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1、CHAPTER 5,STEERING AND SUSPENSION SYSTEM,5.6 Overview of Suspension,The function of Suspension system:,Flexibly connect the wheels to the body Deliver the power and moment from the road to the body Damp out the spring oscillations quickly,The suspension covers the arrangement used to connect the whe

2、els to the body. The purpose is to prevent large shocks, caused by the wheels striking bumps in the road, being passed to the vehicle occupants and components; otherwise discomfort and damage would occur.,悬架是车轮(车桥)与车身(车架)之间连接装置的总称。其目的是防止车轮遇到路面不平产生的巨大冲击传给车内的货物和乘客;否则会产生不舒适的感觉和货物的损坏。,The suspension sys

3、tem has two subsystemsthe front suspension and the rear suspension. The front suspension is more complicated than the rear suspension. This is because the front wheels must move in several different directions. The wheels must move up and down with the suspension and turn left to right with the stee

4、ring. Since the car goes in the direction in which the front wheels point, the alignment of the front wheels is important.,悬架系统有两个子系统前悬架和后悬架前悬架比后悬架复杂这是因为前轮需要在不同方向运动车轮必须随悬架上下运动并随转向系统左右转动因为汽车在前轮指向的方向上行驶,所以前轮定位很重要,Poor alignment can make a car pull to one side and stop the front wheels from returning t

5、o the straight-ahead position after a turn.,不正确的车轮定位参数会使汽车产生偏驶,阻止车轮在转向后回到直线行驶位置。,Toe In 前轮前束,Kingpin Angle 主销内倾角 S.A.I,Camber 前轮外倾角,Caster 主销后倾角,ToeIn 前轮前束,Toe-in specifies the degree to which non-parallel front wheels are closer together at the front than at the rear; measured at the edges of the r

6、ims at the wheel center height.,车轮前束指定了不平行前轮前边缘比后边缘近的程度;这在车轮中部边缘处测得,2. Kingpin Angle (S.A.I) 主销内倾,The kingpin angle is the inclination of the steering axis (kingpin) relative to the longitudinal plane, measured in the transverse plane of the vehicle.,主销内倾角是转向轴(主销)相对于纵向平面的倾斜,在汽车横向平面内测得,3. Camber 前轮外倾

7、角,Camber is the inclination of the wheel relative to the longitudinal vehicle plane, measured in the transverse plane of the vehicle. Positive camber means that the wheels are tilted further out at the top than at the bottom.,车轮倾角是车轮在纵向平面的倾斜,在汽车的横向平面内测得车轮外倾角指车轮顶部比底部更向外倾斜,4. Caster 主销后倾角,Caster is sp

8、ecified as the angle by which the steering axis (kingpin line) deviates from the vertical when viewed from the side, or as that distance on the road surface by which the wheel contact point trails the point at which an extension of the steering axis meets the road surface.,主销后倾特指从车辆侧面观察时,转向轴(主销)偏离垂直

9、方向的角度,或车轮和路面接触点与主销延长线与路面交点间的距离,The main types of Suspension Springs:,2. Leaf Spring,Leaf springs are made of long, flat pieces of metal clamped together to form a spring. The spring not only acts as a spring but also locates the axle. To overcome weakness at the mid-point of the main leaf, either th

10、e leaf is made thicker at the center or a series of leaves is used. Each leaf is shorter than the one directly above it.,钢板弹簧由许多长的金属片夹在一起形成钢板弹簧不仅起到弹簧的作用,还是桥壳安装的基础。为克服主片中部强度不够的缺点,可以把其中部加厚,或者采用多片簧片。每个钢板比它上面的短,3. Torsion bar 扭杆弹簧,Torsion bars normally connect to the car so that one end is fixed in plac

11、e and the other attaches to a lever arm. When a force acts on the end of this lever arm, it bends up, causing the torsion bar to twist and absorb the force. When the force is released, the bar untwists to force the lever back to its original position.,扭杆弹簧一端固定在汽车上的适当位置,另一端安装在摇臂上冲击力作用在摇臂的一端使它弯曲,这引起扭杆

12、扭曲,从而吸收冲击力冲击力消失时扭杆扭曲消失,摇臂回到原来的位置,5.11 Shock Absorber,When a spring is compressed and then released it will oscillate for a period of time before coming to rest. Applied to a vehicle this action will cause a most uncomfortable ride. The purpose of a shock absorber is to absorb the energy stored in th

13、e spring and so reduce the time that the vehicle is bouncing.,压缩弹簧然后释放,它会振动一段时间。(振动)作用在汽车上将引起乘坐不舒适。减振器的目的是储存在弹簧中的能量并缩短汽车跳动的时间。,Shock absorbers are filled with fluid. In operation, wheel movement causes the shock absorber to force this fluid through small openings (orifices). Since fluid can pass thr

14、ough restricted openings rather slowly, this puts a restraint on wheel and spring movement. The restraint imposed prevents excessive wheel movement. It also damps out the spring oscillations quickly after the hole or bump is passed.,减振器中充满油液,在行驶时,车轮的运动使减振器中的油液反复流过内腔的孔隙由于油液通过受到限制的孔隙时,速度很慢,就对车轮和弹性元件的运

15、动产生阻尼作用这种阻尼作用避免了车轮的过度运动在车辆经过坑洼地段时,能很快地衰减弹性元件的振动,The main types of Suspension system:,Independent Suspension,single transverse arm type(单横臂式) double transverse arm type(双横臂式) single trailing arm type(单纵臂式) double trailing arm type(双纵臂式) single oblique arm type(单斜臂式) sliding pillar type(烛式) MacPherson

16、 Strut type(麦弗逊式) multi-link type(多连杆式),5.13 Wheels and Tires,The main functions of tire: Absorb shocks resulting from irregularities in the road. Provide frictional contact between the wheels and the road so that good traction is secured. This permits the transmitting of power through the tires to the road for rapid accelerating, combats the tendency of the car to skid on turns and allows quick stops when the brakes are applied.,There are two basic types of t



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