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1、河北省保定市高阳中学2014年高一下学期第十二次周考英语试卷一. 单词和短语翻译(每小题1分)1. 发现,发觉 2. 国籍 3. 毕业于来源:学科网ZXXK4. 生产,制造 5. 坚持;要求 6. 评论,议论 二. 用所给词的适当形式填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. It is no use_ ( complain ).2. We succeeded in_ (finish) the task ahead of time.3. His _ (late) for class made his teacher very angry.4. John finished_ (read) t

2、he book yesterday.5. _ (collect) information is very important to businessmen.6. Tom could not help_ (jump) when he heard the news.7. I should say sorry to Kate. I regret_ (refuse) to help her that day.8. Everybody was made unhappy because he insisted on_ (stop) the work.9. _ (do) morning exercises

3、is very important to us.10. It is not worth_ (see) the movie for the second time.三. 单词拼写和短语填空。根据下列句子及所缺单词的首字母或汉语意思,写出单词的正确形式。(共27小题;每空1分,满分31分)1. A c_ change takes place in paper when it burns. 2. We must r_ ourselves of these old ideas. 3. Not having had food for over forty hours, we were all weak

4、from h_. 4. The baby is hungry but it is too young to _ (喂养) itself yet.5. It was a new form of _ (细菌) and nobody knew how it would affect humans. 6. The cookies are made from g_ and fruit. 7. Farmers consider rabbits to be p_, because they destroy some crops they grow. 8. The violent film is not s_

5、 for children.9. This food provides the _(营养) your dog needs. 10. The average o _ of the factory is 20 cars a day.11. Many African children die of h_ because of lack of food.12. Sydneys population e_rapidly in the 1960s.13. Look, the fish are s_for survival because the water level has dropped in the

6、 lake.14. Yesterday 1 bought 10 flavors of ice-cream-enough to s_my roommates.15. I am a bit c. Is that her husband or her son she is with?16. The plane rspeed as it was approaching the airport.17. Our farm sthe market with fruits and vegetables.18. I prefer m water to distilled(蒸馏)water.19. He bega

7、n to play the (小提琴)when he was only 6 years old20. With the development of science and technology China is e_ many kinds of electric products to developing countries.21. Yao Ming plays basketball in NBA and he is a s_ basketball star.22. T_ _ bad weather, our football match has to be put off.23. Now

8、 the old couple _ _ simple but happy _ in the countryside.来源:学科网ZXXK24. Judging from his s_ face and arms, he works in the open air.25. Im very tired. I _ _ have a good sleep than go to the cinema.26. After you have read the article, I would like you to write a s .27. The people s_ to get out of the

9、 burning building. 四. 句型转换。每空填一词,使该句与所给句子意思相同。(共5小题;每空2分,满分12分)1. With the help of a good teacher, John made great progress in his English study last term. _ _ a good teacher, John made great progress in his English study last term. 2. After ten years in prison, he was set free.After ten years in pr

10、ison, he was given his _. 3. The library provides readers with books.The library _ books _ readers. 4. It is certain that she is fit for the job. She _ _ _ be fit for the job. 5. It is a good habit to get up early.来源:Zxxk.Com_ _ _ _ a good habit.来源:Z|xx|k.Com五 请用下列单词或短语的适当形式填空。(有多余选项)(共10小题;每小题1分,满分

11、10分)satisfy, supply, lead, would rather, struggle, whatever, confuse, work, rid, sunburn, prefer to, certainThere was an old goat that grew a lot of cabbages. He gathered in all his cabbages with the help of two rabbits. Then he gave each of them ten cabbages to express his thanks. But the goat got

12、1 when he found that one of them was very happy while the other was not that happy. So the goat asked him, “You are not 2 with this?”“No, no. Thank you very much for the cabbages. But if I have a choice I would 3 choose something else,” said the rabbit.“Ok, you can choose 4 you like from what I have

13、.” “I wonder if you can teach me to grow cabbages,” the rabbit said. “I often cant get enough food to eat. If I want to 5 a good life, I must grow something of my own. So, I 6 learn to work the land from you than just accept your cabbages.”“ 7 the land is not that easy. In spring, you must 8 the lan

14、d of grass; in summer, your skin will be 9 working in the field and in autumn, you must 10 against bad weather to get in your crops. Did you really decide to do so?” the goat asked.“Yes. Ive made up my mind.”“Ok!”With the help of the goat, one year later, the rabbit got a lot of cabbages of his own. 六 佳句必背 (共10小题, 每空1 分)1. He has for Chinese farmers for the past five .2. Dr Yuan his dream producing a kind rice that could feed more people. 3. At that time, hu



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