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1、.2019-2020学年第一学期八年级英语期中复习卷(满分:100分 考试时间:100分钟)一.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1. In order to find better job some day, the girl planned to learn second language. A the; a B. a; a C. the; the D. a; the2. 一Why dont you keep long hair, Mary? 一The short hair looks fresh and cool. I also have time to sleep in the morn

2、ing doing my long hair. A. more; instead B. more; instead of C. much; instead D. less; instead of3. 一 fine weather it is today ! 一Yes. Lets go camping, ? A. How; shall we B. What a; will you C. What; shall we D. How a; will you4. Football is a popular sport my father my mother is interested in watch

3、ing football matches. A. Both; and B. Neither; nor C. Not only; but also D. Either; or5. Excuse me, Mr Wu. May I ask you ? A. some more questions B. any more questions C. some problems D. any more problems6. 一Beijing is bigger than in Japan, isnt it? 一Yes. Beijing is also one of the biggest cities i

4、n the world. A. any city B. any other city C. the other city D. the other cities7. 一Doctor, 1 want to know . 一Three times a day after meals. A. how many times do I take my temperature B. how often I take my medicine C. how I do some exercise D. when do I wash my hands8. You look so tired. Why not so

5、me music? A. to stop to listen to B. to stop listening to C. stop to listen to D. stop listening to9. Elvis Presley was famous the king of rock and roll (摇滚)while Bruce Lee was famous his kung fu. A. for; for B. as; as C. for; as D. as; for10. 一Judy is a thoughtful and organized girl. 一Yes. I think

6、she is plan everything well. A. clever enough to B. too clever to C. so clever that D. enough clever to11. 一Hi, I didnt see you at the party in the company yesterday evening.一Oh, all my family my sons birthday at home. A. celebrated B. have celebrated C. was celebrating D. were celebrating12. Mr. Sm

7、ith told his son the football match because of the exam. A. not to watch B. to not watch C. not watching D. doesnt watch13. 一Excuse me, is the price of the iPhone 6 Plus? 一It costs about¥ 5 , 700. A. what B. how many C. how much D. which 14. 一How is Berber in the new school? 一She is doing well. Ther

8、e is to . A. nothing; worried B. nothing; worry about C. something; worried about D. something; worry15. 一The TV program Running Man is popular recently. How do you like it?一 . A. I think so B. Pretty good C. All right D. Thats all right二.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) A daughter told her father about her life an

9、d said things were so hard for her. It seemed that, as one 16 was gone, a new one appeared Her father, a cook, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to a boil(沸腾).In one pot he 17 carrots, in the second he put some eggs, and in th

10、e last he put some coffee. He let them just boil, 18 saying a word. The daughter waited, wondering what he was doing. Twenty minutes later he turned off the fire. He fished the carrots and eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then he poured the coffee out and placed it in a cup. Turning to her he ask

11、ed, Dear, what do you see? Carrots, eggs and coffee, She replied. He brought her closer and asked her to 19 the carrots. She did and found that they were soft. Then he asked her to take an egg and 20 it. After pulling off the shell(外壳),she saw the hardboiled egg. Finally he asked her to drink the co

12、ffee. She smiled. As she tasted it, What do you mean, father? He explained that each of them had 21 the same trouble, boiling water, but each reacted(回应)differently. The carrot went in strong and hard 22 after being in boiling water, it softened and became weak The egg had been easy to break. But af

13、ter sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The coffee was 23 ,however. After it was in the boiling water, it 24 the water. 25 are you? he asked his daughter. When trouble knocks on your door, what do you do? Are you a carrot, an egg, or just coffee?16. A. question B. accident C. problem D. business17. A. threw B. placed C. took D. dropped18. A. for


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