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1、Lesson Five Night Watch 深夜的守护 Roy PopkinLearning Guide市场经济的潮水极大地冲击着人与人之间的关系。人们似乎认为亲情薄如蝉翼,陌生人之间还能有什么爱心与关怀。可是一位海军陆战队队员的行为恰好说明关心他人之人大有人在。请看他是怎样做的。一、词汇1. watch(n.) 看护,守候(病人) v 观察,观看2. elderly(adj.) 年长的上了年纪的;过了中年的;稍老的 e.g. Many elderly people live an idle life.许多老年人过着悠闲的生活。 elder adj 同辈之间的长幼关系 e.g. He is

2、 no less clever than his elder brother.他和他的大哥一样聪明。 older adj 指年龄大点儿 e.g. The manager urged older staff to take up early retirement. 经理敦促年纪较大的职员提前退休。3. collapse(v.) (因病、累等)晕倒 倒塌, 崩溃, 瓦解, 折叠 e.g. The wind caused the tent to collapse.风把帐篷吹塌了。4. ambulance(n.) 救护车5. rush(v.) 急速将送往 n 抢购, 匆忙, 冲进, 急速行进, 蜂拥e

3、.g.The rush hour traffic is murder.交通高峰时间真是难以忍受之事6. repeatedly(adv.) 一再,反复地例:That night he called me repeatedly.7. wear(v.) 磨损8.emergency-room(n.)急诊室9.Marine(n.) (美国海军陆战队)士兵或军官10.station(v.) 驻扎、派驻 e.g. troops stationed abroad驻扎在外国的部队11. station(n.) 值班处 台,站, power station 发电站;发电厂 railway station 火车站

4、police station 派出所;警察局;公安局 train station 火车站 bus station n. 公交车站 gas station 加油站 space station 空间站,太空站 TV station 电视台 subway station n. 地铁车站 base station 基站;基电台 pump station 泵站 nuclear power station原子能发电厂 next station 下一站 broadcasting station 广播电台 wireless station 无线电台 .12. corps(n.)k: 特种部队,兵团 13.je

5、ep(n.) 越野车、吉普车14.wade(v.) 涉水而行15.marsh(n.) 沼泽地、湿地16.military(adj.) 军事的17.enable(v.) 使(人)能够 e.g. This document will enable her to pass through the enemy lines unmolested.这证件将使她能平安无事地通过敌人防线。18.reach(v.) 到达(某人)处,抵达(某地) 伸手 范围;延伸 reach out vt. 伸出 reach for 伸手去拿 reach an agreement 达成协议;取得一致意见,达成共识 out of

6、reach 够不着 reach the top 登上顶锋 within reach 伸手可及的,在附近 hard to reach 难以到达 beyond the reach 力所不及;无法达到;超出的能力之外 reach the standard 达到水平或标准 reach a consensus 达成共识 upper reach 上游河段 lower reach 下游河段 reach over 越过某人拿某物 reach out for 伸手去拿;急切寻求 global reach 全球性覆盖 reach a conclusion 得出结论;达成一个结论 reach at 到达 19.lo

7、bby(n.) (旅馆、剧院、医院等的)大厅例:I will pick you up at 7 in the lobby of the hotel.20.serviceman(n.) 军人21.bedside(n.) 病床边22.weak(adj.) 虚弱的,软弱的23. dimly(adv.) 模糊的,朦胧的24.oxygen(n.) 氧气25.tent(n.) (氧气)罩26.wrap(v.) 裹,包27. limp(adj.) 没劲的,无力的,没精神的28.squeeze(v.) 紧握;挤;勒索 e.g. I squeeze carefully through the crowd.我小心

8、翼翼地挤过这群人。 e.g. He gave the orange another squeeze.他又把柳橙榨了一下。29. encouragement(n.) 鼓励courage 勇气;en-courage 鼓励;dis-courage 使气馁, 阻碍30.dimly-lit(adj.)光线暗淡的31.ward(n.) 病房32.occasionally(adv.)偶然地,不时 occasion n场合, 时机, 理由, 机会, 盛大场面 on occasion 偶尔,有时33. clanking(n.) 发出叮当声34.laughter(n.) 笑声 burst into laughte

9、r 突然大笑 laughter and tears 又哭又笑;欢乐与悲伤亦作 tears and laughter roar with laughter 哄堂大笑 canned laughter 俚预先录制的笑声 convulsed with laughter 捧腹大笑;笑得直不起腰35.night-staff(n.) 夜班工作人员36.exchange(v.) 交换37.moan(n.) 呻吟声38.snore(n.) 鼾声,呼噜声39.tightly(adv.) 紧紧的40.lifeless(adj.) 无生命的,死的41.sympathy(n.) 同情 sympathy for 对表示同

10、情 42.startle(v.) 使惊讶43.base(n.) (军队等)基地,大本营 basic adj.& n basically adv 基本上,根本上44.inform(v.) 通知,告诉 inform sb. of sth. 告诉某人某事information 消息,信息(不可数) 45.funeral(n.) 葬礼46.personnel(n.) 人事部,人员 human(adj.) 有人情的,好心肠的47.fellow(n.) (在名词前)身份相同的二、课文分析 Para. 1 Page 921 The story began on a downtown Brooklyn str

11、eet corner. An elderly man hadcollapsed while crossing the street, and an ambulance rushed him to Kings CountyHospital. There, when he came to now and again, the man repeatedly called for hisson.故事发生在布鲁克林商业区一条街的拐角处。一位老人在过马路时突然晕倒在地;一辆救护车把他赶紧送往金司县医院。在医院里他不时地苏醒过来,一醒过来他就不断呼唤他的儿子。 A. downtown 市中心 uptown

12、: 在住宅区;(美)在城镇非商业区 B. Brooklyn 布鲁克林区(纽约市西南部的一区) C on.corner 在 拐角处 E. collapse 倒塌;瓦解;暴跌 晕倒 F. come to 苏醒 e.g. In a few minutes Tom suddenly came to life.一小会儿汤姆突然苏醒过来。 e.g. He made the ghost story come to life.他把那个鬼的故事讲得活灵活现 cf. when it comes to (prep) 当谈到.的时候 e.g. When it comes to German, I know nothi

13、ng.谈到德语,我一窍不通。 e.g. I am no match for her when it comes to language.在语言能力方面我根本不是她的对手。G. now and again, now and then or here and there 时而,不时地 e.g. He threw in a word or two now and again.他不时插一两句话。H. call for打电话, 访问, 召唤, 呼叫, 把 . 看作 Para 2 Page 922 From a worn letter found in his pocket, an emergency-r

14、oom nurse learnedthat his son was a Marine stationed in North Carolina. It seemed there were noother relatives.急诊室的护士从老人的衣服口袋里发现了一封很旧的信,从这封信看他儿子是驻扎在北卡罗来纳州海军陆战队的一名战士。看样子(这位老人)没有别的亲人。 A worn adj 疲倦的;用旧的 e.g. The shoe has worn, and his big toe comes through.鞋已破了,他的大脚趾露出了。 B found in his pocket 过去分词短语,作定语 C learn 获悉,了解到 D it seemed there were no other relatives it 为形式主语 后面的从句为真正主语 e.g. It seem that everybody like the zebra.似乎每个人都喜欢斑马。 e.g. It seems there are a good many people out of work.看来有好多人失业。 Para. 3 Page 923 Someone at the hospital called the Red Cross office in Brooklyn, an


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