高分essay写作范文-West Indian

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《高分essay写作范文-West Indian》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高分essay写作范文-West Indian(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心高分essay写作范文-West IndianSince the 1830s, Britain, France and other European colonial master countries abolished the slavery in the West Indies, and the freed black slaves started a long-term free migration. Especially since the World War II, the West Indies set off a wave of imm

2、igration to Britain, France and other suzerain. Among them, a large number of West Indies entered Britain and formed an important part of multi-ethnic Britain. At present, there is a lack of research on these West Indies living in Britain. This article intends to make a brief exposition of the histo

3、ry, integration status and problems of their immigration to Britain.自19世纪30年代以来,英国、法国等欧洲殖民主国废除了西印度群岛的奴隶制,被解放的黑人奴隶开始了长期的自由迁徙。尤其是二战以来,西印度群岛掀起了向英国、法国和其他宗主国移民的浪潮。其中,大量西印度群岛进入英国,成为多民族英国的重要组成部分。目前,对这些生活在英国的西印度群岛的研究还很缺乏。本文旨在简要阐述英国移民的历史、融合现状和存在的问题。The West Indies first appeared in the history of Britain, wh

4、ich can be traced back to the early colonial expansion of Britain. At that time, some colonists who engaged in plantation and various trade activities in the West Indies returned to England and brought back some local residents to serve as servants. This practice was also fashionable in British soci

5、ety at that time. By the 19th century, with the expansion of the British Empire, more and more West Indies came to Britain to serve, mainly as sailors or soldiers. Before the 20th century, however, the limited number of West Indies who came to Britain pointed the way for later immigrants.西印度群岛最早出现在英

6、国历史上,可以追溯到英国早期的殖民扩张时期。当时,一些在西印度群岛从事种植业和各种贸易活动的殖民者返回英国,带回一些当地居民作为仆人。这种做法在当时英国社会也很流行。到19世纪,随着大英帝国的扩张,越来越多的西印度群岛来到英国,主要作为水手或士兵服役。然而,在20世纪之前,来到英国的西印度群岛人数有限,为后来的移民指明了道路。By the first half of the 20th century, the two world wars had provided an opportunity for the West Indies to enter Britain. Especially d

7、uring the World War II, the labor department had to recruit part of the population in the colonies to relieve the serious shortage of troops and labor. As a result, a large number of West Indies came to Britain and engaged in various kinds of service activities. During this period, for example, 10,

8、000 men served in the British air force, 1, 200 British honduran forestry workers engaged in forestry activities in Scotland, 1, 000 mechanics served in military factories in merseyside and Lancashire, and so on. When the war was over, a few West Indies were able to stay and settle in Britain, while

9、 the vast majority were sent back to their countries of origin by the British government.到20世纪上半叶,两次世界大战为西印度群岛进入英国提供了机会。特别是在第二次世界大战期间,劳工部不得不在殖民地招募部分人口,以缓解严重的部队和劳工短缺。因此,大量西印度群岛人来到英国,从事各种各样的服务活动。例如,在这一时期,英国空军服役的10000人,苏格兰从事林业活动的1200名英国洪都拉斯林业工人,默西塞德和兰开夏的1000名机械师,等等。战争结束后,一些西印度群岛人得以留在英国定居,而绝大多数人则被英国政府送回

10、原籍国。However, after the repatriated West Indies returned to their native land, their hometown was still backward and poor, which was in sharp contrast to the rich and developed situation they experienced in Britain. Driven by a huge psychological gap, some West Indies came to Britain again. On June 2

11、2, 1948, the empire downwind, carrying 492 black jamaicans, crossed the Atlantic ocean and arrived in Britain. Two-thirds of the Jamaican passengers had served in Britain during the war. The arrival of the empire tailwind marked the beginning of the large-scale entry of West Indies after the war. Ho

12、wever, by the first half of the fifties, the number of West Indies entering Britain was not obvious. Starting in the mid-1950s, the number of immigrants began to increase rapidly, which led to an unprecedented new peak of immigration that lasted until the early 1960s. Due to the lack of official sta

13、tistics on the West Indies in Britain before 1955, the exact number of settlers during the period following the arrival of the empire downwind is unknown. However, according to an estimate by a government spokesman, the number of West Indies entering Britain was as high as 16,000 in 1951, but only 1

14、,000 in 1952 and 2,000 in 1953. In 1954, the number of West Indian immigrants rose rapidly to 10,000. From 1955, according to reliable British records, 118,800 West Indies arrived in Britain between 1955 and 1959. In addition, a large number of immigrants from the Indian subcontinent also entered th

15、e country at the same time.The reason why the West Indies set off the wave of immigration to Britain after the war lies in: on the one hand, the economy of the West Indies continued to deteriorate after the war, and the unemployment rate remained high for a long time. In Jamaica, for example, Labour

16、 unemployment was 30%, and in the construction sector, which accounts for 14% of the countrys Labour force, it was 40%. As a result, many workers have to go overseas to seek a living. On the other hand, contrary to the poverty and backwardness in the West Indies, Britain gradually moved towards stability and prosperity after the war. The rapid recovery and development of economy created many new jobs and correspondingly expanded the demand for labor forc


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