unit 2《king lear》课件

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1、Unit 2King Lear课件,A. King Lear wants to retire and gives his land to his three daughters B. King Lear gives his land to his daughters according to the fact how much they love him C. King Lear knows how much his daughters love him and gives his land to them D. King Lear wants to retire and gives his

2、land to his two elder daughters only,1. According to the play, King Lear _.,2. King Lear wants to give the best of his land to _ . A. Goneril B. Regan C. Cordelia D. who loves him the most,A. her sisters have got married B. she doesnt want to get married C. she doesnt really obey his father D. she d

3、oesnt want her love for his father to be reduced,3. Cordelia doesnt get married because_ .,4. The word “adore” in what Regan says to his father means _. A. admire B. respect C. love D. admit,A. She has to get married to the King of France or the Duke of Burgundar B. She loses all her riches C. She b

4、ecomes a servant of his father D. She loses her right of King Lears daughter,5. According to King Lear, the result of Cordelia will be the followings EXCEPT.,(B) 阅读Part 3, 根据剧情把下列短文补充完整。 Although King Lear 1 _ him to 2 _ the kingdom, the Duke of Kent remains 3 _ and will not leave his 4 _.,country/k

5、ingdom/king,orders/forces,leave/get away from/get out of,loyal/faithful,When Gonerils 5 _, Oswald, is 6 _ to Lear, Kent 7 _Oswalds feet 8 _ from under him. When Goneril hears what happens to Oswald she uses it as an 9 _to complain about Lears soldiers. Lear is angry and decides to go and live with 1

6、0 _ _.,servant,rude/disrespectful/impolite,kicks,out,excuse,(A) 补充句子阅读戏剧并理解剧中人物,把下列关于各人物的描述补充完整。 Part 1 1. King Lear wants to _ and decides to _ according to _ .,how much they love him,retire,give his land to his daughters,2. Goneril and Regan make the king _ by _ _ and they get _. 3. Cordelia makes

7、 King Lear _by _ and as a result she gets _.,nothing,happy,the land,angry,being honest and not flattering him,4. Kent, _, makes King Lear _by _Cordelia and _the king to listen to _.,the truth,the servant,angry,defending,begging,Part 3 1. King Lear _with Goneril and was _ treated by Goneril, so he de

8、cided _ at last.,to leave,is living,disrespectfully/badly,2. Goneril _with her father and _the 100 soldiers, _servants to be rude as well as _to see her father.,refuses,is angry,complains about,encourages,3. Kent chose not to _ his king and _himself _ a servant. Seeing Oswald not treating Lear well,

9、 Kent _him for his disrespectful behavior.,beats,abandon/leave,disguises,as,概括要点:,King Lear gave away his land to his daughters according to how much they loved him. Cordelia and Kent, unlike the two elder sisters who got the land by flattering the king, made King Lear angry and was forced to leave

10、the king and the kingdom.,写作内容 读完莎士比亚的著名戏剧King Lear第一选段后, 你准备在今天的日记写下你的读后感。 以下是日记的内容: 1. 以约30个词概括King Lear第一选段的故事要点; 2. 以约120个词表达你内心的感受, 内容包括: 你读完这个故事的感受; 你成长过程中类似的经历。,October 18, 2009SundayFine Today I read Part 1 of King Lear, which really touched me. King Lear gave away his land to his daughters

11、according to how much they loved him. Cordelia and Kent, unlike the two elder sisters who got the land by flattering the king, made King Lear angry and was forced to leave the king and the kingdom.,Yes, parents always expect their children to love them the most, but as their children, we should love

12、 them in action instead of in words and we should tell them the truth rather than only flattering them. On the other hand, as parents, they should manage to understand the true love of their children and the facts getting along with them. One incident in my primary school is still fresh in my mind.,

13、The final examination is coming. Mother was worried about her daughters study and as a Grade Two pupil, I still didnt know how to get ready for the coming exam and I was so nervous that I couldnt help crying in front of her and her good friends, which made mother so embarrassed.,Luckily, with the gr

14、eatest love in the world, mother tried to comfort me instead of getting angry immediately, and later, when we went back home, she taught me how to prepare for the exam and helped me with my lessons. I was moved and decided to try my best to improve my lessons.,During those days, I gave up playing ga

15、mes with others and watching TV plays, so in the end I got the first place in the exam, which made both mother and me happy. Mother didnt care about her friends attitude towards her daughter, but she did care about her attitude, which gave a good lesson to me and has helped me on the journey of my life. I love my


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