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1、二年级英语上册知识点总结 Unit11句子: 功能句型:1)Thispandaisoldandfat.Thatmonkeyisyoungandthin. 2)Doyoulikecats? Yes,Ido.Ilikedogs,too. 3)Therearesomanytoyshere.Thesetoysaresolovely. 课文重点句:1)Theyaresocute.2)Lookatthefourbabycats.3) Lookatthoseanimals.2 语法点:1) be + 形容词 2) Do you like? Yes, I d o. 3) there are 4) 名词复数-

2、cats, dogs 5) 冠词 the 3词汇: 动 物:panda, monkey, bear, zebra, kangaroo, giraffe, pig, sheep, horse, donkey, rooster, hen, turkey, goose, dog, cat, tiger, elephant 形容词:old, young, fat, thin,cute, lovely , cool 数 词:three, four, five, nine, eight, 动 词:go, see, look 4语音:a, ey, ee, o, i ,er, Unit 2 1 功能句式: W

3、hat color is your hair? Its white. I have short arms and small hands. I have long arms but short legs. I am tall. 2语法点: a. 名词的复数形式, legs arms, ears, eyes,不规则变化foot-feet。 b. 介词and和but。 3词汇:(斜体为四会单词) a. 身体部位:eye, ear, mouth, hair, neck, arm, hand, leg, tail, shoulder, feet, toe, finger b. 颜色:black, bl

4、ue, pink, purple c. 形容词:long - short, tall-short d. 数词:two, one, six 4语音: 字母组合ear, ou, air, ck, ar, or, th在单词中的发音规律。重点了解元音字母e和元音字母组ea, ee, ey在单词中的发音规律。Unit 3 1句式: 功能句式:Whats your number? My number is twelve. I have thirteen cows. Are there seventeen girls in our class? No. There are eighteen girls.

5、课文中的重点句子:This is my lucky number. I have fourteen roosters and fifteen hens. There are nineteen boys in our class. 2语法点: 1) 一般疑问句Are there ? 及答语There are中的名词要用复数形式。2) 一般疑问句的否定答语要完整。 3) 区分和理解my number和my lucky number. 4) 明确十几的词基本就是在1-9后面加上词缀teen,能够正确书写单词eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen, tw

6、enty。5) fly 是一只苍蝇,flies是苍蝇的复数。 6) 了解名词复数后面要加-s, 名词加-s, 发音不同。 3词汇: 表示十以外的数字:ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty。 表示数量:10 dogs十只狗, 11kittens十一只猫, 12 birds十二只鸟, 13 pigs十三只猪, 14 snakes十四条蛇, 15 horses十五匹马, 16 chicks十六只鸡, 17 ducks十七只鸭子, 18 ants十

7、八只蚂蚁, 19 flies十九只苍蝇, 20 bees二十只蜜蜂。 4语音:字母i/y 的发音,字母e的发音,字母组合ee, ir, ou的发音。 Unit 4 1. 功能句型 询问数量的句子:How many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week. 活动安排的句子:I .today/on 2. 课文中的重点句型 询问几天星期几?What day is today? Its 了解明天是星期几 Tomorrow is 3. 语法知识: How many + n. s 和There are +n. s On Monday

8、 了解in the morning, on Monday 和after school 的不同表达方法。 4. 词汇知识: 星期单词 :Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 动词短语:play football, play basketball, play games, play chess, go skating, go roller- skating, play ping-pong, go swimming. 时间短语:in a week, after school, on Tuesday. 时间的词: tomorrow, day, wee

9、k, today, month, year 动词: play, go, swim 数词:seven 名词:game, school 特殊疑问词:what, how many 5. 语音知识:在单词中ay, ee, oo的发音。以及字母o, oa在单词中的发音。 Unit 5 1. 句式A. 功能句 1)询问“周末是否有课” “Do you have classeson ” 及答语“No, I dont.” 2)询问并表述 “某一时间(经常)做某事” 的交际用语 What do you do on ? “I (often) on 。 3)询问并表述 “某一时间做某些事” 的交际用语What do

10、 you do on ? “I or on”。 B. 重点句 I dont have classes on weekends. 2. 语法点: 1)介词on +星期几/ 周末。 2)选择连词or 的正确使用。 3)表示去某地 go to + the+地点名与go + 动名词的区分和使用。 4) 表示去看 go to see .。 5)动词词组: Draw pictures, sing and dance, see a film/ uncle and aunt/ grandpa and grandma, go to the park/zoo/ cinema/ bookstore/museum,

11、go to a book fair, etc. 3. 词汇:1)星期:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 2)地点:park, zoo, cinema, bookstore, museum. 3)动词:go, do, have, see, draw, sing, dance. 4)家庭成员:uncle, aunt, grandpa, grandma. 5) 其他名词:class, weekend, film. 4. 语音: 4. 元音字母a, u 以及元音字母组合ee, oo, ar, ay 在单词中的

12、正确发音。 Unit 6 1)句式 a 功能句式:“How colorful it is!” “Lets sing and dance.” “How old are you? Im seven today.” b 课文中重点句子:“Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas to you, too!” “Happy New Year! The same to you!” “Happy birthday to you!”2)语法点: a.以How引导的感叹句“How colorful it is!” b. Lets后直接跟动词原型。 “Lets sing and dance

13、.” c. how old句式的用法。 d. “to”的用法,“The same to you! Happy birthday to you!” 3)词汇: 掌握it、tree、card、gift、new、year、happy、red、birthday、I、cake、party12个四会单词。 认读: 圣诞节:Christmas Day 圣诞节 Merry Christmas to you! 祝你圣诞快乐! Christmas tree 圣诞树 Christmas card 圣诞贺卡 Christmas gifts 圣诞礼物 a bell 铃铛 Santa Claus 圣诞老人 新年:New

14、Years Day 元旦(新年) a red lantern 红灯笼 colorful balloons 彩色气球 Happy New Year!新年快乐! The same to you. 你也一样。 生日:birthday gift 生日礼物 birthday cake 生日蛋糕 birthday party 生日聚会 birthday card 生日贺卡 Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐! 4)语音:元音字母a、e “cake、red” 字母组合ee “tree” ar “party,card” ou / ow/ 二年级(下)英语单元知识重点Unit one What time is it?一、单词。1. one 1 2.two 23. three 3


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