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1、2019何凯文考研词汇词汇 1.必考词义2必考词组(搭配)3.同义替换1. curtail 削减,减少 curtail the budget cut the budget curtailed ambition 壮志未酬(错:减少的雄心)This compromise reflects curtailed ambition of the EU. 这次妥协是欧盟壮志未酬的体现。 (错:这个妥协就反应了欧盟的削减掉的野心。)词性的转换是为了保持通顺。2. discrimination =bias = inequality =prejudice 69. legitimate =legal (法律领域)

2、=reasonable (科研领域) legitimate research 合理的研究70. academic establishment 学术结构(学术届)71. plausible=reasonable 花言巧语 72. viable 可行的73. devoted fans 死忠粉 = loyal fans devoted attention and instant action 特别的关注和立即的行动74.formidable=intimidating=dreadful=frightening dreadful headline 骇人听闻的报道nasty headline 负面报道75

3、.universal 普遍的There is universal agreement on this issue. 在这个问题已经达成共识了。76. relentless =inexorable trend = inevitable 77. dominate 处于主导地位的 check and balance 78. peaceful =quite =tranquil The modern people aspire to tranquil life and the inner peace.79. dismiss A as B认为A 是B 而不予考虑。Donald Trump dismisse

4、d the option poll as worthless.( Mc Donalds )view A as Bsee A as Btake A as Btreat A as Baccept A as Baccept as B ADarwin did not accept as well-grounded the charge made by his critics. 达尔文不认为,他的批评者做出的指责是有根据的。80. bolster =boost 81. certain uncertain=complicated =ambiguous 模糊的,不清楚的,复杂的82. install 安装p

5、re-installed=default 默in default of sth缺乏83. perform = do take go make have84. ethical 道德的 = morally accepted unethical 不雅的 = unseemly behavior professional ethic 职业道德medical ethic 医德85. inherent 内在的,固有的 heritage cultural heritage an inherently unworkable systems根本行不通的体制86. boycott 抵制 protest 抗议 pic

6、ket 87. patchwork patchwork regulation 各自为政的规定(中性词) patchwork mess 各自为政的混乱(贬义词)88. governor president state congress Administration 89. sustainable 可持续的,环保的 green 环保的90.101. downplay = ignore = overlook 不重视(不是高看!) overate 高估102 rail against 103. preside over 主持(会议);作出决定104. ditch = dump 抛弃ditch the

7、print version 抛弃报纸的印刷版embrace the digital version loyalty nostalgic “legacy product” 限量版,典藏品105. phase out = discontinue= haltcome to halt 废止106. grill v. =考量 107. For a short spell 在很短的时期内 108. chronological = long chronological disease = long term conditions109. boring =routine= mundane =tedious =

8、monotonous110. conventional=traditional111. forge 铸造/伪造The honesty is the steel that forges the supporting structure of our society.112. fold v. n. 倍数113. intrude = invade= overstep=violate 违反114. finance your education =support115. fiscal 财政的116. access available 117. fragile fragile eco-system118.

9、 flex the muscles 展现武力(秀肌肉)119. marvel at sth. 惊讶于120. shrug off shrug off the conventional constraint 摆脱传统的束缚121. versatile 多功能;多才多艺 versatile jet 全天候飞机122. high seas 公海 high street 商业街wall street 华尔街(代表:美国的金融界)fleet street 舰队街(代表:英国的新闻媒体)123. perseverance 坚持(品质)persistence 124. insist = contend =

10、argue125. altruism 126. invaluable asset 非常宝贵的财产;非常宝贵的品质127. Homo sapiens 现代智人 = human being =人54. rein in=control=curb 词汇突破14 keep a tight rein on reins=means of control 控制手段curb the anger 控制住你的暴脾气curb spending 控制开支55. rail against 反对56. appealing = arresting 有吸引力的57. unveil 首次公开(科技届很喜欢这个单词)unveil

11、new models at the Motor Show 58. reckless 鲁莽,不计后果reckless spender 乱花钱的人reckless gambler reckless driving 胡乱开车的人disgrace humiliating behaviorHe is quite reckless his own safety The scheme of the president is reckless of the cost.59. scant= not enoughThe example concerning the cost and benefit of the

12、globalization is still scant. 60. vague vague : not clearly expressed vague description 模糊的描述 I am still vague about what you want. 61. sober sober sb up sobering effect 使人清醒的作用 The bad news has a sobering effects on all of us. a very sober and hard-working man sobering story 62. visible=apparent=ob

13、vious visual 63. envisage imagine envision conceive 64. prospect 65. boring =routine = tedious =monotonous66. mercy at the mercy of sb./sth. 任由某人摆布,任由某事摆布。 The ship was at the mercy of the perfect storm.67. consistence consist consist in在于True education does not consist in being taught just anything.The education does not simply consist in learning a lot of facts.68. unfettered fetter unfetter = shrug off69. bureaucracy = organization 70. dismiss dismiss A as B:认为A是B而不予考虑 Donald Trump dismissed the option poll as worthless.


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