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1、英国医院看病常用的英语口语和词汇 ?病名及症状词句英汉对照 肾,膀胱,尿道 Kidney,Bladder,Urethra 肾脏炎 Nephritis 肾不全 Renal failure 肾结石 Renal stone 尿道结石 Urethral stone 尿道炎 Urethritis 淋菌性尿道炎 Gonococcal urethritis 非淋菌性尿道炎 Non- gonococcal urethritis 尿毒症 Uremia 膀胱炎 Cystitis 膀胱结石 Bladder stone 尿道感染症 Urinary tract infection 尿失禁 Urinary inconti

2、nence 频尿 Urinary frequency 多尿 Polyuria 夜尿 Enuresis, Bed wetting 我尿量很多(很少)。I urinate a lot (little). 我的排尿不顺畅。I have poor urinary flow. 我有残尿感。I have a retention feeling after urinating. 排完尿后,还会有些尿漏出来。Some urine is still coming out after urination. 有时候我会漏尿。I wet my pants sometimes. 我尿不出来。I cannot urina

3、te. 我常常会有尿意。I feel like to urinate often. 我排尿快完时会痛。I feel a pain after urination. 我排尿时会痛。I feel a pain during urination. 我的尿混浊不清。My urine is cloudy. 我的尿液很黄。My urine is brownish. 我有血尿。I have a hematuria. 我排尿时有灼热感(刺痛感)。I have a burning pain (sharp pain) when urinating. 病名及症状词句英汉对照-胃肠肛门 Stomach, Intest

4、ine & Anus 胃炎 Gastritis 溃疡 Ulcer 胃溃疡 Gastric ulcer, Peptic ulcer 胃下垂 Gastric ptosis 胃痉挛 Colicky pain of the stomach 胃气痛 Heart-burn 食欲 Appetite 作呕 Nausea 十二指肠溃疡 Duodenal ulcer 肠炎 Enteritis 盲肠炎 Appendicitis 肠内积气,屁 Flatulence, Gas 直肠赘肉 Rectal polyp 疝痛 Colic 腹膜炎 Peritonitis 痔疮 Hermorrhoids 内痔核 Internal

5、haemorrhoid 外痔核 External haemorrhoid 痔 Anal fistula 脱肛 Prolapse of the anus 肛门周围炎 Perianal inflammation 肛门发痒症 Pruritus ani 便秘症 constipation 消化不良 Indigestion, Dyspepsia 腹泻,下痢症 Diarrhea 黑便 Tarry stool 觉得味酸酸 Taste sour 觉得味苦涩 Taste bitter 我肚子里有肿块。I feel a lump in my abdomen. 我拉肚子很厉害,而且也痛。I have severe d

6、iarrhea with pain. 我有便秘。I have constipation. 有气在我的肚子里。I feel some gas in my abdomen. (上腹部Upper abdomen) (下腹部Lower abdomen) 我一下子便秘,一下子拉肚子,而且反复来反复去。I have repeated constipation and diarrhea. 可以给我些轻泻剂吗?Could you give me some laxatives? 我有便意,但是排不出来。I feel bowel movement is coming, but I am unable to hav

7、e a movement. 我便里有鲜血。There is fresh blood in my stool. 我的便是硬(软)的。I have a hard (soft) stool. 我的便里有黏液。There is mucus in my stool. 我的肛门会痒。My anus is itching. (painful 会痛). 我排便的时候,肛门会痛,又会流血。My anus hurts, and it is bleeding with bowel movements. 当我过于用力便出,就觉得有什么赘瘤由肛门里出来的样子。When I strain, I feel somethin

8、g like a wart is coming out of anus. 病名及症状词句英汉对照-呼吸器官,心脏 Respiratory Organs, Heart 普通感冒 Cold 咳嗽 Cough 流行性感冒 Influenza (Flu) 支气管炎 Bronchitis 气喘 Asthma 打嗝 Hiccup 痰 Sputum 肺炎 Pneumonia 肺结核 Pulmonary tuberculosis (T.B.) 肺气肿 Pulmonary emphysema 肋膜炎 Pleurisy 心肌梗塞 Myocardial infarction (Heart attack) 狭心症 A

9、ngina pectoris 心悸动 Palpitation 心律不整 Arrhythmia, Irregular heart beats 吐痰 Spit 咳出痰 Cough up phlegm (sputum) 我在咳嗽。I am coughing. 我一直有气喘病。I have a history of Asthma. 我的呼吸又快又浅。I breathe fast and shallow. 我有呼吸困难。I have a difficulty in breathing. 我呼吸短短地。I am short of breath. 我呼吸喘喘地。I am wheezing. 我胸部会痛,尤其

10、咳嗽时更不好。My upper chest hurts which gets worse when coughing. 我呼吸或咳嗽的时候(指自己的上胸部及气管处)会有如刀割一样的痛。Here, I have an acute pain when breathing or coughing. 我的脉搏变快了。My heat beats have become faster. 我的脉搏有时候会乱。I have skipped beats sometimes. 有时候我有心悸 (心跳得厉害)。I sometimes have irregular heart beats. 我的胸部有绞痛。I fee

11、l a squeezing pain in my chest. 我的左胸部有刺痛。I feel a sharp pain around my upper left breast. 病名及症状词句英汉对照-口腔 Mouth 舌炎 Glossitis 舌苔 Caoted, or Furred tongue 蛀牙 Dental cavities 齿髓炎 Pulpitis 蜂窝组织炎 Phlegmon 牙周炎 Periodontitis 牙周病 Periodontosis 唾液,口水 Saliva 齿肉炎 Gingivitis 我不知味了。I lost my sense of taste. 我有口臭。

12、I have bad breath. 我不能好好动用我的舌头。I cannot move my tongue well. 他(我)不能发音发得很好。He (I) cannot pronounce words properly. 我觉得舌头有点麻麻的。My tongue feels numb. 我的舌头有点痛。I have a pain on my tongue. 我的舌头有些不对劲 (不舒服)。My tongue is irritating. 我的牙齿痛得很厉害。I have a terrible toothache. 当我喝冷东西的时,我的牙齿很刺痛。When I drink somethi

13、ng cold, I get a sharp toothache. 这颗牙在痛。This tooth hurts. 我的齿龈很痛。My gum is very sore. 我的齿龈很不舒服。My gum is irritated. 我的牙龈肿起来了。This gum is swollen. 我牙齿的填料掉了。My tooth filling is lost. 请你治疗我的蛀牙。Could you treat my dental cavities (caries). 请除去齿石。Could you remove my dental plaque? 你那样,使我很痛。Oh! Your are hu

14、rting me. 你能否矫正我的牙齿排列?Could you correct my bite? 能否给我做假牙?Could you make a denture (or a false tooth) for me? 它什么时候会好?When will it be ready? 这假牙不合。The denture does not fit. 我上下颚的咬合不很好。The bite of my upper and lower jaws is not proper. 除非有必要,请你不要拔牙。Please, dont extract the tooth unless it is absolutel

15、y necessary. 病名及症状词句英汉对照-耳,鼻,喉 Ears nose & Throat 耳病 earache 耳鸣 Tinnitus 听觉障碍,耳聋 Deafness 中耳炎 Otitis media 外耳道炎 Otitis externa 内耳炎 Labyrinthitis 耳下腺炎 Mumps 鼓膜破裂 Rupture of the tympanic membrane 鼻炎 Rhinitis 鼻咽腔炎 Rhino-pharyngitis 扁桃腺炎 Tonsilitis 扁桃腺肥大 Tonsil hypertrophy 咽头炎 Pharyngitis 声带结节 Singers n

16、odules 嘎声 Hoarseness 哑 Mute 有恶臭味的鼻汁 Foul mucus 打喷嚏 Sneese 我有耳鸣。(鸣声,吹啸声,萤萤或嗡嗡低讯声, 隆隆声) I have a (ringing, buzzing, booming) in my ears. 怎么样的声音在耳鸣,高声或低声等等,最好想法子说明清楚,这对医生来判断你的病症很重要。 我耳朵(左耳,右耳) 有分泌物(脓)出来。I have discharge in ears. (Left ear,right ear) 我觉得耳朵里湿湿的。It feels wet in my ear. 我突然听不见了。I become deaf all of a sudden. 我的听力有困难。I have difficulty in hearing. 我流鼻水。I have a running nose. 我的鼻子干干的。My noe is dry. 我闻不出来。 I h



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