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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家 版权所有高考资源网- 1 -四川省武胜县烈面中学 2016 高考英语完形填空二轮精练(5 )答案【湖北省 2014 高考英语第二次联考试题】完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My son Tom taught me a beautiful lesson today. He is three years old and it is amazing watching him grow up. He called out to me today saying, “Papa, sit”. That

2、 usually means 31 everything and going next to him and sitting down to play with him. I did that, as he can be 32 and will not stop calling out until I 33 . He was playing with beads (珠子), pushing a string through them, which is a great exercise to help 34 fine motor skills. Then, after he finished

3、playing with the beads, it was time to put them back in the box that they are stored in. I saw him 35 pick up each bead, look at it 36 it were made of chocolate and then placed it into its box. With over a hundred beads to go, I was getting 37 . “What a long time it will take! Why cannot he 38 ten b

4、eads in one go and drop them in?” said my anxious mind. I noticed that he did this with as much 39 as he had while we were playing. I didnt see any 40 between his play and his putting away the toy. Obviously he enjoyed both. Then it suddenly 41 me that this boy was enjoying the whole 42 . The journe

5、y was his goal. For him the 43 was in the game and after the game, not just in the fun part. What a great perspective: to live each moment as it is the 44 moment; to do each task as it is the most awesome task. Nothing else 45 . Looking at how 46 my son was putting beads into the box 47 me that the

6、process was the goal. The joy of pilgrimage (朝圣) is not in getting there but in every 48 of the journey. This is what living in the NOW is all 49 . Tom, my son, was showing me that it was about thoroughly enjoying every moment with 50 love and peace. 31. A. wasting B. leaving C. taking D. preparing3

7、2. A. stubborn B. innocent C. helpful D. humorous33. A. fell down B. turned round C. burst out D. gave in34. A. highlight B. develop C. illustrate D. identify高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家 版权所有高考资源网- 2 -35. A. gratefully B. eagerly C. carefully D. quickly36. A. as if B. even though C. in case D. in that37. A. fas

8、cinated B. satisfied C. impatient D. energetic38. A. package B. grab C. deliver D. replace39. A. confidence B. strength C. inspiration D. involvement40. A. sense B. difference C. need D. value41. A. excited B. helped C. struck D. encouraged42. A. process B. morning C. experiment D. design 43. A. vic

9、tory B. challenge C. difficulty D. pleasure44. A. urgent B. decisive C. perfect D. dangerous45. A. matters B. happens C. disappears D. works46. A. successfully B. peacefully C. responsibly D. systematically47. A. guaranteed B. warned C. promised D. taught48. A. plan B. destination C. step D. detail4

10、9. A. for B. with C. about D. from50. A. complete B. available C. additional D. precious【参考答案】完形填空。第 1 模块 完形填空 模块导读(1) 考纲解读完形填空是一种综合测试,涉及的知识面很广,是用来测试考生的阅读理解能力和综合应用语言的能力。具体表现在以下几个方面:高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家 版权所有高考资源网- 3 -(1)词语辨析能力 (2)语法结构分析能力(3)语篇理解能力 (4)逻辑推理能力(5)文化背景透析能力 (6)作者意图剖析能力(7)生活常识综合运用能力命题分析完形填空在选材上

11、主要以记叙文、夹叙夹议型的文章为主,伴之以说明文和议论文。所选材料源于生活,时代感强, 语言地道,内容健康,情节丰富,寓意深刻,常涉及人物的心理活动描写,集知识、文化、教育和娱乐为 一体,具有极强的可读性。词数大多在 250300,难度低于阅读理解部分的文段。近年来的完形填空试题在选项的设置上越来越淡化语法结构,重在文意的干扰,即把具体的语言知识溶进具体的语言情景中去,考查考生通过上下文的前后提示或暗示,对整体文意进行把握的能力。这种考查方式所占的比例较大,且 难度也大,若单纯从句子或个别段落来分析,或许所给的四个选项在语法和结构上都是正确的,若放在全局,则不一定正确。因此,快速浏览全文,领悟

12、文章主旨,通过上下文的语境来选择正确答案是解决这类题的关键。以下是广东省最近三年高考自主命题的完形填空的命题特点以及实词考查对照表:高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家 版权所有高考资源网- 4 -应试点睛完形填空考查的内容和范围1主要考查的词类完形填空题突出考查考生对篇章的整体理解和对语境的理解, 而在文章中只有实词才能较好地突出词汇的语境化。细读近两年的考试大纲和研究近三年的高考试题后,我们可以得知,广东卷完形填空只考查实词,主要是名 词、动词(包括动词短语)、形容词、副词等。同时, 每小题的四个选项均属同一词类或同一语法形式。若四个选项都是名词, 那么都是单数名词或复数名词或是不可数名词;若

13、四个选项都是形容词或副词, 要么都是原级, 要么都是比较级, 要么都是最高级;如果都是动词, 那么四个选项要么都是及物动词或不及物动词, 要么都是ing 形式或ed 形式, 要么都是动词原形。2试题的选文特点高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家 版权所有高考资源网- 5 -广东卷完形填空的体裁可以是具有一定故事情节的记叙文, 或是夹叙夹议、富有哲理的议论文, 也可以是说明文。20092011 年广东高考英语试题的三篇文章的主题都很明确, 内容完整, 结构严谨, 层次分明, 逻辑性强, 文章内容新, 立意高, 构思巧妙, 富有一定的时代特色和教育意义, 句式结构不是很复杂, 知识内涵没有超出中学生的

14、认知水平, 考生读起来熟悉、亲切、自然, 其难度略高于高三教材。完形填空的首句是文章的窗口, 有助于考生了解和推 测全文的大意, 所以短文首句均不设空, 每两题空格最大间隔一般不超过 30 个词, 最小不低于 5 个词。广东卷完形填空的全部答案都是通过理解上下文来确定的, 也可以说是要求考生从文章中找出直接或间接的答案。它一般不设纯语法题, 如不设主谓一致题, 不设复合句的连接词, 不考介词、代 词等。另外, 四个选项中一般不会出现很难辨析的同义词或近义词。逻辑推理、背景知 识、生活常识、习惯用法和搭配是命题者经常考虑的命题点。3考查的主要技能首先,考查考生结合文章上下文对词汇意义及其用法的理解和运用能力。完形填空题型


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