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1、必修五Unit 1 Great Scientists一、单词拼写:1.Urban inhabitants have to live with the _(典型的,特有的) noises of cities.2. We must take a s_ approach to the problem.3. The doctor e_ the boy and found there was nothing the matter with him.4. The debate did not come to a c_ until midnight.5.I was very much pleased by

2、your _(分析) of the situation.6. This program is to be r_ on the radio next Saturday afternoon.7.The old man was utterly _(吸引) in the book.8. We are suffering from a s_ shortage of fuel.9. If you hear an alarm, leave the building i_.10. I turned the h_ and opened the door.11.The _(增加) of fruit makes t

3、he cereal taste good.12. The vote was completed. The chairman a _ the result.13.He i_(要求命令) me to deliver it to a customer.14.The scientist often _(做贡献)to an academic journal.15. He is an engineer trained in highway c_.16.Are you p_(确信的)that you saw him?17. He is very s_ with his students.18. C_ the

4、 sentences in the exercise by filling in the blanks.19. David is very e_ about the plan.20.The teacher was patient with _(落后的) children.21.The board _(拒绝) all our ideas.22.The boss is _(小心谨慎的) about making promises.23. Theres a fine v_ of the lake from our hotel window.24.The police are watching the

5、 _(行踪) of the suspicious character carefully.25. But he became i_ when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.26. The map gave a v_ clue about the cause of disease.27.It seemed the water was to _(责备)28. He knew it would never be c_ until its cause was found.29. His wound became

6、i_ with a new virus30. Most of the newspaper seems to be c_ with pop stars.二. 从方框中选择适当的短语,并用其适当形式完成下列句子。make friends; come to an end; apart from; make up ones mind; make faces; make ones way 1. The meeting _ at about six oclock in the evening. 2. _ a few words, I do not know any Japanese at all.3. T

7、wo days later they _ to London by plane. 4. Mr. Reed _ to devote all his life to the education for the deaf children.5. The teacher asked us not to _ when we listen to the headmaster. 6. The little boy found it difficult to _ with other children. 三. 根据括号内的汉语提示完成下列句子。1. He _ (发现读书很困难了), for his eyesi

8、ght was beginning to fail.2. Our English teacher is always _(要求严格)us. 3. This test is obviously bad because it will _ (导致) incorrect learning.4. Does it _ (有意义) to let children watch such TV plays?5. Only if you work hard _ (你能期望得到) a pay rise.6. With the development of modern industry, _ (环境问题就产生了)

9、。Unit 2 The United Kingdom一单词拼写:1. You can easily c_ the problems if you study British history.2. The three countries found themselves u_ peacefully instead of by war.3. They are going to get Ireland c _to form the United Kingdom.4. England is the largest of the four countries and for c_ it is divid

10、ed into three zones.5. But London has been i_ only by some invaders of England.6. The beauty of the artists style _(在于) in its simplicity.7. We shall not let such a small matter_(分裂) us.8. I have been p_ about this question for weeks now.9. We d_ on the question till late into the night.10.He was co

11、mpelled to join the _(工会) as a condition of getting the job.11.They are anxious to develop friendly _(关系)with their neighboring countries.12.I am innocent, I got this money l_.13. The a_ of the moon for the earth causes the tides.14. The c_ of these stamps took ten years.15Shes doing a p_ on adult e

12、ducation.17We have already made a_ for our vacation18A golden w_ is the fiftieth anniversary of a marriage.19Some people like to lie on the beach, but I prefer _(观光).20The swimming pool is_(可利用的) only in summer.21He enjoyed the _(趣事、乐事) of New Yorks night life.22Students in No.2 middle school should

13、 wear school u_.23The king was wearing a _(有光彩的) golden crown.24The S_ of Liberty stands in New York Harbor.25She was t_ with terror when she saw the scene of the murder.26He is_(伶俐的,机警的;精明的) and can take care of himself.27He remained_(始终如一的) in his opposition to anything new.28The situation suddenly became _(紧张)29Theres an _(错误) in your calculation.30Most of the s_ made at the meeting were not very practical. 二、每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的意思相同或相近。1. As we know, the world is made up of seven continents and four oceans. As we know, the world _ _ seven continents and four oceans.2. In order to


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