(江苏专用)2020高考英语一轮复习 提分专练(七)牛津译林版

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1、提分专练(七).完形填空Face Adversity (逆境) with a SmileI told my friend Graham that I often cycle two miles from my house to the town centre but unfortunately there is a big hill on the route. He _1_,“ You mean fortunately.” He explained that I should be glad of the _2_ exercise that the hill provided.My _3_ t

2、o the hill has now changed. I used to _4_ as I approached it but now I tell myself the following. This hill will exercise my heart and lungs. It will help me to _5_ and get fit. It will mean that I live longer. This hill is my friend. _6_, I have a smile of _7_ as I reach the top of the hill.Problem

3、s are there to be faced and _8_. We cannot achieve anything with a/an _9_ life. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to _10_ a university degree. She wrote, “ Character cannot be _11_ in ease and quiet. Only through _12_ of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared

4、, ambition inspired and success achieved.”One of the main _13_ of success in life is our attitude towards adversity. At times we all face hardships, problems, accidents and difficulties. _14_ we cannot choose the adversity, we can choose our attitude towards it.Douglas Bader was 21 when in 1931 he h

5、ad both legs amputated (截肢) following a flying accident. He was _15_ to fly again and went on to become one of the leading flying aces. He was a(n) _16_ to others during the war. He said,“Dont listen to anyone who tells you that you cant do this or that. Thats nonsense. _17_ your mind, youll never _

6、18_ crutches (拐杖) or a stick, then have a go at everything. Go to school, join in all the games you can. Go _19_ you want to. But never, never let them _20_ you that things are too difficult or impossible.”语篇解读:我们不能避免逆境,但可以选择微笑着面对逆境,在逆境中培养优秀的性格和信心。1A.reactedBcriticizedCreplied Dreflected解析:选C由后面引号内朋

7、友的话可知,此处表示“回答(replied)”。react意为“反应”,侧重行为上的回应;criticize意为“批评”;reflect意为“反映;反思”。2A.extra BproperCabundant Dnecessary解析:选A此处指的是不要把遇到山头当作不幸的事,应该把爬山看作是“额外的(extra)”锻炼。proper意为“合适的”;abundant意为“大量的;丰富的”;necessary意为“必要的”。 3A.access BentranceCinterest Dattitude解析:选D第二段第一句为主题句,由后面展开句可知由此我对山的“态度(attitude)”发生了改变

8、。access意为“入口;可以进入”;entrance意为“入口”;interest意为“兴趣”。4A.climb BconfuseCcomplain Dcomment解析:选C句意:原来我对爬山是“抱怨(complain)”,而现在把山看作是朋友。confuse意为“迷惑”;comment意为“评论”。5A.put on weight Blose weightCgain weight Dtake my weight解析:选B句意:爬山有利于我“减肥(lose weight)”和保持健康。put on weight相当于gain weight,意为“增加体重,发胖”。6A.Finally BG

9、raduallyCRarely DApproximately解析:选A句意:把山看作是朋友,“最终(Finally)”我改变了对山的态度,当我爬上山顶时我脸上就有了一个“满意的(satisfaction)”微笑。gradually意为“逐渐地”;rarely意为“很少地”;approximately意为“大约”。7A.satisfaction BdevotionCdecoration Dcaution解析:选A参见上题解析。satisfaction意为“满意”;devotion意为“投入,专注”;decoration意为“装饰”;caution意为“小心”。8A.understood Bcla

10、rifiedCovercome Ddefeated解析:选C句意:问题要“克服(overcome)”。defeat的宾语为人。clarify意为“澄清,阐明”;understand意为“理解”。9A.tough BeasyCdifficult Dreasonable解析:选B句意:如果生活没有难度(easy),我们就不能取得成就。10A.learn BreachCadmire Dgain解析:选D句意:海伦凯勒是第一个“获得大学学历(gain university degree)”的聋哑人。admire意为“羡慕”。11A.developed BfoundedCproduced Dconstr

11、ucted解析:选A句意:在顺境中不可能培养优秀的性格。develop ones character意为“培养性格”;found意为“建立”,用于建立政权,组织等;produce意为“生产”;construct意为“建设”。12A.happiness BdifficultiesCexperiences Dpressures解析:选C句意:只有“通过磨难(trial and suffering)”的“经历(experiences)”,才能强大内心,清晰意向,激发志向,取得成功。13A.emphases BconflictsCfactors Dpowers解析:选C句意:对待逆境的态度是成功的“要

12、素(factors)”之一。emphasis意为“强调”;conflict意为“冲突”;power意为“力量,权力”。14A.As BWhileCBecause DIf解析:选B句意:我们“虽(while)”不能避免逆境,但我们可以选择乐观的人生态度。15A.devoted BcommandedCforced Ddetermined解析:选D参见下题解析。be determined to意为“下定决心”;be devoted to意为“专注于,投入”;command意为“命令”。16A.inspiration BappreciationCqualification Ddestination解析

13、:选A道格拉斯本得截肢后下定决心再次驾机飞行,他的毅力“激励(inspiration)”着他人。appreciation意为“欣赏”;qualification意为“资质”;destination意为“目的地”。17A.Open up BMake upCCome to DCome into解析:选B句意:不要听信别人说你不行你就怀疑自己,要“下定你的决心(make up your mind)”。come to意为“达到”。18A.use BrejectCdeliver Dabandon解析:选A句意:下定了决心,你就会相信自己将永不用(use)拐杖,然后“做个尝试(have a go)”。re

14、ject意为“拒绝”;deliver意为“递送”;abandon意为“放弃”。19A.everywhere BnowhereCanywhere Dsomewhere解析:选C句意:你想去哪儿就去哪儿,你可以去“任何地方(anywhere)”。20A.advised BattemptCrequest Dpersuade解析:选D句意:当别人说难度太大,你不可能做到时,永远不要让他们“说服(persuade)”你。advise意为“建议”,侧重过程,而结果不一定成功;attempt意为“尝试”;request意为“请求”。.任务型阅读(2019苏南四校高三联考)Your life is compo

15、sed of all the little things we experience every day, and knowing how to find joy in some of those little things is one of the easiest ways to let happiness slowly fill your cup. In order for that to happen, you need to do two very simple things: put yourself in such situations that you can experience happiness there, and then find a way to savour the experience and let it sink into you.To put yourself in the positio


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