module 5 the conquest of the universe period one introduction 课件

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1、Astronauts Live “In the Shadow of the Moon” So far,only 24 human beings have flown to or around the moon,looked back,and seen the earth as a small blue ball in the blackness of space.Of the 12 who walked on the moons surface,only 9 are alive today,and the youngest is 72.So British director David Sin

2、gton,Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe Period One Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary 课件,and his working staff set out to seize the moment to bring the Apollo astronauts together in one film. From Buzz Aldrin,who made the first landing with Neil Armstrong,to Gene Cernan,who made the last landin

3、g in 1972,Sington and his colleagues got 10 Apollo astronauts to share some of their deepest thoughts. The documentary is called In the Shadow of the Moon,consisting of all interviews with the astronauts.,Looking back now,several astronauts said they had learned far more about themselves than about

4、the moon. “I think if you do something as totally different as flying to the moon and coming back”,said Michael Collins ,who travelled around the moon in Apollo IIs commands ship while Armstrong and Aldrin landed ,“then,by comparison,a lot of other things that used to seem important dont seem quite

5、as much so.” The men all commented how desolate the moon seemed,how beautiful the earth seemed and how very ,very good it was to come home to it.,“Since that time,” said Alan Bean,who flew the second moon landing on Apollo 12,“I have not complained about the weather one single timeIm glad theres wea

6、ther,Ive not complained about trafficIm glad there are people around me.” Bean became a painter after he left the space program,and he closed the film with a big smile.“I feel blessed every single day.Not a day goes by that I dont thinkthis is great”,这个信息至今未被辨认出来。 So far the message has not been rea

7、d. 每组至少由十人组成。 Each party shall consist of not less than ten. 我渴望回答我能回答的问题,从不考虑犯错的问题。 I eagerly answered all the questions I could,never worrying much about making mistakes.,1佳句仿写一二三,I feel blessed every single day.Not a day goes by that I dont think this is great. 我感觉每一天都被幸福包围。没有一天不是在幸福中度过的。,2翻译佳句,放

8、眼高考,.单词识记 1_na long or high jump 2_adj.involving two or more people together 3_adj.getting used to something 4_adj.important in history 5_vto see something happen,for example, an important event,or a crime,6_vto think or accept that something is true but without having proof of it 7_nthe ability to

9、stay calm and accept a delay or something annoying without complaining 8_adj.having the most modern and recently developed ideas,methods,etc 答案 1.leap 2.joint 3.accustomed 4.historic 5.witness 6.assume 7.patience 8.advanced,.短语天地 1_踏上 2_减速,放慢速度 3_环绕地球 4_一个国际组织 5_一个永久的科学研究基地 6a new age of space trave

10、l_ 7be in shock_ 8in spite of_ 答案 1.set foot on 2.slow down 3.go round the world 4an international organisation 5.a permanent base for scientific research 6.太空旅行的新纪元 7.震惊 8.尽管,.语境助记 I have a dream.One day,I will set up an international organization.And many travelers will go round the world by space

11、ship and set foot on the Mars.And the human will set up a permanent base for scientific research there.The whole world will witness the historic event.,Ever since Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon back on 21st July,1969,people have become accustomed to the idea of space travel. 信息提取 ever sin

12、ce“自从以来”,主句一般用完成时态。 例句仿写 从那时起,我一直渴望和他面对面地聚会。 _Ive been longing to meet him face to face.,.句型搜索,1,By the time the Challenger took off in 1986,the world seemed to have lost its fear and wonder at the amazing achievement of people going up into space. 信息提取 seem to have done 看起来好像已做了某事。 例句仿写 老师似乎已经知道这个消

13、息了。 Our teacher_.,2,Millions of people watched that first moon landing on television,their hearts in their mouths,aware of how difficult and dangerous an adventure it was. 信息提取 their hearts in their mouths,是独立主格结构。 例句仿写 当熊走出森林朝我们走过来时,我们很害怕。 The bear came out of the woods towards us,_,3,The world was

14、 in shockmaybe they assumed this space flight would be no more dangerous than getting on an aeroplane. 信息提取 no比较级than 为固定结构,表示 “和一样不” 例句仿写 这本书和那本书一样不令人感兴趣。 This book is_that one. 答案 1.Ever since then 2.seemed to have known about the news 3.our hearts in our mouths more interesting than,4,Choose

15、 the best answer according to the passage What was different about the space shuttle? AThe space shuttle could go safely up into orbit. BThe space shuttle could return to the Earth for a safe landing. CThe space shuttle could be used for several journeys. DThe space shuttle could fly like a plane.,A,1,.预读理解,Why was the Challenger going to be a special flight? AThe explosion of the shuttle. BThe first civilian in the shuttle. Cmillions of its witnesses. D The lessons to be taught. What do the Russians words suggest ? Asympathy has no n



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