2018中考真题分类汇编精讲20 综合运用

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1、15. (2018黑龙江哈尔滨) _ is the largest city with a population of more than four million people in Australia.A. London B. Sydney C. Paris15. B 考查地理文化知识。句意:悉尼是澳大利亚人口超过四百万的最大的一个城市。故选B 16. (2018黑龙江哈尔滨) Nowadays, more and more schools have their own Internet classrooms to help students improve themselves. To

2、make good use of Internet classrooms, students should _ online.chat with their friends as often as possiblesearch for useful informationget the latest(最新的)knowledgedownload resources for learningplay as many computer games as possibleA. B. C.16. C 考查情境阅读能力。句意:现今,越来越多的学校有了他们自己的网络教室来帮助促进学生发展。为了能使用好网络教

3、室,题目要求选择学生们应该在网络上做的正确的事情。所以是2,3,4项,故选C。 17. (2018黑龙江哈尔滨) On Childrens Day, Tom, a junior middle school student, went to Childrens Amusement Park with his mother and his 60-year-old grandparents. According to the price list, they paid _ yuan for the tickets.The Price of TicketsAdult(age 60 and above)

4、Adult(age under 60)Child(age 617)Child(age under6)¥15¥20¥10FreeA.60 B.45 C.8017. A 考查阅读理解能力。句意:在儿童节,汤姆,和他的妈妈,祖父母去儿童游乐场玩。汤姆是一位中学生,他的祖父母六十岁了。然后题目中给出一个价格表,要求根据这个价格表问他们共需要多少钱买票。根据表格中的具体年龄对照,共需要60元。故选A。34. (2018云南昆明)Lucy is getting to be an old hand at drawing pictures.A. a big hand B. first-hand C. inex

5、perienced D. experienced 34. D考查习语。句意:露西正在成为画画的老手。an old hand意为“老手;专家”,相当于experienced,“有经验的”。故选D。20. (2018黑龙江龙东)Which of the following signs means DANGEROUS? A. B. C. 20. B 考查基本常识。第一个标志是禁止停车,第二个标志是注意,第三个标志是循环。是送分题,选B。35. (2018河南中考) Which of the following public signs is correct in English?35. D 考查标志

6、词的用法。“饮水处”应为Drinking water;“八一大桥”应为Bayi Bridge;“当心滑跌”应为Be ware of slippery。只有D项正确。37. (2018 湖北咸宁) What do your parents do before _? They usually sweep away the dust(灰尘)of the old year and welcome a fresh start.A. the Lantern Festival B. the Spring FestivalC. the Mid-autumn Day D. the Dragon Boat Fes

7、tival37. D考查文化常识。句意:你父母在新年之前干什么?他们经常清除掉旧的一年灰尘,迎接新的开始。根据回答可知,这里应是问新年之前干什么。故选D。I.词汇(15分) i.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分) 1. (2018广东深圳)More than 400 street gardens will be built in Shenzhen. Good news! Our city becomes more and more beautiful.A. Over B. Around C. Nearly1. A 考查同义词转换。 句意:

8、 深圳将建设400多个街道花园。好消息!我们的城市变得越来越漂亮了。more than意为“超过,多于”; over表示“大于,多于”,同more than; around表示“周围;大约”; nearly表示“儿乎;差不多”。故选A。2. (2018广东深圳) Tim, you spent too much time on computers. Its harmful to your eyes. I see. Thank you. I will do more sports instead.A. is good for B. is bad for C. is helpful to2. B 考

9、查同义词转换。句意: 蒂姆,你花了太多时间玩电脑。-这对你的眼睛有害。我知道了。谢谢你。我将多做锻炼代替它。be harmful to 意为“对.有害/造成伤害”。is good for. 表示“对有好处”; is bad for表示“对有害处”; is helpful to表示“对有帮助”。故选B。 3. (2018广东深圳)Hi, John! Would you like to go hiking with me tomorrow? Sounds great! Its a good way to keep fit.A. lively B. active C healthy3. C 考查同义

10、词转换。句意:海,约翰,明天你想和我一起去远足吗?听起来是个好主意!这是保持健康的好方法。 keep fit意为“保持健康”; fit 此处意为“健康的”。A选项lively表示“活泼的,生动的,精力充沛的”;B选项active表示“活跃的;忙碌的”; C选项healthy表示“健康的;健壮的”。故选C。4. (2018广东深圳)Mr. Li, I feel a little nervous before the coming exam. Youd better take a break from studies and relax yourself. A. rest B. breath C.

11、 walk4.A 考查同义词转换。 句意:李老师,考试之前,我感觉有点紧张。你最好休息一下,防松一下自己。take a break意为“休息一-会儿”; break此处意为“休息”。A选项rest表示“休息”; B选项breath表示呼吸”; C选项walk表示“散步,走路”。故选A。5. (2018广东深圳)I dream to be a great dancer when I grow up. Thats great. But it requires confidence and practice.A. gets B. has C. needs5. C 考查同义词转换。句意:我梦想长大以后

12、当一个伟大的舞蹈家。很好呀。但是这需要自信和训练。 题中require意为“需要”。 gets表示“得到;收到”; has表示“有”; needs表示“需要;必须”。故选C。6. (2018广东深圳)Where is Shenzhen Concert Hall? How can we get there? (学生回忆版) It is close to the bookshop.A. behind B. opposite C. near6.C 考查同义词转换。 句意:深圳音乐厅在哪里?我们怎么能到那儿?它离书店很近。be close to意为“接近;靠近”。 behind表示“在. 的后面”;

13、opposite表示“对面的;另一边的”; near表示“近的,在附近”。故选C。 7. (2018广东深圳)Tony, have you got a plan for the summer vacation? Not yet. Perhaps Ill go to my hometown with my family.A. Maybe B. Actually C. Generally7. A 考查同义词转换。 句意:托尼,你暑假有计划了吗?还没有。也许我会和家人一起回老家。perhaps 意为“可能,大概”。A选项maybe表示“也许;大概”; B选项actually表示“实际上;事实上:”;

14、 C选项generally表示“普遍地;广泛地”。故选A。 8. (2018广东深圳) Our English club will put on a famous play during the School Art Week. 一Really? I cant wait to watch it.A. work on B. act out C. make up8. B 考查同义词转换。根据句意“我们的英语社团将在学校艺术周上演一个著名的话剧。真的吗?我等不及要看了。”可知put on在题中意为“上:演”。A选项walk on表示“走路”; B选项act out表示“表演;演出”; C选项make

15、 up表示“组成;编造”。故选B。(B)从下面各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的最佳选项。36. (2018贵州黔南)Please dont throw litter here and there during the school sports meet. A. somewhereB. over there C. all placesD. around36. D【解析】考察句意理解。句意:请不要在学校运动会期间到处乱扔垃圾。here and there,到处,相当于around;somewhere某处;over there在那边;all places所有的地方。故选D.37. (2018



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