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1、虽然以前BBS也有发过关于校园讲解的英文版,但是不知道同学们了解多少湛师的历史。下面是一份经过整合的校园英文讲解英文版,内容还不是很全面,但是希望对大家有帮助,我们正在努力完善中!(桃李园,五味子树,“博雅显气象”景石,“寂韵见独体”景石,化学实验楼,无忧树,宿舍区,体育区,“问渠”大型陶艺等还没有完善)Our university has a gorgeous combination of classic and modern style. Its a plaza of knowledge, cradle of talents and brand new start for students

2、 who gather together here and pursuit their dreams. Now we are at Banyan Square. At Banyan square, you must see three sights. (1) The first thing that comes into our eyes is the memorial arch of Lingxing Gate.(棂星门) Lingxing Gate is a kind of traditional architecture. Originally, it was built to wors

3、hip the Star of Wisdom. But now it is mainly built in honor of great people who made great contribution. This one was built in memory of those who made great contributions to Leiyang Academythe predecessor of our university. The couplets carved on it embrace 2 meaningsfirstly, as teachers, we should

4、 respect the sages and follow their examples. Famous French writer Rousseau once said, “Without a good example to follow, he will never be a good teacher to be followed.” The second meaning is that a teacher should be strict with himself and require himself to make progress every day. This is in acc

5、ord with French writer Romain Rollands well-known saying“Just like a sun, before we shed light to others, we have to enable us to shine.”The second place I want to introduce is a stone carving Be Xi Stele. On the stele carved an article which is about the development of Leiyang Academy in detail. Ha

6、ve you ever seen such a strange-looking animal? Neither have I. This turtle-like animal is called Bi Xi and only exists in myths and legends. It is the eldest son of the Dragon King. Bi Xi loves learning and is a creature of unusual strength. So it always carries a stone stele which can help it lear

7、n more. In China, dragons are mascots. If you touch its head, good luck will come to you. Come on, give it a try. Behind this stele, there is a model of an official seal of ancient Leiyang Academy with sixteen ancient Chinese characters on it. From the right to the left, they are: “书院精神、高山仰止、百年师范、人文

8、昌明”. What the sixteen Chinese characters carry is to stick to rigorous scholarship, to be morally upright and to continue cultivating normal education.This wall was built to commemorate three great ex-headmasters: 陈乔森, 陈瑸 and 陈昌齐. They were all standouts in Qing Dynasty. Through the imperial examina

9、tions they were elected to be officials. After taking offices, they serve the people whole-heartedly. In addition, they were all free from corruption, and for this reason, people at that time respected them and offered them full supports. 陈昌齐 was a man of great attainment in literature and science.

10、陈乔森 was a man of great learning and a good poet and painter. And he was a noted wit.陈瑸 was an officer known for his incorruptness. The biggest contribution he had made was that his success in recapturing Taiwan in Qing Dynasty. Qing Government had a war with Taiwan and won out. During the post-war p

11、eriod, most of the people in Taiwan were living in miserable conditions. In this difficult time, the emperor appointed 陈瑸 to run the affairs of Taiwan. On arriving Taiwan, he devoted himself to local economic development, social stability and education. These three headmasters devoted their life to

12、the development of education. Their great deed will be kept on this wall and be publicized forever.日晷sundialThe sundial was invented by the ancient Chinese. Briefly speaking, its a clock. You can tell the time according to the shadow cast by the sun. The sundial in front of us is just a model becaus

13、e it has no measure scale on the slope. 寸金公园 Cunjin ParkCun means inch, Jin mean money. As the saying goes, an inch of time an inch of gold, gold-inch inch time. Thats what the parks name means. The park is gorgeous. Teachers and students always go there take a walk. Teacher Education MemorialNormal

14、 Education Memorial was built in 2004 in memory of the development of the normal education in recent 100 years. Here is an article about the long history of our school. ZNU is a provincial comprehensive normal university which is dedicated to normal education. The history of ZNU can be traced back t

15、o the Leiyang Academy, which was founded in 1636. ZNUhas devoted its energy to normal education since 1904. In 1991, ZNU gained its present name. During the long-term practice, ZNU has cultivated the cultural atmosphere with the characteristics of normal education and university bearing.Lets walk up

16、 the stair to see the tower.There are four clocks telling time on each side of the tower, intending to warn us against the swift time and urge us to cherish it. The shape of window lintels looks like books opened. We call it windows of knowledge.Please look down to the bottom of the tower. These golden Chinese characters tell us the name of this tower湛江师范学院百年师范纪念塔. This tower was named by Guo Moruo. He is


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