告無視、欧州連合地理的評価拒絶) BSE対策勧告,BSE対策(安全確保) BSE対策特別措置法 BSE検査、危険部位除去、 肉骨粉飼料利用禁止 牛肉 traceability 法(特別措置法),信頼回復 行政 行政改革 市場 BSE対策,BSE action & drastic improvement of food safety polic

10、y,食品安全行政抜本的転換 drastic improvement of food safety policy,食品安全基本法制定(年月) establish of General Food Safety Low risk analysis 導入 食品安全委員会設立(同年月) risk assessment risk management 機能機構分離,行政機構改革(設置法改正、同年月) Administrative reform 農林水産省消費安全局設立 地方農政事務所設立、食品安全対策実施 厚生労働省食品安全部設立 保健所網(食中毒調査検査営業認可) 地方厚生局(HACCP承認検査) 検疫

11、所(輸入食品監視),(risk analysis)導入, risk communication risk 関情報交換意思疎通 関係者(risk assessor, risk manager, 消費者、企業), risk assessment 危害因子水準科学的査定 自然科学者分析,委員会手順定()、日本食品安全基本法(年), risk management 政策規制立案実行 透明性,新食品安全行政組織(日本),厚生労働省 食品安全部,農林水産省 消費安全局,委員長委員 (名),専門評価会 (名),事務局長,総務総括事務,評価事務,評価支援官, 勧告事務,危機管理情報収集,官,食品安全委員会,R

12、isk management,Risk assessment, risk communication,答申 勧告,諮問 ,課題 risk assessment risk management連携 効果 risk communication 専門的人材育成確保,食品安全行政抜本的転換 drastic improvement of food safety policy,(risk assessment) (risk management) 危害要因危険水準科学的査定 政策規制立案実行,透明性 一貫性 文書化, risk analysis,独立性、客観性、透明性(文書化),a.Hazard Iden

13、tification (危害同定) b. Hazard Characterization (危害特性描写) c. Exposure Assessment (暴露査定) d. Risk Characterisation (特性描写),準備作業 preliminary risk management activity 状態把握、 対象決定、 依頼 risk profiling, identification of risks that require assessment, requests for assessment 結果評価 evaluation of the results b. 政策選択

14、肢立案効果比較 setting out alternative regulations comparing effect and cost c. 決定履行 enforcement d. 再検討 monitoring and reexamination,事業者法令倫理遵守、公益通報者保護制度 company compliance with laws and social ethics 食品事件発生時事故隠(年、雪印加工乳事件) 表示偽装(年) BSE発生時国牛肉買上事業対国産表示偽装 食肉、野菜原産地表示偽装発覚,食品安全行政転換(続) Change of the food safety policy continuer,表示制度改正(原産地表示強化) reform of labeling system (origin of products),食品 traceability 確保 食品回収備 (食品衛生法改正) 透明性確保,信頼回



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