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1、http:/ 留学生英文论文写作专属定制平台Essay写作范文德国骑士文学和骑士精神本文主要讨论的是关于德国的骑士文学与骑士精神。骑士是中世纪兴起的一个社会阶层,它在中世纪的欧洲占有着极其重要的地位。在德国骑士文学发展史的一定程度上受到了法国的影响,以法国的口头文学的传唱形式将法国的骑士文学传入德国。与此同时,在法国骑士文学的内容以及题材上进行了改动,加入了一些新的修辞并且扩大题材的范围。With the emergence of the medieval knight class in Europe,there appeared the corresponding culture of ch

2、ivalry and chivalric literature.This essay focuses on the study of German chivalric literature and chivalric spirit. While German chivalric literature is influenced by French chivalric poetry,some forms of expression are added correspondingly, which enriches the genre content of chivalric literature

3、.Medieval Europe can be called the age of knight,knight is a rising social class in the middle ages,and occupies an important position in medieval Europe.To some extent,the development of German chivalric literature was influenced by France,which introduced French chivalric literature to Germany thr

4、ough oral literature transmission.Meanwhile,the content and theme of French chivalric literature were modified,new rhetoric was added or the theme scope was expanded,thus forming German chivalric literature.From the political perspective,the antagonism between the feudal lords and religion and the r

5、ivalry between the feudal lords caused a lot of war,in the era of war knights follow lords,but in times of peace,the Lord forgave the knights worry about food and clothing,so the knight has a lot of fun time,in the process of enjoyment is created with hair of religious asceticism,pleasure-seeking Ge

6、rman knight literature characteristics.On the premise of taking French chivalric literature as the blueprint,the genre of German chivalric literature is rich.According to specific works,it can be divided into three categories:court love songs,chivalric romances and heroic epics.Combined with the wor

7、ks of relevant writers, this paper analyzes the chivalric literature of these three genres.Court love song is a kind of poetry popular in the German court,in European culture there is a special termMinne,roughly means the knight of a high status and married lady love and admiration.Thus we can see t

8、he respect for women in the romances of chivalry,and the roots of German gentleman culture can be found here.From the in-depth study of court love song,it can be seen that most of the women depicted have higher status than knights, and they are able to resist the temptation of emotion and have noble

9、 qualities in the face of knights love and pursuit.Therefore,it is generally the knights desire to pursue the object of his admiration,but the expression of emotion should be neither too implicit nor too explicit, otherwise it will lose the appeal of court love song or cause others dissatisfaction.F

10、rom the expression content of palace love song,it can show the knights self-liberation consciousness,but at the same time it is oppressed by the feudal ritual system.In addition to a strong sense of self-liberation, there is a saying that the love of feudal lords in the middle ages has certain polit

11、ical purposes.However,this kind of love of knights is a real personal feeling and has certain progressive significance. However, because the target of pursuit is the feudal Lords woman or the woman with higher status than their own,the love of knights is suppressed and cannot get a happy ending,so t

12、hey rely on palace love songs to express their emotions,such as Heinrich von Morungens works,which are typical representatives.The origin of knight epic is in the middle of the 12th century,the content is mainly based on Greek mythology,and the main type of writer is knight poet.Chivalric romances m

13、ainly describe the love and adventure of knights.The main representative works includeIvan,Parsifalandpoor henrich.InIvan,Ivan,the knight,regards his knighthood as his duty.When the feudal Lords rule is threatened,Ivan is sent to take risks to consolidate the court society.Although the knights leave

14、 the court,they still stick to the court system,complete the adventure and return to the court,and finally consolidate the court system.It can be seen from this chapter that the theme of chivalric romances is adventure.Henrichis about the knights love,this knight legend describes a knight suffering

15、from a incurable disease,met a kind girl,this girl is willing to use their own blood to cure the knight,her dedication touched the god,woke up the knight,finally recovered,yu this girl married.It shows the love of knights,but with a certain Christian color.Heroic epic is a new genre of German chival

16、ric literature,which is mainly based on some ancient legends of Germanic nationality.The main task of heroic epic is not knights,but national heroes of ancient Germanic nationality.The most famous song of nibelungen is from the middle ages in Germany.The song of niberon is divided into two parts,with a total of 9,516 lines.The general content is based on the background of national migration and the treasure of


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