【教学设计】unit 4 part b(人教)-1

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《【教学设计】unit 4 part b(人教)-1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【教学设计】unit 4 part b(人教)-1(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 My homePart B合肥英伦教育 阚娜 教材分析本课时的主要语言项目是用英语表述自己的家,通过课文中的小女孩Amy介绍自己的家各房间的名称,让学生认识家里的各功能室。教材又在Letsdo部分设计了各种与学生的日常生活息息相关的有关功能室的活动,让学生通过做动作或实际操作、下达命令,理解并熟练掌握这些相关内容,达到能实际运用的目的。 教学目标1. 能掌握本课时的单词door, keys, table, phone, bed, sofa,fridge, table认读和书写。2. 能听懂、会说:Where are? Are they? Yes, they are. / No,

2、they arent. Where are the keys? They are on the 来描述物品的位置, 并能在实际情境中运用。 教学重难点【教学重点】听、说、认读句型Where are ? Are they ? Yes, they are. /No, they arent并在实际中运用。【教学难点】名词复数的运用。 课前准备录音机、磁带、教学课件 教学过程Step 1 Warm up出示课件,展示一个房子内部结构的图片,让学生快速说,达到复习单词的目的。T: Hello, everyone. This is Amys home. Welcome to her home. Oh, w

3、ould you remember the room of her home? Lets go and have a look.Step 2 Presentation and practice1. Lets learn(1) 老师展示课本挂图,T:What can you see in the picture? 学生会说到“bed, desk”等词。如果学生说出本课生词,老师要给予表扬,然后带领全班学生反复读几遍。(2) 老师拿出本课 “bed, table, phone, sofa, fridge”生词卡片,带领学生朗读,然后快速读单词三遍,速度越来越快。(3) 老师遮住单词卡片的一半,让学

4、生说出单词。(4) 老师拿出一本书放在讲台上。T:Where is my book? Ss: Its on the teachers desk.老师拿几本书放在讲台上。T: Where are my books? Ss: Theyre on the teachers desk.T: Super! Now who can make sentences with “Where are? Theyre in”?(5) 播放录音,让学生跟读。2. Lets practice展出课本挂图,让学生描述物品位置。S1:Where is the schoolbag? S2: Its under the cha

5、ir.S3: Where is the phone? S4: Its on the table.S5: Where are the books? S6: Theyre in the schoolbag.同桌合作,一人提问物品位置,一人回答。3. Lets talk(1) 老师展示课件图片:铅笔盒放在电话附近,然后引导学生说对话。S1: Where is my pencil box? T: Is it on the desk?S1: No, it isnt. T: Is it near the phone?S1: Yes, it is.老师让学生两两合作仿照编对话。(2) 老师展示课件图片三个铅笔盒放在桌子上,老师指着铅笔盒图片引导学生对话。S2: Where are the pencil cases? T: Are they near the table?S2: No, they arent. T: Are they under the desk?S2: Yes, they are.(3) 老师带领学生巩固本节课所学的知识点。Step 3 Homework1.抄写生单词各五遍。2.向家长描述一下自己的房间。 教学反思略。


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