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1、Unit 5 Rhythm,【话题词汇】 1. adaptation n. 改编本 2. symbol n. 象征 3. character n. 角色; 人物 4. influence n. 影响 5. convey v. 传达 6. adapt v. 改编 7. original adj. 原创的 n. 原作,8. classic adj. 经典的 n. 名著 9. graceful adj. 举止文雅的; 有教养的 10. imaginary adj. 虚构的 11. give/leave sb. a deep impression 给某人留下深刻印象 12. think highly

2、of 高度评价 13. play a part in 参与 14. of great value 很有价值,【经典语篇】 (2012天津高考) 假设你是李津, 你的美国朋友Chris就读于天津某国际学校。他热爱中国文化, 特别是戏曲文化。8月5日下午2: 00在新落成的天津大剧院将上演越剧梁山伯与祝英台。请你根据以下提示, 用英语给Chris写一封电子邮件, 邀请他一起观看演出。 提出邀请并简述原因; 提出观剧后活动建议(如参观附近的博物馆或美术馆等); 请求对方回复。,注意: 1. 请使用规范英语, 词数不少于100个; 2. 可适当加入细节, 以使内容充实、行文连贯。 Dear Chris

3、, 写信目的I have good news to tell you. Id like to invite you to see Butterfly Lovers, a famous Chinese Shaoxing Opera, which is to be put on at the newly built Tianjin Grand Theater at 2: 00 p. m. on August 5th. As you know, as your close friend, I know you are fond of Chinese culture, especially opera

4、 culture.,具体活动安排Of course, besides going to the theater, we can do some other meaningful things, such as visiting the museum or the art gallery nearby, which both contain a lot of items of great value. Im sure that we will have a good time. 盼望回复Im looking forward to receiving your reply. Best wishes

5、. Yours, Li Jin,【厚积薄发】 . 句型转换 (1)He made a good comment about the play put on yesterday. =He _ the play put on yesterday. (2)He performed well at the concert, which gave the audience a deep impression. =He performed well at the concert, which _ _.,thought highly of,impressed the,audience deeply,. 一句

6、多译 我知道你喜欢中国文化,特别是戏曲文化。 I know you _ Chinese culture, especially opera culture. I know you _ Chinese culture, especially opera culture. I know you _ Chinese culture, especially opera culture.,are fond of,like/enjoy,take pleasure in,. 单词分类记忆 【核心单词】不可不记 1. _ (adj. ) 非凡的,特别的 2. _ (n. ) 奖,奖品 3. _ (n. ) 听

7、众;观众 4. _ (vt. &vi. ) 停止;辞职 5. _ (n. )效果,作用_ (adj. )有效的,起作用的 6. _ (vt. )使失望_ (n. )失望 _ (adj. )失望的_ (adj. )令人失望的,extraordinary,award,audience,quit,effect,effective,disappoint,disappointment,disappointed,disappointing,7. _ (vt. &vi. )表演;做_ (n. )表演;演奏 _ (n. )表演者 8. _ (adj. )强大的, 有力的_ (n. )力量,权力 9. _ (v

8、t. )使(人)印象深刻_ (n. )印象_ ( adj. ) 给人留下深刻印象的;难忘的 10. _ (n. )外貌,外观_ (vi. )出现,似乎, 显得,perform,performance,performer,powerful,power,impress,impression,impressive,appearance,appear,11. _ (adj. )普通的;平常的_ (adv. )通常地,一般地 12. _ (adj. )有责任的, 应负责任的 _ (n. )责任_ (vi. )回答; 作出反应 13. _ (n. )允许, 许可_ (v. 许可证,ordinary,ord

9、inarily,responsible,responsibility,respond,permission,permit,【高频单词】不可不知 14. _ (vt. ) 转换, 转化 15. _ (adj. ) 独特的, 唯一的 16. _ ( n. ) 系统,体系,制度 17. _ (n. ) 乐器;工具 18. _ (adv. )极端地,非常地_ (adj. 极端 19. _ (adj. )有创造力的,创造性的_ (vt. ) 创造,创作 20. _ (vt. )(使)结合,(使)联合_ (n. ) 结合,组合,transform,unique,system,instrument,extr

10、emely,extreme,creative,create,combine,combination,21. _(vt. )代表_(n. )代表; 代理; 表现 _(adj. )有代表性的; 典型的 22. _ (n. )将军_ (adj. )一般的, 总的, 综合的_ (adv. )通常地,一般地 23. _ (adj. )移民的,移居的(n. )移民 _ (v. ) 移民 24. _ (n. )反应_ (vi. &vt. )作出反应,general,general,generally,immigrant,immigrate,reaction,react,represent,represent

11、ation,representative,. 短语双语互译 1. 出版 _ 2. 习惯于 _ 3. 换句话说 _ 4. 有时,不时 _ 5. 在某些方面 _ 6. 在中扮演重要角色 _ 7. 提到,参考,查阅 _,come out,be used/accustomed to,in other words,at times,in some ways,play an important role in,refer to,8. 往返,来回 _ 9. be related to _ 10. combine. . . with. . . _ 11. in detail _ 12. make sure _

12、 13. fit in _ 14. on special occasions _ 15. dream of _ 16. as with _ 17. be impressed by _,back and forth,有关联,把与结合,详细地,确保;查清,适应,在一些特别的场合,梦想,和一样,正如,印入脑海;留下印象,语境取词选用上面的单词或短语填空 For a long time, she had been _(梦想)becoming an actress. Her dream came true and she _ _(在中扮演重要角色)a play. She _ (表演) well and

13、the _ (观众)sang high praise for her performance. This play would _(对 产生影响) her future life.,dreaming of,played an important,role in,performed,audience,have a great effect on,Mr. Wang was an _ (普通的 )worker and he was good at drawing pictures. _(在某些方面), his drawing style was different from others and _(独特的


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