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1、S/O 装货单 是Shipping Order 的简写!PO purchase order 订单PR 价格 Inv invoice 发票s/c sales contract 销售确认书在来些常用的:Bill of Lading 提单On Board (Shipped) B/L 已装船提单Received for shipment B/L 备运(收妥待运)提单Named B/L 记名提单Bearer B/L 不记名提单Order B/L 指示提单Blank Endorsement 空白备书Clean B/L 清洁提单In apparent good order and condition 外表状

2、况良好Unclean ( Foul, Dirty) B/L 不清洁提单Direct B/L 直航提单Transshipment B/L 转船提单Through B/L 联运提单Multi-modal (Inter-modal, combined) transport B/L 多式联运提单Long Form B/L 全式提单Short Form B/L 简式提单Anti-dated B/L 倒签提单Advanced B/L 预借提单Stale B/L 过期提单On Deck B/L 甲板货提单Charter Party B/L 租约项下提单House B/L 运输代理行提单Seaworthine

3、ss 船舶适航Charter Party ( C/P) 租船合同(租约)1、 Telex released b/l 电放提单2、 for your reference 做为你的参考3、 sign back 签回 4、 Pls see attachment 请看附件5、 Pls sign back the telex released letter . 请签回电放信6、 Pls find attached SO for your reference (yr ref.) 请查收附件做为你的参考7、 Pls make sure your cargo will send to our warehous

4、e before tomorrow afternoon(18:00pm).请尽量将你的货在明天下午6点前送到我们的仓库8、 Pls see attchment and cfm the b/l of XXX. 请收附件并且确认提单为XXX是否OK?9、 I receipted the telex released requirment , but no payment receipt , we cant telex release this cargo.Pls mail it to me hurry! 我有收到电放函,但未收到付款收据,请尽快Email过来,否则我们不能电放此票货物。10、Any

5、 further question, pls feel free to contact me, tks! 有任何问题,请及时联络我11、Enclosed booking form for yr ref, pls fill it out by return 附件所涵内容给你参考,请填好后回传给我12、Enclosed our airport warehouse address for yr send the cargo tomorrow morning 请于明天早上送货,附件为飞机场仓库地址13、Pls find the attached , 1 filed for two TELEX RELE

6、ASE B/L to CHICAGO and check it s OK or NOT 请收附件,我已电放好了去芝加哥的两票货物,请检查是否OK?14、Have received 已有收到15、Received with tks. 收到,谢谢16、Received and will arrange it.tks 已收到且将会安排17、The s/o can use till next week. 这份S/O下星期也可以使用18、Please confirm the attached bill by return.tks 请确认附件并传回19、Please kindly advice yr PO

7、#. 请提供PO号码20、Please find the attached invoice for yr ref.tks 请查收附件中的付款单做参考21、I have release S/O to you , Pls received it . 我已有释放S/O给你,请查收。22、Pls find attached the application form for telex release. 请查收附件中的电放申请函23、Pls see the attached that we had arranged the hb/l telex release. Here is the copy for

8、 you in your information. 我们已有安排电放提单,请看附件。这里有你要的提单副本数据。24、Attached pls find the telex release form for your reference. 附件中的电放申请函给你做参考25、Pls kindly help to cfm with the client . 请帮忙跟客人确认26、we need you support the commercial & P/L for our processed 我们需要提供商业发票和清单27、Pls kindly follow up. 请追踪28、Which is

9、the correct cnee? 哪个是正确的收货人?29、Pls release s/o asap. 请尽快放S/O30、PLS OPEN FILE FOR B/L COPY, TKS! 请打开附件中的提单31、AMEND B/L COPY, PLS CHECK & CFM 修正后的提单,请检查并确认32、Please kindly see the attached file and kindly fill in by return, thanks. 请查收附件并填好后回传,谢谢!33、PLS LOAD THE CARGO ASAP 请尽快装货34、PLS ADV WHEN YOU CAN

10、 LOAD THE CARGO 请问你们何时可以装货?35、Kindly pls note well charge you cargo sorting fee HKD30/cbm for subject shipment as you didnt sort the cargo at time of your loading.By the way, pls ask factory load the cargo per booking in the truck. 在装货时,邮于你们没有分开货物,所以你们将支付30HKD/CBM仓库将货物分类的费用,以后下booking 请与工厂说明。36、Kind

11、ly pls note well regard your bkg(booking) note which sent to our CFS as SI, you dont need to submit SIadditionally.And pls confirm if you request to issue combine B/L if yr bookings on same vsl with same shipper & consignee & notify name every time. 请确认按你们的要求合并提单,如果每次是相同的发货人、收货人及被通知人的话。37、Kindly fin

12、d attached our office moving notice. Please be noted. 我们的办公室已搬迁,请注意!38、pls note below our New Years holiday (Jan.01, 2006) arrangement 请注意我们安排元旦放假的时间39、It is pleased to talk with you. 和你说话很高兴40、Here is the debit note for you ref,pls arrange the payment to us 这儿有付款单给你做参考,请安排付款给我们。41、Well received wit

13、h thanks and will send the S/O to you asap, thanks. 我们已有收到并马上回传给你42、Well noted with thanks.By the way, per the telephone conversation between you and our colleague/Jessie, the shipment ex yantian, could you kindly let your consignee and ralted party contact with us freely, for it is not efficient we

14、 informed our hkg colleague the shipment which was handled by Shenzhen branch, thanks.Any problem, welcome to contact with us freely.43、You have not paied the freight yet 你还未支付此票费用44、colleague 同事45、I HAVE RELEASE S/O TO YOU , PLS RECEIVED IT. 我已下放S/O给你,请查收。46、XXX and XXX coalition a b/l XXX和 XXX合并为一

15、份提单47、Please kindly book the vessel by LCL shipment for me, Thank you. 请帮我订散货。48、Attached please see the B/L information of S/O #(XX). XXX订舱单补提单资料49、CORRECTION 修正50、Direct Line 直线51、Nice to talk to you just now! 跟你说话很开心I am WARNER XU from GLobeLink Shenzhen Branch.We learn from your customer ALL SPORT that there be a new shipment export from Shenzhen to BUENOS AIRES. We are the appointed (指定的)forwarder of your customer in China.It is a pleasure (愉快)to cooperation(合作) with you for coming shipment. Now, glad(乐意) to send you our booking form(see attachment).



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