【金版教程】2016届高考英语二轮复习:第一部分 专题一 阅读理解 篇章结构题1-1-5 课件

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《【金版教程】2016届高考英语二轮复习:第一部分 专题一 阅读理解 篇章结构题1-1-5 课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【金版教程】2016届高考英语二轮复习:第一部分 专题一 阅读理解 篇章结构题1-1-5 课件(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,考题体验聚焦高考,技法点拨突破高考, 大二轮 .英语 人 第1部分 阅读理解 图 5 技法点拓-突大高考高考模所.即时演练 适考系吉竺吕 全 忌 图 5天 技法点拓-突大高考 高考模拟.即时演练 适考系吉竺吕 全 大二轮 .英语人 第五讲 篇章结构题 图 5天 技法点拓突碱高考 高考模拟.即时演练 。”适考系吉竺吕 全 忌 大二轮 .英语这 考题体验聚焦高考 全 5 技法点拔-突破高考 高考模拟.即时演练 适考素角特串 辟大二轮 .英语 015 :北京高考,DITechnological change is ererywhere and affects every aspect of lif

2、e mostir for thebetter. How ever,social changes 也at are jyroxg有alouE: by new technology are often mistaken for achangein attitudes.An exampleathandistheinvolvement ofparentsin也elivesofthair children who areattending college Surveys (调查) om this topic suggest that parents today continue to be every”

3、or “somewhat overlr-protective eren after their children moveinto college dormiizorics只.The same surveys also indicate也at therateof parentalinvalvementis 时sater today ihan 让was a generation ago. Tis is usually iterpreledas a sim hatiodaysParcnds ore iiyying 1o mcncze 矶cy Jents Bipes post 芒e poiai tl

4、ere this jejapior关apPropriate.S 全 5 技法点拔.突破高考 高考模拟.即时演练 。”适考素角特咱 全 辟大二轮 .英语 Howerven greater parental involvement does notmecessarily indicate” that parents are failing to let 四of their “adult” children.也 也econtext (背景) ofthis discussion, it seems valuableto first find out the cause of changein the

5、caseof parents involvement with their grown childreaa. If parents of earlie generations had wanted to be 加oacj rpig their college age children eguenty , would this harebeen possible? Probablr not On theother hand, does thepossibili rof frequent communication today mean 也at theurgeto do so wasnt pres

6、enta generation ago? Many stadies show that older parents_todays grandparents_would have called theirchildren moreoftenifthemeansaag cost of doing so had notbeer abarrier.Farthermore, stadies show that finances are the most frequent subject of communication betweanParents and thair college children.

7、 The和act that college students arefinancially dependent on their parentsisnothipg new; nor are reguests 和r more money to be sent from home Thispjenomenoxs is nather godmor bad; isafact of collegelife today and in 了bepast. 全 5天 技法点援.突破高考 高考模拟.即时演练 适考素角特串 辟大二轮 .英语 Thanks to the advanced technology we

8、live 训 an age of bettered communication. This has manyimplications well beyond the role that parents seem to play in the lives of their children who have left forcollege Bat it is useful to jear ij miztdP3 that all such changes come ffom tbe technology and not someim aegined desireby parentsto keep

9、their children under their wings-67. Thesurveysinform usofAthedevelopment oftechnologyB. thechangesofadult childrensbehavior人 deparents over piotection of也二college ciialarenD- themeansand eapeasesufstadents comimanicatioa68. The writer believes tatAparentstoday aremoreprotective than thosein tbepast

10、B. thedisadvantages ofnew technology outweigh its advantagestechaology esplains greaterparentaliavolvement with their childrenD. parents changed attitudeslead to college childrens delayed independence全 可 技法点援.突破高考 高考模拟.即时演练 。”适考素角特咱 辟 大二轮 .英语 69. Whatisthebesttitleforthepassage?Technologr or sttitad

11、eB. Dependenceor lndepaadenceC. Family Iafluences or Social ChangesDCollege Management or Communication Advancement70. Which ofthefollowing showsthederelopment ofideasin thispassage? 工 Introduction 了: PointSp: Sub-point (次要 C: Conclusion全 5 技法点拔-突破高考 高考模拟.即时演练 适考素角特串 大二轮 .英语 根据提示将答案写在横线上。Step 1: 浏览问

12、题,速读全文。文是一篇议论文,讨论的是家长对孩子的管教问题与科技之间的关系-Step 2: 审题、解题67- - 考查细节理解- 根据第二段第二名“Surveys (调查) on this topic suggest that parents todaycontinue to be “very or “somewhat overlr-protective even after their children move into collegedormitories”可知, 调查告知了我们父母对他们上大学的孩子保护过度-68. _C_“- 考查推到浏断。杠握文章汗一段午二名以及景后一段第二句可知,

13、作者认为科技的发展使父母加强对他们上大学的孩子的管教-的. 入”- 考查主旨大意- 文章就“家长对孩子的管教问题与科技之间的关系”这一话题进行了讨论, “科技还是态度”作文章标题最佳- 全 5 技法点拔.突破高考 。 高考模拟.即时演练 。”适考素角特串 全 辟大二轮 .英语 70. _B。- 考查篇章结构- 整篇文章讨论的是家长对孩子的管教问题与科技之问的关系- 第一段提出论点: 第二段用调查说明作者不认可的一个观点; 第三段用所owever一词转折,说明第二、三段是不同的两个观点 第四、五两良用于支持第三段中提出的观点 最后一段作出了总结-Step 3: 验证答案认真分析码干与选项以及与三干相关的信息,结合文章主题验证答案正确与否-全 二可 技法点援.突破高考 高考模拟.即时演练 。” 适考素角特串 辟



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