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1、New Concept English Book 2 Lesson 66,Lancaster n. 兰开斯特 bomber n. 轰炸机 remote adj. 偏僻的 Pacific n. 太平洋 damage v. 毁坏 wreck n. 残骸 rediscover v. 重新发现 aerial adj. 航空的 survey n. 调查 rescue v. 营救(save),package v. 把打包 enthusiast n. 热心人 restore v. 修复(修并且复原,如对艺术品的修复) imagine v. 想像 packing case 包装箱 colony n. 群 be

2、e n. 蜂 hive n. 蜂房 preserve v. 保护 beeswax n. 蜂蜡,Words,bomber,bomb n. 炸弹 a time bomb 定时炸弹 an atomic bomb 原子弹 a bomblet 小炸弹 go like a bomb 非常成功 bomber n. 轰炸机,炸弹手, 轰炸员, 投弹手 mb 中b不发音 climb thumb comb dumb,remote,1)adj. 偏僻的,偏远的 distant A remote island in the Pacific Ocean A remote village 2)adj. (时间上)久远的,

3、遥远的 in the remote past in the remote future,pacific,1) n. 太平洋 the Pacific Ocean the Atlantic Ocean大西洋 ;the Indian ocean印度洋 ; the Arctic ocean 北冰洋 2)adj. 和解的,和平的,爱和平peaceful peace n. a pacific solution 和平解决 a dove of peace 和平鸽,damage,1) n. 损坏,破坏 damage to the car damage to the crops damage to ones re

4、putation damage to ones fame 2) v 毁坏 damage sth damage a fence damage a car damage furniture Smoking can damage your health. The bridge was badly damaged by the flood. The rumor damaged his name.,wreck,1) n.遇难的船,失事的船的残骸 The wreck wasnt found. 2)n. 残骸 the wreck of the plane (the car, the ship) My hou

5、se was a worthless wreck after the earthquake. 3)n .毁坏 the wreck of the plan 计划受挫 go to wreck 毁灭 Remains 人或动物的遗体,rediscover,1)discover v. 发现 Do you know who discovered America? I discovered an unopened letter in the drawer. I discovered that she was a good cook. discover sb to be 发现。为 I discovered h

6、im to be quite trustworthy. Re- 再次进行或发生 重新发现 rebuilt rewrite review restore rename remarry rediscover rediscovery retell,aerial,1) adj. 航空的 an aerial survey 航空勘察 an aerial railway 悬浮列车 aero-前缀 表示空气的,飞行器的,survey,1) n. 调查(一定要跟数据有关系) a public opinion survey 民意调查 a convincing survey 令人信服的调查 make a surve

7、y of river pollution调查河流污染 2)v。详细调查,勘察,测量 survey We surveyed 5000 housewives,10% of them use dishwashers. They started surveying the coast. have a house surveyed 请人勘察房屋,rescue,1) v。挽救,解救=save the fireman rescued the baby from the burning house. 2)n.挽救 Come to a persons rescue来营救某人 Go to a persons re

8、scue去营救某人 rescuer 营救者,package,1) n. 大包 Open a package A package of books 2)v. 把打成大包 They packed the mouse in a beautiful box and sent it to the teacher. a package tour 包办旅行 相关的词parcel n. 包裹(邮局邮寄) a backpack 背包 Pack it for me , wrap it up for me packing case 包装箱,enthusiast,1) n. 热心人 2)enthusiasm n. 热

9、心,热情,热忱 He has great enthusiasm for the personal computer. 3)enthusiastic adj 热情的,热心的 He knew little about our trouble,but he was very enthusiastic. He became enthusiastic about the classical music. 4)enthusiastically adv .热心地,,restore,1) v. 重建,修复,恢复原状 restore ones health 恢复健康 restore ones confidenc

10、e恢复信心 restore a plane 修复飞机 restore a china vase 修复瓷花瓶 2)restoration n。恢复 a restoration of peace 恢复和平 3)store 1. 商店,储存store house 2.储备 store some food,imagine,1) v.想像 Can you imagine life without electricity? imagine doing I didnt imagine becoming a writer in my childhood. He imagined owning a big ho

11、use . imagine that(不可用进行时) Imagine that you are a bird. imagination n.想象,想象力 vivid imagination 丰富的想象力 imaginative adj 富有想象力的 an imaginative story Imaginary 假想的,虚构的,反义词:real an imaginary animal,colony,1) n. 群 a colony of ants 一群蚂蚁 ;a colony of bees 一群蜜蜂; a colony of artists 一群艺术家 2)n, 殖民地 Australia u

12、sed to be a colony of Britain.,bee,1) bee-keeper 养蜂人 2)as busy as a bee 3)beehive 或 hive n蜂房,preserve,1) v. 保护=protect preserved beancurd豆腐乳 preserved fruit果脯 preserved meat腊肉 preserved fish腊鱼 smoked fish熏鱼 2)v维护,保持=maintain Preserve your eyes Preserve ones eyesight保护视力 3)preservation n.保护,beeswax,关

13、键句型,使役式:have +名词/宾语代词 +动词过去分词,使役式表示请别人做某事 While Im away, Ill have you looked after. 我不在的时候,我会让人照顾你的。 I have my car washed. Im going to have my suit cleaned. I have to have my watch repaired. have sth. done的另一个意思是“遭遇不幸” I have my leg broken. 我摔断了腿 I have my wallet lost/stolen. 我丢了钱包,Exercise,改写以下句子(u

14、sing have) 1.He is building a new house. He is having a new house built. 2.She will make a new dress. She will have a new dress made. 3.I didnt decorate the house. I didnt have the house decorated. 4.They repaired the washing machine. They had the washing machine repaired. 5.We must cut this dangero

15、us tree down. We must have this dangerous tree cut down. 6.We have to install this new television set. We have to have this new television set installed.,课文讲解,1)crash从上往下掉 (不及物, on) crash in the mountain掉到山里 2)a long way to go 有很长的路要走 3)west of / east of / south of / north of 在英文中跟方位感相连的介词有三个in, on,

16、 to Harbins in the north of China on是指跟一个地方有接触面 Korea is on the north of China to是相离的概念 前面又没the, 又没介词, west ofto the west of west of前面没有任何词修饰的时候, 我们认为处于相离的概念,课文讲解,4)was too badly damaged损坏得太厉害 5)over在此之间, 相当于during (over后如有数字则译为 “超过” ) over the years 这些年来 over the new year在新年期间 / over the Christmas在圣诞期间 over Spring Festival在春节期间 6)festival n.节日, 喜庆日, 音乐节, 戏剧节, 喜庆, 欢宴, 欢乐 adj.节日的, 快乐的 7)remain+adj看作系动词be理解 the room remained warm房间还是那么暖和, 注意与


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