2019秋外研版九年级英语上册考点精讲 Module 7

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1、Module 7知识点1influence的用法Were still influenced by Confuciuss ideas,and Shakespeares plays also make a lot of sense to us today.如今我们仍然受孔子思想的影响,而且莎士比亚的戏剧对我们而言也仍然很有意义。(P56)1.influence作及物动词,意为“影响”。2.influence作可数/不可数名词,意为“影响”,常用短语give/have an influence on.意为“对有影响”。例如:Learning English will have a great inf

2、luence on our work in the future.学习英语对我们未来的工作有很大的影响。活学活用1.Teachers have a greaton their students.(A)A.influenceB.startC.habitD.discussion2.Some pop singers have much influencethe young people today.(D)A.toB.forC.ontoD.on知识点2make sense的用法Were still influenced by Confuciuss ideas,and Shakespeares play

3、s also make a lot of sense to us today.如今我们仍然受孔子思想的影响,而且莎士比亚的戏剧对我们而言也仍然很有意义。(P56)make sense意为“有意义;讲的通”,一般不用于被动语态。常用搭配:make sense of sth.“理解某事/某物”;make sense to sb.“对某人有意义”。例如:It doesnt make sense.它没有任何意义。活学活用1.It doesnt maketo memorize grammars if you dont know how to use them in our daily life.(C)A

4、.effortB.differenceC.senseD.choice2.Can youwhat he said?(D)A.make senseB.make the senseC.make sensesD.make sense of知识点3by the way的用法By the way,what do you think of Mark Twain,the great American writer in the nineteenth century?顺便问一下,你认为19世纪美国伟大的作家马克吐温怎么样?(P56)by the way在句中常作插入语,意为“顺便提一下”,通常位于句首,引出另一

5、个话题或起补充说明的作用。由way构成的短语on the/ones way to.在去的路上in a way在某种程度上in the/ones way挡着的路活学活用1.,how is your grandfather now?He is fine.He always does sports in the park.(C)A.On the wayB.In the wayC.By the wayD.In this way2.The changes are an improvement.(B)A.in the wayB.in a wayC.on the wayD.on a way知识点4suppo

6、se的用法He was important,but I suppose he isnt as well-known as Confucius or Shakespeare.他很重要,但我认为他没有孔子和莎士比亚那样有名。(P56)1.suppose作动词,意为“猜想;推测;相信;认为”。“suppose+(that)从句”表示“猜测;认为”。常用短语be supposed to意为“理应;应当”,与否定词连用时,意为“不可以;不许”,在口语中表示委婉的禁止。例如:He is supposed to be there on time.他理应准时到那里。2.suppose可用于简略答语,I sup

7、pose so意为“我认为如此”,I suppose not意为“我不这样认为”。活学活用1.You should apologise to her,Barry.,but its not going to be easy.(A)A.I suppose soB.I feel soC.I prefer toD.I like to2.Does the meal cost $50? Isomething much better than this.(B)A.preferB.supposeC.suggestD.expect知识点5alive的用法Everyone is surprised to see

8、them at first,but very pleased to find that they are alive.起初每个人看到他们都很惊讶,但非常开心看到他们仍然活着。(P58)alive作表语,既可指人,又可指物;alive作定语,一般放在所修饰的名词之后作后置定语,意为“活着的”。辨析alive,living,live与livelyalive“活着的”,没有比较级和最高级,可作表语和后置定语,指人或物。living“活着的;现存的”,指人或物,可作表语和定语,作定语时要放在所修饰的名词前。live“活的;现场播出的”,可作定语,通常指物,不指人。lively“活泼的;有生气的”,可作

9、定语、表语和宾语补足语,指人或物。活学活用1.It was a really bad accident,but the boys were lucky to be.(A)A.aliveB.liveC.livedD.lively2.All the students like him because he always makes his class.(C)A.aliveD.livingC.livelyD.lived3.The show is going out.(D)A.livelyB.aliveC.livingD.live知识点6pay for的用法It tells how young peo

10、ple grow,how people love each other and how bad people pay for their actions.该书讲述了年轻人如何成长,人们如何彼此相亲相爱以及坏人如何为他们的行为付出代价。(P58)pay for 意为“为付出代价;受惩罚”。常用搭配“sb.+ pay+金钱+for sth.”意为“某人为某物支付多少钱”。例如:How much rent do you pay for this place?你租这个地方的租金是多少?It takes sb.+时间+to do sth. 做某事花费某人时间sth.costs sb.+金钱/时间 某事花费某人金钱/时间;某事让某人付出代价sb.spends+金钱/时间on sth./in doing sth. 某人在某物/做某事上花费金钱/时间活学活用1.He$20 for the watch.(D)A.tookB.spentC.costD.paid2.Heso much moneythe new bike.(C)A.cost;forB.took;forC.spent;onD.spent;in


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