【师说】2015-2016学年高中英语新课标人教版必修3课时作业 3.3《Grammar & Writing》

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《【师说】2015-2016学年高中英语新课标人教版必修3课时作业 3.3《Grammar & Writing》》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【师说】2015-2016学年高中英语新课标人教版必修3课时作业 3.3《Grammar & Writing》(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家 版权所有高考资源网- 1 -新提升课时作业.易混选词填空1A.whatBthat(1)He telephoned Mary _ he wanted to see her.(2)This is _ I want to say and that is all _ I want to do.(3)The coffee we had today was different from _ we had yesterday.(4)Madame Curie discovered _ she called radium.2A.if (If)Bwhether (Whether)

2、(1)I want to know _ she has gone shopping.(2)We wondered _ that man was a spy or not.(3)It depends on _ we will be ready in time.(4)I dont know _ he will come to the office.(5)_ he comes, Ill tell him at once.(6)Almost all people enjoy sports, _ boys or girls, men or women.3A.who Bwhoever(1)We haven

3、t decided _ will go to the sales department.(2)Teachers tend to like _ works hard at school.答案:1(1)B(2)AB(3)A (4)A2(1)A/B(2)B(3)B (4)A(5)A(6)B3(1)A(2)B.选用适当的连接词填空where; that; why; whether; what; as if; whatever; who; because; when; how1Im wondering _ you are always late for class.2I am not sure _ he

4、 will lend me a hand.3My parents are very kind to me and always let me do _ I think I should do.4The trouble is _ I am anxious to telephone Mr. Smith but I have lost his number.5The question discussed at the meeting was _ it is worth trying.6We think it necessary _ we take plenty of hot water every

5、day.7Do you remember _ he came here?8All this was over twenty years ago, but it is _ it were only yesterday.答案:1.why2.whether3.what4.that5.whether6.that7.when/how/why 8.as if.句型转换1Soon we arrived at the place we called the Fairy Island.Soon we arrived at _ the Fairy Island.2It is believed that this

6、medicine will cure his disease.People believe _.3Whether we shall attend the meeting hasnt been decided yet.We havent decided _.4The question whether it was worth trying had been discussed at the meeting.The question discussed at the meeting _.5It is necessary that we take plenty of hot water every

7、day.We think _ necessary _.答案:1what we called2(that) this medicine will cure his disease3whether we shall attend the meeting4was whether is was worth trying高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家 版权所有高考资源网- 2 -5it; that we take plenty of hot water every day.单句改错1My idea is you should not rely on others to do everything fo

8、r you._2This is that they have been eating these days._3I know nothing about him except that I read in the newspaper._4My question is if you will go to the park tomorrow._5She didnt say if her sister plans to come._6I never doubt whether he can speak three foreign languages._答案:1.is 后加 that2.thatwha

9、t 3.that what 4.ifwhether5.plansplanned6.whetherthat.用宾语从句或表语从句翻译下列句子1我们觉得他不帮助她是不对的。_2你们取得了很快的进步,我很满意。_3她记起了她把伞忘在图书馆了。_4很抱歉,我想我并不认识你。_5他说课文非常重要,我们应该背下来。_6我们正在谈论这事你该不该做。_7医生的忠告是你不该再吸烟了。_8他们看上去这样苍老,那是因为他们曾经辛辛苦苦地劳动了十年。_9她的苦恼是她不知道怎样来改进教学工作。_10他的建议是办公室内不允许抽烟。_答案与解析:1解析:注意结构 it 做形式宾语的用法。答案:We think it is

10、wrong that he didnt help her.2解析:be satisfied 可以接从句,也可以接 with 加名词。 “取得进步”的短语是 make progress。答案:Im satisfied that youve made rapid progress.3解析:先要注意整句时态是一般过去时。再要注意两个动作的先后关系。 leave 的动作发生在 remember 之前,所以要用过去完成时。答案:She remembered that she had left her umbrella in the library.4解析:要注意 think 用于第一、二人称时,从句的否

11、定形式要转移到主句上来。答案:Im sorry, but I dont think I know you.5解析:注意宾语从句中,主句用了 过去时态,从句也要用相对应的过去时态。答案:He said that the text was very important and that we should learn it by heart.6解析:疑问句做宾语从句时,要用 陈述句的语序。答案:We are talking about whether you should do it.7解析:此句是表语从句的用法。如果是 陈述句,并且内容是对主语的进一步说明,用that 引导。答案:The doctors advice is that you should not smoke any more.8解析:表语从句,如果从句表原因,则用 because 引导 。答案:They looked so old. Thats because they had worked hard for ten years.高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家www.ks5u.



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