unit 3 powerful music 导学案 2

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1、Unit 3 Powerful Music 导学案 21. When he stepped into the cabin, he found the old man was pointing a gun at him.when引导_从句,主句中found后有一个_从句,省略了_.point at 在课文原句中意为”用瞄准/对着”【例】The hunter pointed his gun at the bear.【品句会意】(1). He pointed to a house in the distance.(2) .Its rude to point at people while you a

2、re speaking.(3) .He pointed out the danger of driving alone.(4) .At Zhouqu, Premier Wens speech was short and to the point.【归纳】在句(1)中point to 意为_,句(2)中point at 意为_,两者区别是_.在句(3)中point 是_词,构成搭配point_意为”指出”;在句(4)中point 是_词,构成搭配_the point意为”简洁中肯”.【活学活用】单项填空1)I _ the camera and asked an assistant, “Can I

3、 have one of them?”A. point at B. point out C. point to D. point in2) I should _ that none of these painting is true. A. point at B. point out C. point to D. point in2. Just then he caught sight of a violin hanging on the wall.hanging on the wall是_做定语,修饰_catch sight of 在课文原句中意为”看见”【例】I caught sight

4、of his tall figure in the crowd.【品句会意】(1)At this distance you lost sight of the town.(2)He fell in love with her at first sight.(3)The people all shouted at the sight of the king.(4)Out of sight, out of mind.(5)There was no one anywhere in/within sight.(6)The land came in sight after we had sailed f

5、or ten days.【归纳】lose sight of _ at first sight_ the sight of 一看见 out of sight_ sight 看得见 come _ sight 进入视线,映入眼帘【拓展】short/near-sighted_long/far-sighted_【活学活用】完成句子1)I happened to _(看见) John as he was going past our office.2)He knew the girl was the type he wanted _(第一眼就).3)The baby cried _(一看见) his mo

6、ther.4)Finally, the beautiful mountain _(映入眼帘).5)The driver _(看不见) the car he was following.6)Keep it up! Final victory is _(在望).3. Actually Cals father played the violin best in the area, but he didnt answer, with his gun still aiming at David.aim at 在课文原句中意为”瞄准”【例】He aimed at the target and hit it

7、.【品句会意】(1). I aim to lose 4kg before the summer holidays.(2). Her aim is to be a professional dancer.句(1)中 aim_意为”旨在做某事”,句(2)中aim 是_词, 意为_.with复合结构作状语: with+宾语+宾语补足语【品句会意】he is used to sleeping with the window open.She left the room with all the lights on.He walked into the dark street with a stick

8、in his hand.With many new words to remember, she will stay up tonight.With nobody watching TV, I turned it off.With all the things bought, she went home happily.【归纳】with复合结构可总结为如下几种形式:1)with+n./prop.+adj.2)with+n./prop.+adv.3)with+n./prop.+prep.-phrase4)with+n./prop.+to do, 不定式表示_5)with+n./prop.+v.-

9、ing, v.-ing表示_,即该动作由with 后的宾语发出6)with+n./prop.+v.-ed, v.-ed 表示_,即with 后面的宾语与该过去分词所表示的动词之间构成_关系.【活学活用】完成句子1) _(母亲节要到了), I have taken some money out of the bank to buy gifts for my mum.2) He sat at the piano,_(背对着观众).3) With many of his works_(出版), he became more and more famous.4) _(放学了), the childre

10、n all went home.4. but he took the violin from the wall as calmly as if he were a welcome visitor.calmly adv. 平静地,沉着地【例】Since then, I have calmly waited for the result.【拓展】(1)The calm sea gave no hint of the storm that was coming.(2)He watched me with a calm, scientific gaze.(3)Calm down, Mum! You w

11、ill make yourself ill.(4)she tried to calm them down but only made matters worse.句(1)(2)中calm 是_词, 意思是_;句(3)(4)中calm是_词,意思_【辨析】calm, quiet, silent, still 表示”安静”时的区别After the storm the sea was calm again.Keep quiet.Thats a silent film.Please keep still while I take a photo of you.1)_指天气,水面等时,表示一种无风无浪

12、的”平静”;指人时,表示镇静平和的心情;2)_ _指没有动静,没有噪音,尤指没有骚动的安宁状态;3)_用于事物时,侧重没有响声;用于指人时,强调少言寡语;4)_侧重于”不动”静止”时.不能与其他词替换;侧重于”无声”时,可与quiet替换.【活学活用】选择calm, quiet, silent, still填空Keep _ while I brush your hair.He always presents a _ smiling face.You must learn when to speak and when to keep _.The country is very _ compare

13、d with the town.5. he began to play the violin, one tune after another.one tune after another 是名词短语在句中作_语.one after another 在课文原句中意为”一个接一个”【例】Students walked out of the classroom one after another.【品句会意】Students walked out of the classroom one by one.句中one by one 意思是_【辨析】day by day; day after day6.

14、The hatred in his eyes was giving way to a look of wonder.I think he might give himself up tomorrow.give way to 在课文原句中意为”为所代替”,还表示” 让路,退让,让步”give oneself up (to) 在课文原句中意为 “(向)自首”【例】Now sorrow gave way to smiles.Give way to cars that come from the left.She refused to give way on any of the points.The escaped prisoner was exhausted after being on the run for three days and he decided to give himself up.【品句会意】Do you think the President will give


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