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1、初一英语名词专项练习名词: 在名词中要注意的是名词的可数与不可数,单、复数形式及所有格问题。常用的不可数名词:milk, orange(橘子), meat, fruit, food, paper, weather;单复数一致:sheep, fish(做鱼肉讲时,不可数), Chinese, Japanese;本身就是复数形式:people 1. There are some _ on the hill.A. sheeps B. a sheep C. sheep D. sheepes2. Mr Black often gives us _ by Email.A. some good inform

2、ation B. some good informations C. good informations D. a good information3. There are some new books in the school library. They are _ books.A. child B. childrens C. children D. childrens4. I have worn out my shoes, so I want to buy a new _ .A. pair B. one C. ones D. trousers5. Meimeis handwriting

3、is better than any other _ in his class.A. students B. students C. students D. students6. The hospital is a bit far from here. Its about _ . A. forty minutess walk B. forty minutes walk C. forty minutes walk D. forty minutes walk7. How many _ are there in your class ? A. Japanese B. American C. Aust

4、ralian D. Canadian8. I found my black cat in_ room.A. Jim and Mike B. Jim and Mikes C. Jims and Mikes D. Jims and Mike9. How much are the _ ? A. bread B. meats. C. potatos D. tomatoes10. There are many _ in our school.A. woman teachers B. womans teachers C. women teachers D. womens teachers11. Three

5、 months _ a long time for me.A. is B. are C. have D. has12. There are _ and _ on the table. A. two boxes cake; four bottle of oranges B. two boxes cake; four bottle of orange C. two boxes of cakes; four bottles of orange D. two box of cakes; four bottles of oranges KEYS:16:CADCCD 712:ABDCAA1. 写出下列名词

6、的复数: tooth牙齿), goose(鹅), table(桌子), man driver(男司机),potato(土豆) piano(钢琴), sheep(羊), mouse (鼠) , loaf(面包), glass(玻璃杯) 2. 找出下列句子中的错误并改正: 1) This is a pair of trouser.这是一条裤子。 2) He gave me some advices. 他给了我一些忠告。 3) She went to the library with two ladies friends.她和两位女伴一起去图书馆。 4) The police is looking for him. 警察在找他。参考答案: 1. teeth, geese, tables, men drivers, potatoes, pianos, sheep, mice ,loaves, glasses. 2. 1)trouser 不对。trousers 总是复数 2)advises 不对。advice 是一个不可数名词,不能加-s. 3) 应是lady friends. lady 和woman不同,它的复合名词变复数时,只变它后面的名词。 4) police 总是复数,因此要把 is 改为are.


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