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1、sistema motiu del 140 article comprovacions de seguretat s obra de protecci laboral dempresa de contingut principal un de, finalitat s comprendre empresa del sector i la branca de la situaci de la gesti laboral de protecci, lloc de producci es troben no seguretat (equips i eina i annex,) estatus, no

2、 de seguretat de lentorn de treball, no seguretat del comportament i la potencial carrera contra, per propici per prendre mesures oportuna corregits, millora les condicions de treball, prevenir accidents baixes i ocupacional de produt. 141th comprovaci punts seguretat buscar seguretat temporada comp

3、rovacions de seguretat, controls de seguretat abans i desprs del Festival, comprovaci diria i inspeccions complets sobre una base regular. continguts examen 142th: seguretat avaluaci llista de control, els mecnics criteris davaluaci Comit seguretat maquinria i planta i comprovaci de la taula de la p

4、lanta. Dirigit pel Director i producci Director s responsable dequip departament tcnic, el Departament de seguretat, Departament, lorganitzaci General serveis unitat, feu clic a gesti, branca s responsable principi, per a predir i mesurar la seguretat de la planta, per complement i seguretat un cop

5、la revisi quinquennal. Comprovacions de seguretat temporada , trets segons la temporada, comprovant per garantir la seguretat, organitzat per An Ji, seguretat, pot assistir a una vegada cada trimestre. controls de seguretat abans i desprs del Festival, Festival de planta seguretat, lluita contra inc

6、endis, seguretat, comprovaci completa del treball de producci, dirigida per la fbrica responsable dorganitzaci, Departament de seguretat, Departament dequipament, serveis generals del Departament, cotxes, unitats com lders sindicals, secci 51, apartat 11, de lany abans de lany nou i el Festival de p

7、rimavera. D comprovaci diria, principal s treball comprovaci basat, comprovi el lloc i consultar en ocults i comprovar la gesti i comprovar el sistema i comprovar la situaci de rectificaci, de planta dequips especials (equips elctrics i caldera i soldadura de metalls, estampaci mquina i mecnics dele

8、vaci, fbrica en vehicles mbils, mquina de pressi buits i el recipient de pressi per a la comprovaci, centrar districte (sala de calderes i lhivernacle constant i magatzem i pintura entre i sala de fusteria i cinc branca muntadors pargraf,) per centrar per registre dentrada, tcnic en seguretat diria

9、Ann comprovar membre i fbrica comprovacions deure personal de seguretat per a la comprovaci de la gira i comprovar els registres, Accident a no es resoldran durant la nit, pot ser notificat immediatament a An Ji i Director, proposar accions correctores i rectificaci. 143th totes les plantes cada dia

10、 hauria t una seguretat oficial del dia, aquesta planta era insegur i corregir les operacions illegals, violant, branca coll. Malalties i defectes de naixement. 2, lelectricista han dethe economic development in the new normalOf awareness errors, deep awareness economic development new normal of obj

11、ective inevitability, prevent one-sidedness, and simplistic, cannot to whether on himself favourable to judge new normal bad; cannot put new normal as a basket, what are to in loaded; cannot put new normal as haven, put work bad do, and didnt dry good of reasons are due Yu new normal, for not office

12、r, and not development find excuses. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and implement the CPC Central Committee defined five pillars of policy and five priorities, implement the major decisions and arrangements of the central support accelerated development of Fujian, a good gras

13、p of the old Soviet areas, green development, precision significant opportunities to alleviate poverty. (4) lead to overcome difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not to grasp the nettle and on front, afraid to come forward before the crisis and error cant bear respo

14、nsibility, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthen the sense of responsibility, to take charge. Dont want to under the new situation, not as good as issues, enhance vigor, growing new skills, new, do dry dry dry active, do we want to do good, to take Shi Liuyin, grasping the iron m

15、ark strength and hard work together create a mental state of implementation, reform and development of the promoter and the doers. Insist on seeking truth, act according to the law, establish the correct achievements view, and strive to create a stand the inspection of practice, people and history o

16、f performance. (5) the lead in implementation of strictly administering the party responsible. For tube party rule party poor, and party consciousness indifference, and party work missing, for subject responsibility, and a gang double accountability implementation not in place, and put business work and party work fragmented from of problem, for those think are wind anti-corruption effect e


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