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1、服装英语实用技能综合培训会面与了解篇会面部份1. Hello! 你好2. How are you你好3. Welcome to our company欢迎欢迎4. Glade to meet you很高兴认识你5. Can we become friends?我们交个朋友好吗?6. Can we made friends?我们交个朋友好吗?7. Hope you satisfied!希望您满意8. Hope you glad!希望您高兴了解部分了解一:1. What part of the world you did come from?您是从哪个国家来的?2. Where you did y

2、ou come from?您从哪里来的?3. Which country did you come from?您是哪个国家来?4. Which city you come from just now?您从哪个城市过来的?5. By coah or by train?坐班车还是坐火车?6. How long it take for you to come?用了多长时间?7. Had you come here before?以前您到过这里吗?8. You know this city well?您熟悉这个城市吗?了解二:1. What is your business scope?您都做哪些生意

3、?2. You came here only for this business or by the way only?您顺路来还是专程来作生意的?3. How long you plan to stay here?您计划停留在这里多久?4. You will stay here still the deal settled?您将一直到做完这笔生意才离开吗?5. Your main business is clothes or other?你的主要生意是服装还是别的?6. Most time where you buy goods from before?以前你一般从哪里进货?7. Why d

4、o you come here to buy goods?您为什么到这里来进货?8. You come here only goods is cheap or quality is better?您来这里是因为这里的货便宜还是因为质量好?了解三:1. what a qutity you like to buy this time?你进买多少货?2. did you think the price will be more lower than before?你认为这里价格要比以前低吗?3. we must settel all export procedure for you?出口手续有我们办

5、吗?4. I knew most export go through Guangzhou, you do too before?我知到多数出口都通过广州海关,你以前也是吗?5. since maybe you only buy little qutity, we can not settle export procedure for you, it will be OK?我想你这次要货不量不大,海关手续有你办行吗?6. do you have any pecial requirement on packing?你对包装有什么特殊要求吗?7. need brand mark and conten

6、t mark according to you?要按你设计招牌唛和成分唛吗?8. what is the period limit?交货期限是多长?了解四:1. Let us visit workshop, OK?看一下车间好吗?2. This is sewing shop.这是缝纫车间3. This cutting shop.这是裁剪车间3. All these equipment are new and advanced.全部设备都是先进设备而且是新的4. This is pressing machine这是熨压设备5. This sample paper, these are sampl

7、e, we can work out a sample, if you satisfy, we can produce in large-scale这是纸样,这是样本,我们先做出一个样本,你满意后才投入生产6. all worker have good skill 全部工人都是熟练工人服装英语实用技能培训二洽谈篇洽谈一:1. I hope you had got a clear idea about the production since you had visited our plant你已参观了我们的工场,希望你已更了解我们的生产程序2. How about the Packing Li

8、ne?我们的包装线如何?3. it good.很好4. what is the production rate?产量如何?5. five thousands a week每周5000件 6. what is the major source?原料从哪里进?7. Guangzhou or Shanghai广州或上海8. can I have a look at your Marketing Department?能参观一下你们的市场推广部吗?9. Sure, this way please当然这边请洽谈二:1. This is our lastest product这是我们的最新产品2. How

9、 is it selling?销售情况如何3. Its sales record is satisfactory销路不错4. what are the merits of your product?这产品有什么优点5. waterproff and lighter, inner lining can be removed防水,较轻,内层可以被拆除6. could I have a look at the price?我能看一下价目表吗?7. Sure, We can provide free delivery if the order is over five hundred dozens.当

10、然,500打以上免费包送8. It sound good 听起来真不错洽谈三:1. Would you please tell me what the prices are?价格如何?2.This is our lastest price list这是最新价目表3. are these prices fir offers?是实价吗?4. All the quotations are subject to our final confirmation这些价格还需最后确认5. I think the price is too height我想价格过高了6. Sorry, but that is t

11、he best we can offer对不起,但已是最低价啦7. I do not think I can accept the peices我想我不能接受8.If you order at once we may be able to offer better如何你马上订货我们可以考虑折扣洽谈四:1. How about packing?如何包装?2. Do you have any requirement on it?你有什么要求?3. Have inner packing and outer packing应有内包装和外包装4. How about inner packing?内包装如

12、何?5. Plastic paper bag for each piece will be OK每件单袋塑料薄膜袋包装就行6. How about outer packing?外包装呢?7. Each 50 pieces in a carton每纸箱50件8. OK, according your requirement好!按你的要求吧洽谈五:1. If I place an order now, when would you be able to ship it?如果我马上下订单什么时候可以出货?2. It depends on the size of the order看你订多少?3. I

13、 need 500 dozen500打4. We can ship them in a week一周吧5. The order will be mailed to you tomorrow明天寄给你订单6. Think for your order谢谢7.Thinks谢谢洽谈六:1. Are you ready to sign?可以签约了吗?2. No, I am afraid we are not还不行3. What is the problem?有什么问题吗?4. I thinks we need to discuss the second clause again我想有必要再讨论一下第二

14、条条款5. What is it that you do not like?你认为有问题吗?6. I thinks the time is too short时间太短啦7. So 10 days will be OK?那10天行吗?8. Right!好的洽谈七:1. Are you satisfied with all points?对所有细节都满意吗?2. I would like to have a close look at this befor signing签约前我还要详细看看3. Of course当然4. Will it be possible to change the det

15、ails after it has been signed?签约后就不能改了吗?5. It depends on a mutual decision那得看双方是否愿意6. Here is my signature我签好啦7. Here is your copy of contract这是你的一份实用语句1 欢迎语句Welcome to our company欢迎光临我们公司Is this your first visit to our plant第一次来我们公司吗?Is there anything you are particularly interested in?对我们的什么东西感兴趣吗?2 请对方询问Please fee



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