unit 3 period 4 listening exercise 课件

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1、U3 P4 Listening exercise 课件,Using Language,Listen to the text.,A CAMPING HOLIDAY Wei Ping (P) is studying at university in Australia. Just before the summer holidays his friend Bob Martins (B) invites him to go camping. Wei Ping is a little nervous about this.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,B:

2、 Heres your _. P: Mmm. Thanks. B: So have you _ all your work for this _? P: Yes, Ive just finished the last essay. Now Im really _ _ _ the holidays. B: Oh? Have you got _ planned? P: No, not really.,coffee,finished,term,looking forward to,anything,B: Well, why dont you come camping _ me and my frie

3、nds? P: Oh, thats very _ of you but B: But? P: Well, you see Im _ _ snakes. B: Really? Oh, you dont have to worry. Snakes _ _ _ humans and they move away _ _ _ they hear you coming. Just remember to make a lot of noise with your feet. P: Yes, but what if one is hiding under some wood and I _ it?,wit

4、h,kind,terrified of,are scared of,as soon as,disturb,B: Well, the best thing is not to move any large _ _ wood. Oh, and as much as possible, avoid walking in really long _ where you cant see whats on the ground. And if you do have to walk through long grass, you should wear boots and long trousers t

5、hat you can fold _ your boots. Then, if a snake did try to _ you, it wouldnt get to your skin.,pieces of,grass,inside,bit,P: I dont know. It still sounds _. B: Look, most snakes cant kill you anyway. And we always stay in camping grounds that have short grass so we _ ever see snakes. And when we go

6、into the bush we always make a lot of _. P: Bushes? Are we going to walk through bushes?,dangerous,hardly,noise,B: No, the Bush! Thats _ Australians call the part of the countryside where there arent any houses or farms or other _ of humans. You know, the _ areas with trees and grass and native anim

7、als.,what,signs,natural,P: Oh, I see. So, when you go into the bush you must _ boots and long trousers. You shouldnt move anything that is _ _ the ground and you must make a lot of noise so the snakes _ _. B: Youve got the right idea. But I dont think youll be able to make the snakes run away. P: Bu

8、t you said B: Snakes dont have legs, _.,wear,lying on,run away,mate,Workbook-Listening,Listen to the text.,Carol (C) and Ross (R) both go to university in England. They meet up after lectures one day and decide to go for coffee.,A COLD DAY IN MANCHESTER,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,R: Ooh. T

9、hats better. It was _ out there! Look theres a table _ there by the fire. C: Great. Ill get the coffee and you _ the table. R: Thanks, Carol. Ill get the _ one. C: Fine, so how do you like this cold?,cold,over,grab,next,R: Well, I _ _ Tasmania so Im _ _ cold winter weather. But its summer over there

10、 at the moment and Id _ like to be there. C: What would you be doing if you were at home? R: Id probably be _ _ _ the beach. I go down there most evenings to surf.,come from,used to,sure,heading down to,C: Oh, so you surf, do you? R: Yeah. Ive been _ since I was a nipper. C: A what? R: Oh, sorry. Th

11、ats what we call junior lifesavers _ home. C: (laughs) _ _. Whats a junior lifesaver?,surfing,back,Hang on,R: Well, you know how we have lifesavers on all our _ beaches? C: No, I didnt know that. It must _ the government a lot of money to put lifesavers on so many beaches. R: No. They are all volunt

12、eers. Its like a sports _. They train to save lives and when they arent watching _ the people on the beach they have all _ _ competitions with other clubs.,popular,cost,club,over,sorts of,C: Like what? R: Well, they have surf lifeboats to _ people and at carnivals, they race with boats from other cl

13、ubs. And then there are ironmen and women _.,rescue,competitions,C: Ive seen them on television. Its three _, isnt it? A swim, a foot race and a race paddling a canoe or a surfboard. R: Yes thats right. Surf lifesaving clubs also have lots of other competitions and social _. C: So nippers are the _

14、surf lifesavers?,races,events,young,R: Yeah. Theyre between 7 and 15. They are training to be lifesavers when theyre older, and they have all sorts of games and competitions _ _ their age group. C: So were you _ an iron man? R: (laughs) Not me. I was too much into having a good time at _ club partie

15、s. C: Yes, I can _ that ,suitable for,ever,surf,imagine,Listen to the text.,Workbook-Listening Task,June is giving a talk about Australian flags and what they tell people about the history and culture of Australia.,THE FLAGS OF AUSTRALIA,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,Good afternoon, everyone. My hobby is _ flags from all over the world. I love flags for two _. The first is that they are beautiful and the second is that you can learn a lot about the _ and _


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