unit 1 come meet our friends lesson 1 课件1

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《unit 1 come meet our friends lesson 1 课件1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 1 come meet our friends lesson 1 课件1(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、UNIT 1 COME MEET OUR FRIENDS. LESSON 1,Vocabulary,Age 年龄 Language 语言 Map 地图 Nationality 国籍 Information 信息 Proverb 谚语,This is a map of China,Please find the place of China, Asia, Europe and Pacific Ocean.,Lets think,Can you tell us something about yourself? How to answer this question?,Name, grade, a

2、ge, nationality, language and hobby.,Answer,Listen, read, write and translate.,Map _ Hobby _ Something _ Yourself _ Language _ Table tennis _,Lets talk,Can you tell us something about this man?,34 China Chinese,Ma Lin,Lets practice,His name is _. He is _years old. He comes from _. He speaks _.,Can y

3、ou tell us something about this woman?,Wang Nan,36 China Chinese,_ name is _. she is _years old. She comes from _. She speaks _.,Lets practice,Can you tell us something about this woman?,Deng Yaping,41 China table tennis,_ name is _. she is _years old. She loves play _.,Lets practice,_ name is _. He

4、 comes from _. He speaks _.,Learn the proverb. Then translate it into Chinese.,Did you know the meaning of this proverb?,All work and no play make Jack a dull boy,The meaning of the proverb,All work and no play make Jack a dull boy 只工作不玩耍,聪明的杰克也变傻,Homework,收集或画你最喜欢的人的图片,并在下面写上: His / Her name, hobby, age, country and language.,Thank you,goodbye,



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