【分层练习】module 3 unit 2(外研)

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1、Module 3Unit 2 You can use the computers.洲头中小 王慧u 基础题一、翻译下列词组1. 在图书馆 _ 2. 使用电脑 _3. 做你的作业 _ 4. 和你的朋友聊天说话 _ 5. 借书 _ 二、用can 或者cant 填空。can cant 1. You read the books in the libraries.2. You borrow CDs in the libraries.3. You do your homework in the classroom.4. You feed the peacock in the zoo.三、看图写句子1.

2、-Where is this? - _2. -In a library, what can you do? - _3. -What is this? - _4. -What can you see in a zoo? - _5. - Where is this? -_u 能力题一、连线题A. Yes, we have 1.Your library card, please. B. Here you are.2. Please return the books in two weeks.C. Sorry, we havent got the videos. 3. Where are they?D

3、. OK. 4. Have you got the Harry Potter Videos?E. They are on shelf C. 5. Excuse me .Have you got a book?二、单项选择1. You can do _things in English libraries. A. many B. little2. You can _books from library. A. buy B. borrow3. There arent _in library. A. TVs B. computers4. Its wrong(错误的)to _in library. A

4、. talk to your friends B. keep silenceu 提升题一、连词成句1. on C shelf are They_2. can books you borrow_3. is so much There you see to for_4. they Where are _二、阅读,判断下列行为是否正确( 对的打“” 错的打“”)。Its Sunday today. Mr. Greens family is going to go shopping. Mrs. Green and their daughter, Amy are very happy. Because

5、they like shopping very much. Look, they are trying on (试穿) thenew clothes. But Amy puts the clothes on the floor after trying. Mr. Green doesnt like shopping. He sits on the chair and smokes. Their son, Tom doesnt like shopping, either. And he is jumping on the chair.1. In the shops, you can try on

6、 the new clothes. ( ) 2. After trying on the new clothes, you can put the clothes on the floor. ( ) 3. In the shops, people can sit on the chairs and they can smoke, too. ( ) 4. Children cant jump on the chairs in the shops. ( ) 答案和解析u 基础题【答案】一、1. in a library2. use the computers3. do your homework4

7、. talk to your friends5. borrow books二、1. can 2. can 3. can4. cant三、1. Its a library.2. We can read books.3. Its a CD.4. We can see many animals.5. Its a hospital.【解析】一、略。二、1. 在图书馆可以看书。所以填can。2. 在图书馆可以借CDs。所以填can。3. 在教室可以借写作业。所以填can。4. 在动物园不能喂养孔雀。所以填cant。三、略。u 能力题【答案】一、1. B 2. D 3. E 4. C 5. A二、1. A

8、 2. B 3. A 4. A【解析】一、1. 请出示你的图书卡。回答Here you are.故选B.2. 请在两个星期后还书。回答 OK.故选D.3. 他们在哪?他们在C号书架上。故选E.4. 你们有哈利波特的光盘吗?对不起,我们没有光盘。故选C.5. 打扰一下,请问你们有书吗?回答,是的我们有。故选A.二、1. many 修饰名词的复数。2. 在图书馆我们是借书,所以填borrow.3. 图书管里没有电视。4. 在图书管理不能和朋友说话。提升题【答案】一、1. They are on C shelf.2. You can borrow books.3. There is so much for you to see. 4. Where are they?二、1. 2. 3. 4. 【解析】一、略。二、1. 根据短文内容Look, they are trying on the new clothes.可知在商店是可以试穿衣服的。所以()2. 在试穿完衣服后我们不能把衣服放在地下。所以()3. 在公共场所我们不能吸烟。所以()4. 在商店里小孩子不能在椅子上跳。所以()


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