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1、Words and Expressions,必修四 Unit 1,1. achievement /n./成就,功绩,a sense of achievement 成就感 u. achieve v. 实现-achievement n. 成就 realise/achieve ones dream excite v. 使兴奋-excitement n. 兴奋 govern v. 管理-government n. 政府 argue v. 争吵-argument n.争吵,争论 treat v. 对待-treatment n. 对待,2. campaign /n./ 运动;战役; /v./作战,a ca

2、mpaign for 为了的运动 a campaign against 反对的运动 eg. They started a campaign for equal rights. 他们发起了一项争取平等权利的运动。 (2) vi. 参加运动;作战; campaign for 参加争取的运动 campaign against 参加反对的运动,3.condition /n.C/条件; /n.U/ 状况,状态;,身体健康是获得成功的条件之一。 Heath is one of the most important conditions of achieving success. be in good/po

3、or/excellent condition 处于好的/差的/极棒的状态中 She is often in top condition. Im really out of condition.,4.behave/v./ 举动;(举止或行为)表现,eg.Im sorry about last night-I behaved like a child. 对不起,昨天晚上我表现得太幼稚了。 eg.Behave yourself, young man. 年轻人,规矩些! (1) behave oneself 守规矩,表现得体; (2) well-behaved /adj./ 表现好的 badly-be

4、haved /adj./ 表现差的,3.behave/v./举动;(举止或行为)表现,u behaviour /n./ 举止;行为;习性; eg.The boy was well-behaved at the banquet and everyone praised his proper behaviour. 这个男孩在宴会上表现很好,因此每个人都表扬他恰当的举止. behave oneself 守规矩 behave well/badly (towards sb.) (对某人)态度/举止好/恶劣 be on ones best behavior 举止规矩,4.devote/vt./把.奉献,把

5、专用于,1)devote oneself /sth. to (doing) sth. 献身于;致力于 He devotes himself to finishing the task. She devotes all her time to her family. 2) devoted (adj.) 深爱的,全心全意的,忠实的 a devoted friend She is devoted to her family. 她深爱她的家庭。,5.whorthwile /adj./ 值得的,值得做的,辨析 worthwhile/worth/worthy worthwhile (可作定语和表语) a

6、worthwhile experiment The experiment is worthwhile. It is worthwhile to do sth./ doing sth. It is worthwhile to do the job. doing the job.,worthwhile /adj./ 值得的,值得做的,*worth - be worth (doing) sth. The book is _.,well worth reading,= It is worthwhile to read the book.,be worthy of being done. =be wor

7、thy to be done.,The job is worthy of being done. to be done.,6. observe/vt./观察,观测,遵守,(1) 观察; observe sb. do sth. 观察某人做某事(全过程) observe sb. doing sth. 观察某人正在做某事 (2) 遵守; observe the traffic rules 遵守交通规则 (3) 庆祝;observe the Spring Festival / Christmas 拓展: observation n. 观察,观测;,observe an anniversary 庆祝周年

8、纪念 observer /n./ 观察者;观测者;遵守者 observation /n./观测,监测,观察,观察力 under observation 在观察中;在监视中 Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still _the traditional customs. perform B. possess C. observe D. support 解析: observe在此句中意为“遵守,奉行(法律、协议或习俗等)”。句意为:尽管在国外居住了这么多年,许多中国人仍然遵循着传统的风俗习惯。,C,7. respect /v./尊

9、重,敬意,respect sb. for sth. 因某事而尊敬某人 eg. 我深深地敬佩他的勇气。 I deeply respect him for his courage. =I deeply respect his courage. /n./ show/have respect for sb. 尊敬某人 eg. 人们向这位残疾女孩表示敬意。 The people show/have respect for the disabled girl. out of respect 出于尊重 out of curiosity/kindness/pity/interest/fear respectf

10、ul /adj. /恭敬的,表示敬意的;,respect /n./方面,with respect to 关于,就来说 in some respects 在某些方面 in every respect/in all respects 在各方面 out of respect for sb. 出于对某人的尊敬 without respect to不考虑;不管,8. argue/v./ 讨论,辩论,争论,argue with sb. about /over sth.和某人争吵某事 We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal. argue f

11、or 为而辩论 argue against 为反对而辩论 The workers argued for the right for the strike. Some people argue against the free trade. argue that-clause 主张,辨析argue/quarrel/discuss,argue常用作不及物动词,后面常接介词后才能加宾语。意为“辩论,争论”,有企图说服对方的含义。They argued about the case for hours. quarrel 意为“争吵,吵架”,侧重以“口角”的方式争执; discuss 意为“讨论”,为及

12、物动词,后直接加宾 语,指为了解决问题或弄清对方的观点而商量;,9. entertainment/n./款待,娱乐; 娱乐表演,We warmly gave an entertainment to the foreign guests. entertain/v./ 款待,招待 ;娱乐,助兴 entertaining /adj./ 有趣的,使人愉快的 entertain sb. with sth. 用招待/款待某人 The child entertained himself with building blocks.,10. inspire/vt./鼓舞,激发,启示,inspire sb. to

13、 do sth. 激发某人去做某事 Eg. His spirit inspires us to work hard to achieve more in our life. inspiration (n.) 灵感 inspiring (adj.) 鼓励人的 inspired (adj.) 有创作力的,11. support /n.&vt./支持,拥护,support a family 赡养家庭 support oneself 自力更生 support sb.in (doing) sth. 在(做)某事方面支持某人 support sb.by (doing) sth. 通过(做)某事支持某人 i

14、n support of sb./sth.支持或支援某人/某事 give support to sb.支持或支援某人,12. audience/n./ 观众,听众,读者, audience是集合名词,用作主语时,其谓语可用单数(视为整体)或复数(视为个体); 形容听(观众)人数之多或少,通常用big, large, huge, mass, vast, wide 以及small, thin 等形容词修饰,但不用many, few修饰; an audience 不是指“一个观众”,而是指某一群观众、某一个场次观众、某一方面的观众等;,13.intend /vt./计划,打算,intend to d

15、o/doing sth. mean to do sth. 打算做某事 sth.be intended for 某物是为而准备的 intend sb./sth.to do sth.想要某人/物去做某事 intend that-clause 打算 had intended to do sth./ intended to have done sth.本来打算做某事,14. emergency/n./ 突发事件,紧急情况,Its an emergency! 情况紧急! He was always prepared for any unforeseen event of emergency. 他时刻为无法预料的紧急事件做好准备。 a state of emergency 紧急状态 in an emergency 遇紧急情况时,15. considerate/v./考虑; /adj./考虑周到的,consideration /n./考虑 in consideration of.考虑到,顾及 take.into consideration考虑到;体谅 be under consideration在考虑中,在审议中 give consideration to sth./give sth.,consider /v./考虑;认为 consider doing



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