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1、Doc.Type:WI 作业指导书Doc.No:CC-3704-SM-001Revision: ASirius Machinery (Suzhou) Co.,Ltd西瑞斯包装机械(苏州)有限公司Doc. Name:供应商开发管理流程Supplier Sourcing Management ProcessEffective Date:2015-5-12Change History 历史记录DateRevisionReason of ChangeSection Affected2015-5-12AInitial ReleaseSMApprovalIssued By :John.ShenSignat

2、ure/Date :Approved By :Yun.YanSignature/Date :1.0 Purpose目的:This process aims at supplierselection /development management and control of raw material,equipment , tooling and others ,make sure effective and efficiency supply on quality ,delivery ,cost and service 对提供生产物料、设备、工装及其配件和服务的供应商进行选择和确定,实现对供

3、应商的管理和控制,确保供应商满足规定的质量,交货及成本服务要求。2.0 Scope适用范围:This program is applicable for Coesia China all suppliers on selection, evaluation,approval or new product purchase and supplier disposition.本程序适用于Coesia中国所有供应商的开发、选择,能力的评价,产品和过程的批准以及处理。3.0Term and Definition 术语和定义3.1 Supplier Classification .Classify su

4、pplier as ABC for the 3rd party purchasing供应商分类。对第三方采购的供应商实行ABC分类管理。3.1.1 Class A defined as important and need control .1.Supplier yearly spending within top 80% in Coesia 3rd spending 2. The top 30 spending supplier limitation.A类供应商定义为重要且需控制。1.全年采购额在Coesia第三方采购排在前80%以内,且 2.排名前30位。3.1.2 Class B def

5、ined as between A and C suppliersB类供应商定义重要不需控制。采购额介于A类和C类3.1.3 Class C defined as non- important and neednt control .The spending is lower 100K RMB per yearC类供应商定义为不重要不用控制。采购额低于10万的供应商。4.0Responsibility职责:4.1 Supply management供应管理 A. Sourcing 供应商开发 4.1.1 Make supplier sourcing strategy 确定采购策略与原则。 4.

6、1.2 Approve new supplier 审核批准合格新供应商。4.1.3 Negotiation price and approve quotation and allocation 协商审批采购价格和供应商供货的比例。 4.1.4 Lead quality ,engineering and related team on supplier audit组织质量部、技术部等相关部门审核潜在供应商,选择合格供应商。4.1.5 Responsible for supplier performance management负责供应商的业绩管理。4.1.6 Classify the suppl

7、ier grade by purchasing product impact按照对产品质量的影响程度对供应商进行分级。B.Buyer物料采购4.1.7 Responsible for the order and delivery 负责订单业务及货期管理。4.1.8 Responsible for the supplier payment 负责付款业务。4.1.9 Manage all daily supplier supply issue 会同有关部门处理采购物资在使用过程中出现的各种问题。4.2 Quality 质量部职责A. SQE 供应商质量管理4.2.1 Involve the pot

8、ential supplier audit and sample verification 参与潜在供应商的推荐与合格供应商选择,负责对潜在供应商提供的样件进行验证。4.2.2 Responsible for potential supplier quality capability and system 负责对潜在供应商的质量能力及质量评审。4.2.3 Responsible for supplier quality and quality agreement 负责向供应商提出质量要求,并在质量保证协议中向供应商明示。4.2.4 Responsible to approve the pote

9、ntial supplier sample 负责对潜在供应商的生产件批准。4.2.5 Responsible for non-conformitymanagement.负责产品不符合项处理。B. QC 检验员4.2.5 Responsible for product inspection and report 负责产品检验报告。4.2.6 Assist SQE on quality 协助供应商质量工作。4.3 Engineering 工程部职责:4.3.1Responsible for all technical data and file. Release,recycle ,change a

10、ndconfirm any technical data or file.负责采购项目技术资料的编制及相关技术文件的发放、回收、更改,对供应商配套产品与图纸符合性进行确认。 4.3.2 Responsible for communication on technology and technical agreement负责同潜在供应商进行技术交流,提出技术规范,并在技术协议中向供应商明示。5.0 Supplier audit and evaluation process 供应商的审核与评估程序5.1 Supplier selection 供应商选择 5.1.1 Supplier source

11、from Internet ,exhibition,magazine,competitor and professional recommendation.通过电话本、上网查询、展销会、各行业协会、杂志报纸、竞争对手供应商、向专业技术人员和同事朋友征询等各类可能的信息渠道,广泛收集产品和供应。5.1.2 Select supplier by fair,right,completive and reputation etc.Not only considerSupplier current business requirement ,but also the potential capabili

12、ty.坚持平等竞争、择优录取的选择原则,既要考虑采购的产品能满足本公司当前的生产和业务需要,又要考虑为本公司将来产品开发提供技术和加工储备,同时还要关注供应商潜能和商业信誉。5.2 Supplier audit 供应商审核5.2.1 Supplier audit including 供应商审核内容a)Quality system 质量保证体系b)Related experience 供应商对相应产品的生产经验c)Technology level 技术水平d)Production and supply capability 生产及供货能力e)Price 产品价格f)Service服务质量e)Pr

13、ice 产品价格g)Others其它5.2.2 Applicable audit and evaluation classification 适用审核,评定及绩效管理方法分类。 Different supplier audit and evaluation process 各类供应商审核流程。 New supplier evaluation 新供应商审核Follow up Sourcing process 按照采购开发流程。Current supplier add items 老供应商增加品种范围评定Follow up Sourcing process 按采购开发流程。 Annu

14、al supplier audit review 供应商年度复审。 leader submit Supplier evaluation report to operation manager approval then register AVL 采购部经理负责填写供应商审核表送交运营总监,经审查合格的潜在供应商将被列入合格供应商名单内。 the supplier relocate,abnormal quality failure need new evaluation 如果供应商移地生产、反复出现质量缺陷或提供新产品时,应重新进行评定。 Different audit and evaluation process definition as below按照如下定义进行不同的审核与评估流程:No.序号Process name 流程名称适用评估分类 Applicable categoryResponsibility职责Doc name 资料表单名称1RFI了解供应商信息Sourcing 采购Request for information供应商基本情况调查表2Sample or trial送样检测或试用SQE 供应商质量Related report相关检测或试用报告3Audit现场或书面审核Sourcing 采购主管牵头S



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