unit 4 learning efficiently section ⅱ 课件-1

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1、Unit 4 Learning efficiently Section 课件,1. Learning efficiently 高效学习,品味经典 You should work more efficiently. 你应该工作得更有效率。 The police handle the traffic very efficiently. 警察把交通管得井井有条。,自我探究 efficiently adv.有效率地,效率高地。,归纳拓展 efficient adj.效率高的;有能力的 an efficient lawyer 一位能干的律师 efficiency n效率;效能,功效 labor effi

2、ciency劳动效率 effect n效果;影响 effective adj.有效的,牛刀小试 用efficient,effective的适当形式填空 (1)an _ secretary (2)increase_of production and diminish cost of output (3)an _medicine for hair loss,efficient,efficiency,effective,2. The same principle applies to competent readers. 上述原则同样适用于能力强的读者。,品味经典 Make sure the fir

3、m is competent to carry out the work. 要确保这家公司有能力完成这项工作。 She is always a highly confident and competent teacher. 她一直是一位信心十足且称职的老师。,自我探究 competent adj.有能力的,能胜任的。,归纳拓展,He is competent for this job. 他适合做这项工作。 Hes not competent to look after young children. 他没有看小孩的本事。,牛刀小试 用competent的适当形式填空 (1)You can ga

4、in a high level of_in English. (2)Make sure the company is _ to carry out the work.,competence,competent,3Read the sentences in the box below and then see how many of the question beneath the sentences you can answer. 阅读下面方框中的句子,然后看看这些句子下面的问题你能回答出多少。,自我探究 beneath prep.在下;(地位等)低于;adv.在下方。,易混辨析 below,

5、under,beneath below指“位置低于”;under指“正下方,或墙角下、山脚下”;beneath 在一般场合表示抽象含义。,Far below the moon appeared a bright star. 在月亮下面很远的地方有一颗明亮的星星。 She put the letter under her pillow. 她把那封信放在枕头下。 It is beneath you to tell a lie. 撒谎有失你的身份。,beneath the waves,beneath her,beneath notice,4One way to know what technique

6、s to use is to study the techniques that good readers use and then adopt them in your own reading. 明确使用何种技巧的方法是学习那些优秀的阅读者使用的技巧,然后在自己的阅读中采用这些技巧。,品味经典 We should adopt the consumers suggestion. 我们应该接受用户的建议。 Most countries adopt metric system. 大多数国家采用米制。 As they had no children of their own,they adopted

7、 an orphan. 他们没有亲生儿女,就收养了一个孤儿。,自我探究 adopt vt.收养;采取(纳,用)。,归纳拓展 adoption n采用,采取,采纳,收养 adoptive adj.收养的;有收养关系的 an adopted son养子 an adoptive father养父 adopted words外来词 The number of adoptions has risen in the past year. 去年,收养子女的数目增加了。,牛刀小试 I _ their method of making the machine. Aadopted Bvoted Celected

8、Dcommanded 解析:选A。句意:“我采用了他们制造这种机器的方法。”vote选举;elect也是选举的意思;command命令。这三个词分别与method搭配,意思都不通顺。,5The key to success in reading is frequent practice plus. 品味经典 阅读成功的关键是经常地练习加之 The crops suffered from frequent blights. 农作物经常遭受病虫害。 His frequent hesitations annoyed the audience. 他三番五次欲言又止,听众已感到厌烦。,自我探究 freq

9、uent adj.时常发生的,频繁的,常见的。,frequent,frequented,frequently,frequency,6Assessing your reading:can you consult reference books? 评估一下你的阅读:你会查阅参考书吗? (1)assess,品味经典 My income was assessed at 20,000 dollars. 我的收入被评定为20000美元。 Damages were assessed at $500 billion in the disaster. 这次灾难损失估计达5000亿美元。 Its too earl

10、y to assess the effects of the new legislation. 要评价新法令的效果现在还为时过早。,自我探究 assess vt.评价;评估。,were assessed as,(2)Consult 品味经典 He consulted his lawyer about it. 他向他的律师请教那件事。 We lost our way and consulted the map. 我们迷了路因而查看地图。 I consulted with a friend of mine about it. 我和我的一位朋友商量那件事。,自我探究 consult vt.请教;咨询

11、。,易混辨析 consult,look up,consult with (1)consult是向比自己更具权威的词典、参考书、医生、律师等请教咨询。 (2)look up后跟所查的字,词,信息,电话号码等;然后跟查阅的工具书等。 (3)对方是和自己平等的人时,多用consult with。,consult your dictionary,look up the phone number,consult with,7This applies equally to playing sports or becoming a good musician,painter or doctor. 这同样适合

12、于进行体育运动、当一名优秀的音乐家、画家或者医生。,品味经典 This traffic rule applies to all the drivers. 这条交通规则适用于所有的司机。 Does that principle apply to everyone? 那条原则适合于每个人吗?,自我探究 apply to意为适用,适合。,归纳拓展 apply sth.to sth.把应用(运用)于 apply(to)for sth.(向)申请,请求 apply oneself to专心从事,埋头于 We should apply what we have learned at school to d

13、aily life. 我们应该将我们在学校学到的知识应用到日常生活中。,apply to everyone,apply to this university,(3)You must _the life abroad.(oneself) 你必须使自己尽快适应国外生活。,apply yourself to,8There are certain techniques you can learn and then it is_up_to you to practise,practise and practise. 有些技巧可供你学习,然后全靠你自己去练习、练习、再练习。,品味经典 It is up t

14、o you to do.由你来决定干某事。 It is up to you where and how much to invest.Youll be a winner forever if you choose us. 在哪里投资,投资多少,你来决定。在此投资,您将永远是赢家。,自我探究 be up to.意为取决于。,归纳拓展 up to date最新式的 up to now/then直到现在/那时 not be up to much质量差;不很好;值不了多少 up to sth.达到(某数量、程度等);至多有 up to doing sth.(体力或智力上)能胜任,Im not up t

15、o this job. 我不能胜任这项工作。 Its up to you to decide when we shall start. 何时动身由你决定。 This kind of singlelung fish can live up to 12 hours when out of water. 这种单肺鱼离开水面能生存多达12小时。,牛刀小试 What do you want to do next?We have half an hour until the basketball game. _Whatever you want to do is fine with me. AIt just depends BIts up to you CAll right DGlad to hear that,解析:选B。Its up to you.是口语中常用的一句话,意为“随你便吧。/你决定吧。”,品味经典 Give me all the details of the accidenttell me what happened in detail. 给我说说事故发生的详情,详细告诉我发生了什么事。 It is worthwhile dealing with this in some detail. 值得对此事进行较为详细的论述。,自我探究 in


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