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1、高考英语专题限时集训完形填空议论文+高三作文:做“孤独”赢家专题限时集训(二十一)完形填空议论文(对应学生用书第131页)A(2017兰州市诊断考试)When your child is supposed to be doing homework,are they chatting with their friends on Facebook or playing games?Many studies have shown that multitasking doesnt 1 , 2 your child is probably proudly claiming they can do ten

2、 things 3 !Many people believe that they can 4 two or more tasks at the same time,but Dr.Edward Hallowell says this is 5 .The reality is that multitasking 6 poor job performance.New handheld 7 such as smartphones,iPads,games and social networking sites make it very easy to multitask and 8 attention

3、leading to difficulty focusing on the task 9 ,such as listening in the classroom or doing homework.“ 10 ,the brain actually 11 kids for multitasking even though your childs performance on every task gets worse and worse.Kids dont know that they are doing 12 because they feel better when they multita

4、sk,” says Dr.Edward Hallowell. 13 the appearance of handheld devices and social networking sites,teachers have noticed a difference in 14 performance,critical thinking skills and how information is 15 “Multitasking prevents people from gaining a deep understanding of the information they are trying

5、to learn,” says Dr.Edward Hallowell.Kids have a difficult time sticking with a “difficult to understand” topic and 16 to allow themselves to be distracted (注意力分散的),to tune out and switch 17 to Facebook or using their cell phones 18 working harder at understanding a difficult subject or problem.In th

6、e long 19 ,multitasking affects grades.One study shows that kids that use the Internet while in class do 20 on tests,resulting in lower grades.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了孩子们同时做多项任务对学业所造成的负面影响。1AplayBunderstandCuseDworkD根据下文中的“The reality is that multitasking 6 poor job performance”可推知,一次做很多事情并没有什么效果。work“有效,起作用”。

7、2Aonly if Beven thoughCso thatDno wonderB根据语境可知,空处上下句之间存在逻辑上的转折关系,even though“虽然,尽管”,符合语境。3Aat once Bright awayCin no time Dat randomA根据下文中的“Many people believe that they can 4 two or more tasks at the same time”可知,孩子们会声称能同时做十件事情。at once“一起,同时”。4AadvocateBdealCperform DpreferC根据语境可知,许多人相信他们可以同时做两件或是

8、更多事情。perform“做,执行,履行”。5AimpossibleBimportantCimpatient DimpoliteA根据下文中的“poor job performance”可知,Dr.Edward Hallowell认为同时做多个任务是不可能的。故A项正确。6Aresults in Bresults fromCexists inDexists fromA根据语境尤其是“poor job performance”可推知,同时做多项任务的结果很不好。result in“导致,造成”。7Adesigns BdiscoveriesCequipment DevidenceC根据空后的“sm

9、artphones,iPads”可知,此处表示新的便携式装备,故C项正确。下文13空后的“handheld devices”也是信息提示。8Aattract BdrawCpay DshareD根据下文中的“leading to difficulty focusing on the task”可推知,多任务容易分散注意力。share“共享,共用”。9Aat hand Bon timeCon scheduleDat timesA根据空后的“such as listening in the classroom or doing homework”可知,这些都是手头要做的事。at hand“在手边”。

10、10AUncertainly BUnfortunatelyCUniversally DUndoubtedlyB根据第一段最后两句可知,Dr.Edward Hallowell并不赞成多任务行为,因此当大脑给这种行为以肯定或鼓励时,他认为是不幸的。11Aremains BrewardsCregards DreflectsB根据空后的“even though”可知,空处与worse形成对比,由此可推知大脑反而鼓励这种多任务行为。reward“奖赏,报答”。12Abetter BwellCbad DworseD根据上文中的“gets worse and worse”和空后的“because they

11、feel better when they multitask”可知,孩子们并不知道自己变得更糟糕。13ASince BBeforeCWhen DWhileA结合空后现在完成时的运用可知,此处应用连词since“自从之后”引导状语从句。 14Aaccidental BaccurateCaccessible DacademicD根据上文的“teachers”可推知,老师们注意到学生们在学业上的差异。academic“学术的”。15Aproduced BprocessedCpossessed DpromotedB根据下文中的“Multitasking prevents people from ga

12、ining a deep understanding of the information they are trying to learn”可知,这些便携式工具的出现改变了学生处理信息的方式。process“处理”。 16Atend BattendCintend DpretendA根据空前的“Kids have a difficult time sticking with a difficult to understand topic”可知,孩子们很难坚持一个理解起来有困难的话题,他们的注意力往往会分散。tend to do sth.“往往会发生某事”。17Aout BonCoff Dove

13、rD根据语境可知,既然注意力分散了,孩子们就有可能转而关注学习之外的东西。switch over to “转向”。18Aexcept forBrather thanCmore than Dapart fromB根据语境可知,孩子们去玩手机或Facebook,而不是更努力地学习。rather than“而不是”。19Arun BwalkCjourney DdistanceAin the long run为固定短语,意为“从长远来看”,符合语境。20Ahardly BsuccessfullyCpoorly DmildlyC根据空后的“resulting in lower grades”可知,在课堂

14、上上网的孩子考试成绩差。B 【导学号:52384074】Whenever were introduced to strangers,we make decisions about them according to our first impressions.For most Brits,simply asking someone how much they earn is 21 as impolite behavior.However,it is 22 that people admire those who show off their 23 This is a 24 trend.Ive felt the warm glow (喜悦) of knowing I earned 25 than somebody,and the grey 26 of knowing that I earned less than another.It seems as though selfworth is increasingly being 27 the careers we choose and the money we earn.We need to



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